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Guild Wars 2 |OT5| We've got fun and games

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Well if the NPCs are being skirmished, we'll have a funny draw on our hands.

I saw the changes; it might be worth trying to intentionally be behind on points by 10 or 5 by the 12:00 mark to get a hero close by to push for points.

Speaking of heroes, I think a support of two archers with the guy will be helpful.

Also there's the interest of someone who could back up treb the lanes. Anyone on the team feel confident on a treb?
My general point is that it's likely better to kill those killing/supporting NPCs rather than buff/heal the NPCs themselves.

I don't think we'll have the mechanics down well enough to deliberately sacrifice a guard or structure to engineer the score like that. It will still be pinged 30 seconds ahead of time; that's plenty of warning.

The treb is essentially a defensive sub-role when NPCs are in the middle lane/on the first gate. It's situational, so I don't think we'll need to devote anyone to it specifically.

My greater concerns are our roles, and how that relates to things like "who breaks off to get the hero" and "how do we coordinate mid-match supply runs so we're not sending one npc in at a time."


Well I'm definitely setup for skirmish/spiking down NPCs - I was thinking of bringing Hammer instead of GS for more area denial/interrupts.

My thoughts for "who gets the hero" likely involves Lump - being Hambow warrior with Balanced Stance should help - and I can be there to provide "Stand your Ground!".

Watching matches, I've seen most players dump their supply, run for a supply run together, and drop some more archers out. I think a good amount of doorbreakers range in 3 to 4 (groups of 2 if possible).

I'm still watching the twitch channel to view more strats.

I'm thinking Tome of Wrath would be great in the Lord's room


I'm home in 10 minutes. I actually could have been part of the tournament. Dammit. Guess I'll just dick around in unranked until you guys are on stream. That or play Splatoon.


Whew still feeling good with stronghold. Celestial Rifle is pretty fun once I make some good combos for myself to use heh. Kind of hope dat Celestial nerf won't be too bad.:p
Lol, gamers are so dumb. I stumbled on Reddit and there are people complaining about no content since HoT was announced; yet the entire time before HoT people would bitch about there being no expansion packs and would give up two week updates for a content drop. Rofl. These gamers have no clue what they want.


Lol, gamers are so dumb. I stumbled on Reddit and there are people complaining about no content since HoT was announced; yet the entire time before HoT people would bitch about there being no expansion packs and would give up two week updates for a content drop. Rofl. These gamers have no clue what they want.

It's not the same people. You have a very vocal minority who wanted an expansion because that's what they're used to and that's what they want. Now that HoT is announced, a different vocal minority has taken over and is loudly proclaiming. I would be very surprised if there was any overlap between the two camps that didn't fall under "generalized subreddit trolling".

You can please all of the people some of the time, or some of the people all of the time, but you can never please all of the people all of the time. If they had announced HoT but kept the Living Story running in the interim, you'd likely have people complaining about the Living Story taking resources away from HoT (and vice versa), being pointless because an expansion is coming, isn't Super Adventure Box, etc.
Lol, gamers are so dumb. I stumbled on Reddit and there are people complaining about no content since HoT was announced; yet the entire time before HoT people would bitch about there being no expansion packs and would give up two week updates for a content drop. Rofl. These gamers have no clue what they want.

I saw the thread, and I posted in it.

Basically thoughts are;

The most important thing, one way or the other is that the content is good. It's not just a given that HoT will be a good expansion. Think about it. It's really risky. HoT is really untraditional - Not just for a MMORPG, but a RPG expansion in general. By no growth in power, gear, levels, it's a really contrast to other RPG expansions. It follows GW1, which wasn't really a MMO, and so you are bound to have a level of backslash from that.

Not only that, but ArenaNet has been really smart by taking a conservative stance on adding new land mass. You already know that there will be people who will go: "3 new areas? really, that's it? pffttt... Game x had 200 miles of land mass in its expansion!"
It's normal for gamers (generalizing) to want more. More weapons, more levels, more enemies. We just throw more more more after shit and think that the distraction caused by novelty is enough to mask bad game design, but ArenaNet is really smart.

So I think a lot of casual gamers, are going to need to be really convinced to see the value in the expansion, and that concerns me. Living Story was less of a risk because, it was only part of a living content strategy which added tremendous value to the game, even if you didnt care for the LS itself. The quality of life updates, improvements to gameplay, balancing and just gameplay additions and new tech.

I really hope HoT will be great for the game, get great reviews and score some great feedback for the game. That is its chance, and if it ends up being misunderstood and compared to other MMORPG expansions- on their terms and feature sets, well, then that is really, really bad.

In a perfect world we would want LS updates released all the way up until Expansion released, but that has obviously not been a strategy they have been able to maintain. I remember videos by Dontain back in 2012 who was angry at the lack of expansions. You're totally right about "damn if you do, damn if you don't".
People want to drag the game in thousands different directions. It's really flattering if you think about it. This game is strong in a crazy amount of areas, and the dedicated player groups to each aspect are a testament to that. The problem is when a group feels (perhaps rightfully so) shafted for a long time. sPvP'ers felt ignored for the longest time, and now WvW'ers feel it to.

And the dungeons vs fractals crowd shows a completely different and rather bizarre war. ArenaNet are very liberal. There is no other studio who has a design philosophy like this. Many talk about less is more, but that is really hard to sell to some gamers.



Lets rock!:p

Damn Captain Marvel mood heh.


Nope, they are picking and choosing which ones to watch.

We lost, but our two games we played were SO CLOSE and our coordination broke down at times.

It was just one of those things. A hell of a lot of fun though!


Tsk, well good try. I think they are going to need to have the NPC doors clickable if they aren't already (and doesn't seem like it, but that can be check on) or enemy players can't die right in front of the door, cause try to get the door breakers at one point with the supply drops in the way was annoying as hell.


Sonic handles my blue balls
I kept splintering off when getting supply to intercept door breakers. I was traited for piercing arrow and given how clumped together they were I ripped through them like nothing when they lined up. Not sure if that was for the best or not given how it took away from our offense. It's one of those "who knows" situations.

A Mesmer seems to be a huge help in getting around the map though. Helped them a ton in moving supply.


Hm doors are clickable, but won't be the first time I seen interacts gets block off by other interacts close to it (like I remember trolls that would put down food and crap right into those WvW portals before a reset, thus extremely hard to click on the portal itself). I guess I could have spawn a archer, and then take one of the supply drops to make way, but maybe I should still report this anyway.

Honestly is the other team being able to have access in the area of our NPC spawns needed anyway?


It was a valiant effort Team GAF. Sorry to hear the news.

Wife and I got the keys to our first house yesterday! We are super excited to move in by end of this month so when our son is born in July, we will already be settled down in our new house.

Woah, woah, woah. Kos has a wife? And a child on the way?

Congrats, man


Wife and I got the keys to our first house yesterday! We are super excited to move in by end of this month so when our son is born in July, we will already be settled down in our new house.

Hey, congratulations. Looks like a nice place.

I wonder what percentage of players have ever met the Crazed Quaggan in the Lair of the Coil? I'm having a lot of fun exploring every nook and cranny of this map, haha.

Timberline falls is a great map, one of my favorites (along with Lornar's Pass, fuck the haters). I love how both zones transition from snow to forest, so instead of having a single kind of theme, they go all over the place aesthetically and thematically.

Most of the Ascalon maps are high on my list too. There aren't many zones in this game I can actually complain about too much, Southsun feeling half-finished is really about it. I've even been enjoying a new-found appreciation for Bloodtide / Sparkfly lately.


Hey, congratulations. Looks like a nice place.

Timberline falls is a great map, one of my favorites (along with Lornar's Pass, fuck the haters). I love how both zones transition from snow to forest, so instead of having a single kind of theme, they go all over the place aesthetically and thematically.

Most of the Ascalon maps are high on my list too. There aren't many zones in this game I can actually complain about too much, Southsun feeling half-finished is really about it. I've even been enjoying a new-found appreciation for Bloodtide / Sparkfly lately.

Here's hoping Karka in the steel beams means more crazy Southsun shenanigans!
Timberline falls is a great map, one of my favorites (along with Lornar's Pass, fuck the haters). I love how both zones transition from snow to forest, so instead of having a single kind of theme, they go all over the place aesthetically and thematically.


I took something like 200 screenshots, but I picked out a few favorites. I really love the environment design of the zone.


Quick post before I force myself to bed.

The biggest problem I foresee with Stronghold is the same problem Conquest has. It's too deep. Or at least too deep initially. There are just too many options to create varying strategies for it to survive as a simple pick-up mode for very long.

Guild Wars 2 needs a simple pug mode. Even if it's just Team Deathmatch, it needs to be 3v3 or 4v4 maximum as that's already too many players and enemies to keep track of in what's essentially still a tab targeted system that greatly favors the outnumbering party.

With the number of options in Stronghold (player splits, player builds/roles, doorbreaker/archer splits, hero rotations, supply running, attacking, defending, treb usage, who knows what else I've forgotten), plus the teamwork/coordination that would be needed at higher level play, at times it feels like it was made to be equal to or succeed/replace Conquest. It feels like that was the reason why we waited years for a new mode instead of just putting out something simple they could have put out quickly that players in general would have liked, while being suited to 5v5 if they wanted to keep it in the current queue system.

They need a dumbed down mode that lowers the amount of advantage a team with voice comms would have against one without.

Edit: Forgot solutions. One option is to provide 3v3 arenas using Courtyard, but Courtyard is too big. I'd make it just the center area of Courtyard, possibly rotating the rampway up from the center so that it goes up towards the center and acts as a high ground. Another option in the form of the game mode is one that I even posted on the forums about when they were asking for PvP game modes so long ago... Just make a TF2 style capture points. Either attack/defense (so there's only ever one capture point active) or push style (so there's only ever two).
Nice! Looks kind of big.
Tall but narrow. Townhouse is what they call it Canada, there is a whole row of houses attached on the left side.

Well, she is pregnant. ◔_◔
Oh you.

Kos bought the refurbished Ghostbusters fire station.

Woah, woah, woah. Kos has a wife? And a child on the way?

Congrats, man
Thanks bud.

You haven't heard of the Kosling?
If that's actually in that kid's name somewhere I will send Kos 50 gold.
No Kosling will not be anywhere in his name. It will be Adrian.

Hey, congratulations. Looks like a nice place.
Thanks, Will.


Congrats on the new crib,kos.

Also, Ike without an Arcanine avatar?

Who are you and what have you done to the real Ike?


Tall but narrow. Townhouse is what they call it Canada, there is a whole row of houses attached on the left side.

No Kosling will not be anywhere in his name. It will be Adrian.

Ah, that's right. That's what they call them down here too.

The name's good and safe and he should never get picked on because of it.
Quick post before I force myself to bed.

The biggest problem I foresee with Stronghold is the same problem Conquest has. It's too deep. Or at least too deep initially. There are just too many options to create varying strategies for it to survive as a simple pick-up mode for very long.

Guild Wars 2 needs a simple pug mode. Even if it's just Team Deathmatch, it needs to be 3v3 or 4v4 maximum as that's already too many players and enemies to keep track of in what's essentially still a tab targeted system that greatly favors the outnumbering party.

With the number of options in Stronghold (player splits, player builds/roles, doorbreaker/archer splits, hero rotations, supply running, attacking, defending, treb usage, who knows what else I've forgotten), plus the teamwork/coordination that would be needed at higher level play, at times it feels like it was made to be equal to or succeed/replace Conquest. It feels like that was the reason why we waited years for a new mode instead of just putting out something simple they could have put out quickly that players in general would have liked, while being suited to 5v5 if they wanted to keep it in the current queue system.

They need a dumbed down mode that lowers the amount of advantage a team with voice comms would have against one without.

Edit: Forgot solutions. One option is to provide 3v3 arenas using Courtyard, but Courtyard is too big. I'd make it just the center area of Courtyard, possibly rotating the rampway up from the center so that it goes up towards the center and acts as a high ground. Another option in the form of the game mode is one that I even posted on the forums about when they were asking for PvP game modes so long ago... Just make a TF2 style capture points. Either attack/defense (so there's only ever one capture point active) or push style (so there's only ever two).
Too deep? You cannot claim something is deep when you haven't had an extended amount of time playing it. Also SH is actually less deeper than conquest which gives pugs a more interesting match.

3v3 will never be implemented because it will benefit certain classes significantly more than conquest currently does. Secondly, it is just a terrible and interesting mode in general if your goal is esport and a faint waste of resources that could be used somewhere else like making more maps for stronghold.
Wife and I got the keys to our first house yesterday! We are super excited to move in by end of this month so when our son is born in July, we will already be settled down in our new house.

Typical Kos. Can't wait for Guild Halls so gets one in real life.

Also is that even Cananda? Where is the snow? Moose?

GDC Vault: Building a Better Centaur: AI at a massive scale: http://www.gdcvault.com/play/1021848/Building-a-Better-Centaur-AI

There is no actual HoT gameplay, and they talk in codespeak, but it seems to drive some (but they made it clear that it is not all) of the AI in HoT. I don't understand too much about it, but it looks cool, and it sounds like they are going to outsource this tech to other games.

My biggest pet peeve with the new wave of MMOs like Black Desert and Blade'n Soul is that they are driven by really bad AI systems. From Spawn to behaviors, it is amazing how much they stick out as a sore thump, when graphics and effects look so amazing. But to be fair, lack of progress with AI has been a genuine problem for many years.

Also if you haven't seen Colins / Flannums presentation from GDC back in 2010, it's really cool. The most comprehensible video on their design philosophy to date IMO. It also shows Dynamic Events running in GW1 and GW1 expansion Utopia: http://www.gdcvault.com/play/1013691/Designing-Guild-Wars-2-Dynamic


The Cryptarch's Bane
Timberline falls is a great map, one of my favorites (along with Lornar's Pass, fuck the haters). I love how both zones transition from snow to forest, so instead of having a single kind of theme, they go all over the place aesthetically and thematically.

Most of the Ascalon maps are high on my list too. There aren't many zones in this game I can actually complain about too much, Southsun feeling half-finished is really about it. I've even been enjoying a new-found appreciation for Bloodtide / Sparkfly lately.
There's a zone I do not like at all but I am having the most annoying time remembering what is it. Arrg! I am not specced to handle senility...

Holy fuck what zone is it. All that comes to mind is Centaurs but it's absolutely not Queensdale or Kessex Hills. There's a bounty in it for sure...

I also feel like Snowden Drifts doesn't do much to establish a memorable identity for itself compared to the other snowy icy zones. Dredgehaunt Cliffs has a dungeon, which itself sits smack in the middle of a massive persistent battle between the Priory and Dredge complete with meta events, and also has the awesome Dredge-infested spider Rush. Wayfarer has a ton of scenic variety plus the friendly feeling all of the newbie zones maintain. Frostgorge Sound is of course dominated by the Claw of Jormag in the sky, and Kodan everywhere, and yay Quaggan Rush! Whenever I realize the answer to "Where is that thing?" is Snowden I feel surprised.

But I at the very least enjoy every other zone, even including Southsun. And I downright love a big handful of them. My favorite as you know is Mount Maelstrom because of the same reasoning you've mentioned about Timberline, it's got sooo much aesthetic variety: dense jungle, swamps (one of which is home to the awesome Golem Mk. II), really varied jumping puzzles (one in technological ruins and the other a natural haven centered around a huge tree), canyons, a gigantic reactor with dungeon at its heart, a huge sea with Krait deeps, trapped Quaggans, a giant kelp bed, and a Largos assassin, and of course the titular volcano. It's so good! The Scarlet invasions going on there were my favorite, especially when there was a spawn wave in the little-seen Stychs structure in the south.

In the opposite vein, I love Bloodtide Coast for its strong thematic consistency throughout. I can feel myself becoming a pirate the longer I spend in that zone. Plus, it has one of the coolest "jumping puzzles," which is actually nothing of the sort, in Portmatt's lab.
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