I couldn't possibly care less about the PR-related nonsense and I certainly don't feel like some nerfarious fleecing of longtime customers is taking place for greed's sake. Seeing the comments that are starting to come from ANet's side, someone who counts obviously took a hard line with this pricing. The marketing and customer communications teams knew they were going to be taking a lot of crap for it, and I'm not indifferent to their need to put box sales back on the map or the resource investment that goes into a project like this.
Unfortunately, $50 is just too high an asking price for the expansion alone. $20 was a ludicrous dream, but I had expected no higher than $45 at most and had been sincerely hoping for more aggressive options for owners of the base game. I had mentioned before that the only numbers I cared about in terms of what was coming with Heart of Thorns were the price and release date. I expected the release date to come first, but certainly at the very least expected them to arrive together. Without the date, I'm being asked to plunk down the cash and wait some nebulous amount of time to get anything for it, and that's unappealing at any price... but specifically unpleasant at this one. This is all particularly unfortunate because I have no desire whatsoever to partake in Beta Weekend Events for the expansion. I loved them before the game released because I was starving just for the ability to be in the world and adjust to the controls and mechanics; I enjoyed the Edge of the Mists and Stronghold betas because they were feedback-centric and could actually contribute to their release, and were also non-narrative additions to the base game. But for me taking part in any beta events of HoT would merely be spoiling things I want to experience "for real" when it comes out, for no benefit. So there's no value there in the $50 to me, and I can live without the title; in other words, there's not the slightest reason for me to prepurchase the standard edition before instead of waiting to see if there are any deals prior to whenever the release ends up being, or otherwise only consider buying it afterward. That can't have been what they wanted.
This is certainly compounded by the fact that the aspect of the expansion I've by far been looking the most forward to is the new profession, and of course that necessitates a slot. At a hard dollar-gem-slot conversion that raises the effective cost of the expansion for a player like me to $59.99. I knew I got a % off deal from GMG for the original game and a quick sift through my email shows that I paid $53.96 for it, placing us firmly in ridiculous territory at this point. By all rights the expansion looks great to me and includes many features that are truly exciting, but no one is remotely attempting to position it as equivalent in value to the base game at launch. There is simply no chance that I'll pay
more for it. I never expected I would be asked to do that, even if the project had been doubled in scope and size from whatever it is right now. Truth be told, even $50
with a character slot is quite steep and would remain more than I expected. I could dive into the game and grind for the gold to convert and buy the slot, and for the moment that's the best option I can come up with, but I'm not sure I have the patience.
There is good news for brand new players as $50
is a deal, even a great deal, for both the base game and the expansion; it's just deeply unclear what the value of each is determined to be at this point, and the standard edition has shallow appeal to existing accounts. The Deluxe edition feels shockingly worse: with the $10 factored in for the character slot, we're talking $15 for- while I'm a fan of shiny digital junk, personally- shiny digital junk. However, the Ultimate edition is a legitimately good deal. Depending on your perspective, you get the expansion and a $50 gem card plus a free character slot and shiny digital junk, or the expansion and a character slot, plus a $10 discount on a $50 gem card and free shiny digital junk. It's the only option I'd personally consider right now, and it is appealing to just buy it as I'm seeing other veterans here do. However, when I run into this situation (feeling pressured to buy a more expensive option I don't specifically desire because of how poor the value of the base option is), my instinct is just to shut down and do nothing, and that's where I'm at now.
To add one final point, this comment:
We'll most certainly help anyone out who just bought the core game and would like to make the change to a HoT pre-purchase.
Is meant to be a show of good faith, as unwitting buyers from now until whenever release is could be
rather screwed by having to double-up on purchases. In practice, however, this stance basically creates a bizarre lattice of overlapping price points, none of which currently make a whole lot of sense. It's clear ArenaNet wants to simply do away with selling the base game at all long term, and that may prove a wise move; but for the moment, the
Heroic Edition retails for $39.99... if someone "makes the change" to a HoT pre-purchase and are charged the $10 difference, they're nominally getting the expansion for that $10. But then what of anyone who recently bought (or buys in an upcoming external) a base game key for less than that- as low as $10. Do they demonstrate proof of purchase and then pay whatever the difference between what they paid and $50 is? Pay some fixed amount (that won't be made public) establishing the "true value" of HoT? How about the
Digital Deluxe Edition currently available for $59.99? 10 more than the standard HoT, 15 less than the Deluxe. Do they get the expansion for "free"? A $10 refund to match the prepurchase price, and the original digital download items for free? Or still a $10 charge, considering the value of the digital items to be $20 in spite of the new expansion pricing? Just to round out this mess with the absolute most ridiculous case, what if someone decides to splurge on the
Original boxed Collector's Edition for ~$200? Expansion included? Partial refund? Laughable $10 charge despite having already paid over twice the
Ultimate edition of HoT prepurchase?
This is all a bit like someone asked me to describe the worst case scenario of GW2's pricing model- something I've long been and remain a champion of. Regardless of whether or not they offer any peace offerings as a result of the dustup or just hold a hard line this time around, I don't expect it to be replicated next time.
edit: Yikes. Not often I feel lucky to be in Florida