Okay, it wasn't until the last couple of days I found out that the Revenant is so strict on build options. I thought that since you had a legend swap, you would get to customize the skills on each legend. Since it would be a bit much to have 2 elite or 2 healing skills per legend, they'd compensate with 4-6 utilities you could choose to put on your bar for each legend.
While they still have access to 15 skills which is a little below the average but not too bad, they feel like they need more customization. If my original concept of the profession is not a proper idea, then I may have to concede to the idea of having the swap button swap both the weapon and legend, or even just having separate swaps between F1 and the weapon swap key. I can't think of anything else that will keep the class from feeling... stiff to players. Plus, doesn't that mean you're extra hamstrung given the current specialization mastery system?
Oh, I suppose they could have a few generic utility skills that can be swapped into any legend and connect to the generic Invocation line. Another option would be to have the 3 and 5 skills change depending on the legend you're on, and perhaps an auto attack effect...
Last criticism is that as flashy as the skills are, I can tell how stiff they feel just from watching videos. ANet knows how to manipulate/polish animations and after casts well, so I'm not too worried when you consider they only were willing to show the animations for a single race, but I can't help but make the observational comment.