Kos Luftar
After Zeroths constant prediction of dual warhorn warrior, he gets a warhorn for his recent most played class.
ANET listens!
ANET listens!
Out of curiosity, does anyone here have learned the recipes for the Superior Sigil of Malice and the Superior Sigil of Bursting? The recipes were account bound and could only be acquired on the first queen's jubilee release, and I was wondering if I could request to make some for me. I'll pay the mats, of course.
So it seems that heart of thorns is coming with new weapons then?
I wish GW2 had the kind of stories in Elder Scrolls Online. In that game I'm finding myself caring about characters or questioning decisions at a level where I actually sit and think about it. In GW2 I only ever cared about Apatia and she vanished for about half a year thanks to the devs. Other than that, and Tybalt, I find the GW2 cast and stories a bit meh. I suppose this is mostly due to the nature of dynamic events / living story vs story chains with dialogue. There's so much of the latter in ESO that while a lot is meh, every once in a while something sticks and works really well.
Thief: Some art shows a thief wielding a staff and there's one in the data files, but nothing has been confirmed yet.
Sooo... what about all the Revs with Bifrost?Staff on Thief just sounds really weird, plus I can't imagine a Thief running around with Bifrost! Personally, I'm going to say rifle.
I'm hoping in HoT they find their story telling groove.
I just looked at Dulfy's site and the only weapon gallery missing is Warhorns.
Sooo... what about all the Revs with Bifrost?I really want a melee staff for thieves. It doesn't sound that weird when you look at the bō and japanese martial arts. That would suit the thief perfectly!
Staff on Thief just sounds really weird, plus I can't imagine a Thief running around with Bifrost! Personally, I'm going to say rifle.
Meanwhile torch will cry in the corner because no one even noticed it was missing too.
You a fan of Dolphins?
Sorry, I had to do it, I love you.
Basically the main reason why I'm holding off on pre-purchasing the expansion. My main gripe in the game atm is the lack of meaningful PvE content and/or endgame content. Dungeon running is a joke, Fractals are painfully easy once you've ran it for the 100th+ time, and world bosses are zerg fests.
I wish GW2 had the kind of stories in Elder Scrolls Online. In that game I'm finding myself caring about characters or questioning decisions at a level where I actually sit and think about it. In GW2 I only ever cared about Apatia and she vanished for about half a year thanks to the devs. Other than that, and Tybalt, I find the GW2 cast and stories a bit meh. I suppose this is mostly due to the nature of dynamic events / living story vs story chains with dialogue. There's so much of the latter in ESO that while a lot is meh, every once in a while something sticks and works really well.
all i asked was a main weapon.
they gave me a fucking vuvuzela.
Anet hates elementalists /cry
There is some shockingly good stories in SWTOR. It's a very gratifying experience to play those. Particularly if you enjoyed the old KOTOR games.
all i asked was a main weapon.
they gave me a fucking vuvuzela.
Anet hates elementalists /cry
The mechanic is you doot and thank mr skeletal and he gives you strong bones.
all i asked was a main weapon.
they gave me a fucking vuvuzela.
Anet hates elementalists /cry
Today is the first time there has ever been a Daily Scale 31-40 Fractal achievement.
How about some regular dungeon dailies? How many people really even bother to get enough agony resistance to do fractals that high? I would think it is a smaller portion of the population than those who do almost anything else in the game.
Finally hit 52! So much fun exploring and leveling up. But I seriously hate finding vistas. Anyway, should I do dungeons such as AC, TM, TA now or later?
Finally hit 52! So much fun exploring and leveling up. But I seriously hate finding vistas. Anyway, should I do dungeons such as AC, TM, TA now or later?
Hawkian renamed HoatzinI hope you all are doing well! I am here
Finally hit 52! So much fun exploring and leveling up. But I seriously hate finding vistas. Anyway, should I do dungeons such as AC, TM, TA now or later?
Should just scrap the concept of rewarding tiers and reward doing a full fractal run (removing the current daily fractal) and push some "do 2 dungeon paths" dailies.
If you ever wanted to know what the Ascended version of DaB gambling looks like, watch the vid..
One day i will give this a shot..
daily arah pls
Daily arah: run all 4 explorable arah paths( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
So I kinda clicked on this thread on a whim last night and I didn't expect to come away from the OP wanting to play the game, but I did. My question to you guys is should I jump in now or wait for the influx of new players with the release of the expansion?
So I kinda clicked on this thread on a whim last night and I didn't expect to come away from the OP wanting to play the game, but I did. My question to you guys is should I jump in now or wait for the influx of new players with the release of the expansion?
A third week with no new gem store items or sales? Is something going on at Anet? I've played the game a long while and never saw a gap in gem store new items / sales like this before.
Honestly, with the Megaserver system, it doesn't really matter that much because the game is putting you in the most populated version of each map it can; a bunch of new players just means a bunch of copies of each map will be populated, that's all. When I take my alts to various maps I still see plenty of people and the guild itself is only slightly quieter than usual (which is to be expected, pre-expansion is always quiet).
If you pick up the game now, that's a month or two (at least, no release date on the expansion yet) to get your bearings, try a few different professions, build up a little money and materials, etc. before the expansion craziness happens and there's a dozen new things to learn.
It will never be too early/late to start, so if you're interested in it now you might as well give it a try. There's an expansion coming out at some point (no release date announced yet) and prepurchase is already available, so if you buy a copy from guildwars2.com you get the base game "for free" and the expansion whenever it comes out.
Thanks for the input guys. Is prepurchasing the expansion the only way to get the core game? Not really seeing where to buy it on the site. I'll probably give a little more thought to it this week before buying, but maybe I'll see you guys soon!
Thanks for the input guys. Is prepurchasing the expansion the only way to get the core game? Not really seeing where to buy it on the site. I'll probably give a little more thought to it this week before buying, but maybe I'll see you guys soon!
Seems like the consensus is that the Tempest will get Symbols from Warhorn (or other stuff?)
It's likely that the Utility skills will do something that compliments the Warhorn
It's likely that the Utility skills will do something that compliments the Warhorn