Ranger smells give me thief spec
Ranger smells give me thief spec
you heard me smelly
ANet dev showed up in LA last week as a ranger pet and invisible ranger. Just like they did as a Revenant before Ventari was revealedWhy does everyone think it's going to be druid?
Today must have been the Thief elite spec teaser. It's just so stealthy we can't see it.
Reddit sez that Rubi went on a trip to Cali for GW2HoT so there might be something going down soon
Rubi... Bayer. Bear...
In LA.. Lion's Arch....
Recording dialogue with April Stewart... April....
Half Life 3 confirmed.
Looks like ANet are upgrading their backbone of their accounts system (go login and see the new stuff!)
Also if you do two-factor authentication you can get the mystical dragon mini.
Honestly, I almost thought this was a joke post. Have I lost faith in the ANet?
It looks like Nolan North recorded some new lines for HoT today.
How do I double authentication?
Okay, I've already gotten the dragon.
Now I can't unlink the authenticator due to "inaccurate time". Help D:
Okay, I've already gotten the dragon.
Now I can't unlink the authenticator due to "inaccurate time". Help D:
I honestly don't see why you would disable it. Just authorize your PC and that's it, you never have to type the code in again for that PC. I think the only thing that might trigger it is if you start messing with your network.
I've had it enabled since they put it in and I think I've typed the code in... twice? Once just for the first time, and the second time when I upgraded my router.
it's the secret key that's annoying
also Zeal has greatsword recharge and damage buff but Honor has the might per crit
I can't give up Virtues or Radiance, so which should I pick? Does Honor stack with the sigil that grants might per crit?
Are you supposed to get the mini automatically if you already have 2 factor enabled ? (cause I didn't)
it's the secret key that's annoying
also Zeal has greatsword recharge and damage buff but Honor has the might per crit
I can't give up Virtues or Radiance, so which should I pick? Does Honor stack with the sigil that grants might per crit?
It looks as if the silence is because a patch is rolling out tomorrow.
Finally new 💎 store stuff?
Symbols feel like it's for defensive guardian but maybe I am looking at it wrong.
Yeah I'm shock at the lack of BL stuff.
Are you supposed to get the mini automatically if you already have 2 factor enabled ? (cause I didn't)
Magister Ela Makkay of the Durmand Priory has been busy chronicling Scarlets War (known outside of Tyria as Living World Season 1). Shed like to share her research with you when youre ready. Simply activate Season 1 History Lesson, located under Scarlets War in your Story Journal, to learn more. (Note: You must use a level 80 character to access this recap.)
Weve added new graphics options for players with higher-end machines.
Tune the look of your scene with ambient occlusion or light adaptation.
Choose between two extra antialiasing options: SMAA Low and SMAA High.
World Polish
Lions Arch
- Added a dungeon vendor marker.
- Added repair-station markers.
- Fixed the marker for Fractals of the Mists.
- Changed the color of squad chat to blue-green to make it more distinct from GM whisper.
- Fixed an issue in which equipping the Monks Outfit caused characters legs to disappear.
- Fixed a bug in which achievement points and titles for Hall of Monuments were incorrectly given to some players. The points and titles have been removed. Any achievement chests that were received as a result of this bug were kept intact but will not be given out a second time.
- Fixed a bug in which a cryptobotanist gave too many bandit crests in exchange for a Mordrem heart.
Personal Story
- Fixed a bug in the Story Journal that activated the most recently unlocked Living World episode upon Personal Story completion. The system will now check for the next available episode in release order. If that episode is already unlocked but not completed, it will be activated. If it is not unlocked, the user must manually select the desired Living World episode.
- The Living World Season 1 recap video has English voice-over only. VO and subtitles for additional supported languages will be implemented in a future release.
- Sigil of Doom: Updated this sigil to apply poison for 4, 6, and 8 seconds, based on the item tier.
Profession Skills
- Ferocious Winds: Fixed an issue that caused this trait to contribute toughness to ferocity instead of precision as intended.
- Fresh Air: The internal cooldown for this trait has been correctly removed.
- Hip Shot: Increased the range to 1200.
- Net Shot: Increased the range to 1200.
- Blunderbuss: Increased the range to 700.
- Overcharged Shot: Increased the range to 600.
- Jump Shot: Increased the range to 800.
- Over Shield: Fixed a bug that prevented this trait from properly reducing the recharge of the Static Shield skill.
- Mortar KitFlash Shell: Fixed an issue that caused this skill to pulse every 2 seconds instead of every second.
- Bomb KitSmoke Bomb: Fixed an issue that caused this skill to detonate at the player location rather than the bomb location.
- Sword of Justice: Removed the unnecessary skill fact when Expeditious Spirit is equipped.
- Invigorated Bulwark: Fixed an issue that caused this ability to apply for 8 seconds instead of the full 10 seconds.
- Wrath of Justice: This skill no longer incorrectly sets Signet of Wrath on cooldown.
- Judges Intervention: Fixed a bug that caused this skills recharge to be reduced by Smiters Boon.
- Justice is Blind: This trait no longer penetrates through defenses such as block and evasion.
- Menders Purity: Fixed a bug that prevented this trait from working with the last charge of Mantra of Recovery.
- Imagined Burden: This trait now grants might only while you are in combat.
- Malicious Sorcery: Fixed a bug that prevented this trait from properly applying its increased attack-speed effect.
- Blinding Dissipation: This trait no longer penetrates through defenses such as block and evasion.
- Confounding Suggestions: Fixed a bug that caused this trait to function improperly with some runes and sigils.
- Ineptitude: This trait no longer penetrates through defenses such as block and evasion.
- Mirror Blade: Reduced number of bounces from 4 to 3.
- Mantras: Fixed a bug that caused mantras to begin recharging as soon as the preparation skill was complete instead of when the last charge was expended.
- Mantra of Distraction: Reduced this skills recharge from 30 seconds to 20 seconds.
- Harmonious Mantras: Reduced the damage bonus per stack of this trait from 4% to 3%.
- Signet of Vampirism: Fixed a bug that caused this skill to heal for more than its listed value.
- Chilling Darkness: This trait now activates on all targets that are blinded by a single area-of-effect blinding strike before it goes on cooldown.
- Spinal Shivers: Removed an incorrect unblockable skill fact from this skill. While this skill does remove aegis before striking, it is not unblockable.
- Unholy Martyr: Reduced life-force generation from 10% to 7% when transferring a condition.
- Corruptions: Self-applied, nondamaging conditions from these skills no longer have their durations increased by condition duration stats.
- Pets: Increased the power, precision, toughness, and vitality of pets by up to 150 at level 80.
- Crippling Talon: Increased the range to 1200.
- Throw Torch: Increased the range to 1200.
- Bonfire: Increased the radius to 240.
- Hunters Call: Increased the range to 1200.
- Call of the Wild: Increased the radius to 750.
- Whirling Defense: Increased the reflection radius to 150.
- Path of Scars: Increased the base range to 1200.
- Natures Vengeance: Fixed an issue that caused spirit effects to list a 70% chance on hit when using this trait.
- Light on Your Feet: Fixed an issue in which this trait granted 3 seconds of the effect instead of 4 seconds.
- We Heal as One!: Fixed an issue that prevented this skill from displaying the bonuses from the Resounding Timbre trait (the bonuses were still being properly applied).
- Strength of the Pack!: Fixed an issue that prevented this skill from displaying the bonuses from the Resounding Timbre trait (the bonuses were still being properly applied).
- Natural Healing: Fixed an issue that prevented this trait from affecting pets as frequently as it should have.
- Go for the Eyes: Fixed an issue that prevented this trait from activating while in a downed state.
- Wilting Strike: Fixed an issue that prevented this trait from activating while in a downed state.
- Beastly Warden: Fixed an issue that prevented this trait from activating while in a downed state.
- Unrelenting Strikes: Fixed an issue that prevented this trait from functioning correctly with missile attacks.
- Deadly Trapper: Increased the duration of might granted from this trait from 8 seconds to 10 seconds. Vulnerability now correctly applies for 10 seconds.
- Ambush: This trap now correctly applies might to the thief when triggered while Deadly Trapper is equipped.
- Shadow TrapShadow Pursuit: Fixed an issue that prevented this ability from recognizing the Deadly Trapper trait when applying might.
- No Quarter: This trait now applies ferocity bonuses to all instances of fury applied to the thief instead of all instances of fury that the thief applies (which included ferocity applied to allies).
- Feline Grace: Increased the duration of vigor from 2 seconds to 4 seconds.
- Blademaster: Fixed a bug that prevented this trait from reducing the recharge of Riposte.
- Signet of Might: Added a description for the unblockable effect caused by this skill.
- Berserkers Power: Fixed a bug that prevented this trait from functioning when used with the longbow burst skill Combustive Shot.
- Rampage: Lowered the duration from 20 seconds to 15 seconds. Increased the recharge from 150 seconds to 180 seconds.
New Items and Promotions
- Dreamthistle weapons have returned to Black Lion Weapons Specialists for three Black Lion Claim Tickets per skin. Black Lion Claim Tickets and Black Lion Claim Ticket Scraps can be found in Black Lion Chests.
Fixed an issue in which equipping the Monk's Outfit caused characters' legs to disappear.
I like how they now boosted the range of the ranger offhands since the trait is gone ;_;.
Catch the World vs. World Desert Borderlands Invitational Live on Twitch
by The Guild Wars 2 Team on July 28, 2015
Join us on Twitch on Thursday, July 30 as we celebrate our second World vs World Desert Borderlands Stress Test by pitting three community streamers against each other in the Desert Borderlands Invitational! In this event, Chemsorly, Shinryuku_ku, and Heurix, all playing locally from the ArenaNet offices, will be tasked with leading their respective teams to victory in a three-way battle in the new Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns Desert Borderlands WvW map. Well be streaming the action live from 3:00 p.m. Pacific Time (UTC-7) to 6:00 p.m. Pacific Time (UTC-7) on the official Guild Wars 2 Twitch channel, with ArenaNets own Hugh Norfolk and Jessica Boettiger hosting the event.
The Desert Borderlands Stress Test will begin at 2:00 p.m. Pacific Time (UTC-7) on July 30, and run for 24 hours. Weve increased the number of individuals well be inviting to this test by a considerable amount, so be sure to check the email account associated with your Guild Wars 2 account to see if youve received an invitation.
Well see you on the battlefield!