Yeah it was only for yesterday.
I logged in after the patch but still didn't get it. I'll have to try tonight when I get home.
Yeah it was only for yesterday.
Do you still get GPU problems if you uninstall inspector?Ugh, I went and messed with my nvidia inspector settings and now I can't get the AA to work. Exact same settings I was using, but my graphics are either all grey and flashing to their normal colors every so often, or their normal color and flashing to grey like a strobe light.
I reset the profile, triple checked the settings, but nothing works. Everything worked just fine before.
Last week I managed to solo Lupi on my Guardian
First one in the guild to solo new lupi afaik
I had the same problem.Nope, everything is perfect. If I reset the profile and just leave the defaults, the game looks just fine. It's just when I try to force AA through inspector things get wonky.
I guess being second just makes me the first loser. v_v
I had to wait for the bugged Blademaster trait to be fixed before I could manage it.
I guess being second just makes me the first loser. v_v
I had to wait for the bugged Blademaster trait to be fixed before I could manage it.
I guess being second just makes me the first loser. v_v
Well, I guess you're not going to like this either:
It stood out to me in one of his videos he admitted to having multiple characters with over something like 3000 hours of game time each, so he's free to finger all the bosses he wants.
I'm dedicated, just not that dedicated.
Does Lupi still have his bugged aa?
That_Shamans Leaked new Tengu models ( green and purple models) ; < Really shows the power of what a playable Tengu could give in terms of visual customization. Bird-Men are really underrepresented as a playable race.
Plus Birdman was one of the best films of last year.
Yes, but I think it's fair at this point to stop calling it a bug and start considering it as a "feature."
Charr footprints were eventually fixed!
Lupi's auto change is intentional though, and they haven't expressed any clear intention to revert it. It used to be that his ranged auto wouldn't hit in melee range, but he would still do the animation, so it was many seconds of him doing basically nothing.
I would be surprised if they changed it back but it sure would make soloing him much easier
Was it intentional? There was a topic in the bug forums about it but it got closed since discussion was derailed. Gaile said she'll check with the QA team but we never got an update.
That_Shamans Leaked new Tengu models ( green and purple models) ; < Really shows the power of what a playable Tengu could give in terms of visual customization. Bird-Men are really underrepresented as a playable race.
Plus Birdman was one of the best films of last year.
Is this real???
Is this real???
that_shaman is legit. He's been one of the main data-miners lately.
Real, but they're NPC models most likely.
'Crushed' ;_;
I was so sure we were getting them as a playable race in the expansion before anything about HoT was announced.
They got a pass by many because they added another class which I figure is far more difficult and I doubted we'd get one so soon so it's much appreciated. Would have been neat to create a Tengu Revenant though!I think they made the right call. I hope Kirsten Perry and her art team are on point.
Maybe we will get some jungle themed hairstyles, faces, tattoos/horns/beards?
Fuzzy-cavemen look, dreads, shamanic tribal face paint and facial hair, charr horns with totems and moss on them. For Sylvari maybe like a big tree growing out of the head, or a living mawdrey-like tentacle doing its own thing of the face.
Factions and Nightfall had this amazing thing, were they gave all the existing classes a whole new set of character customization, it actually gave a sense that players could see that your character came from a certain region. 'twas cool!
I had the same problem.
After a while I just said screw it and put the resolution on 1440 and switched on ubersampling.
After putting the Ui on maximum size I was satisfied.
As cool as playable Tengu would be, they have way too many unique features for ANet to bother to properly model armor around. They can't even bother with Charr horns half the time, there's no way they'd take into account all the feathers on the shoulders, back, arms, and head plus the ear/horn things.
I'll probably just have to switch over the SMAA High they put in, I guess. Unless Lump can help me out and chime in if he's having any issues. I'm using the settings he posted a while back, the ones from this site.
I was having inspector issues too, but reinstalled the driver and everything is fine now. Using sgssaa on the la noire compatibility.
It was flashing for me too but just seemed to correct itself with the reinstall.
I think they made the right call. I hope Kirsten Perry and her art team are on point.
They only count WvWers now since that's the only thing that counts for population.Did ANet increase server caps? I haven't seen Medium pop in NA...ever?
Did ANet increase server caps? I haven't seen Medium pop in NA...ever?
Anyone else updated to Windows 10? After the update I get way worse performance in-game, and it seems to look somewhat worse than it did earlier.
EDIT: Actually, it seems to be worse only in The Grove for whatever reason? I'm getting stable 30fps in there instead of 50-60fps, while elsewhere I still get mostly 60fps as I did earlier.
Bug FixesMesmer
- Fixed an issue that caused light-adaptation graphics settings to reset between sessions.
- SMAA is now selectable as an antialiasing option in-game.
- Portal: Fixed an issue that allowed players to have zero cooldown on reentering the portal when under the effects of resistance.
I'm having the fun time of taking the entire day to install Windows 10. WOO
I'm having the fun time of taking the entire day to install Windows 10. WOO
What does it do to all your programs? Any of your games or application that don't work on 10? I've always been told that doing OS upgrades was bad, but its not supposed to be like that with Win10. No performance bottlenecks for upgrading instead of fresh installs.
Why didn't you just upgrade? Only takes 15 min.
If you upgrade it doesn't do anything at all to well...anything. Everything is just as you left it. Only thing I had to do was install audio drivers and gpu drivers for my 970.