Reaper dmg seems a bit low. Ascended zerk, scholar runes. Other than Shroud #5 with its huge cool down, nothing hits hard or all that fast. Still far from optimized. Using all shouts (all traps) just to get used to them instead of an optimal setup with the new weapons.
I can second this; the various abilities feel great but they just aren't "there" yet in terms of damage and impact. I feel like as slow as their skills are they should be hitting a bit harder and I've seen some comments about Life Force generation that I agree with. The auto attack needs a little, I think. Someone on Reddit also mentioned that Gravedigger only hits once even though the animation looks like it's hitting twice.
GS#5's hit detection or pathfinding or something is really,
really off though, most of the time it straight up didn't work. Seemed to be mostly on slanted surfaces.
Shouts are alright. "You are all Weaklings!" can throw out 20 might stacks on the spot if you hit 5 targets, but it only lasts 5 seconds.. still pretty scary-looking though which I guess is the theme. The elite shout is amazing but a bit of a long CD for my tastes. Maybe less targets or shorter duration, I feel like shouts should all be short CDs by default but... it is an elite and pretty damn impressive.
I learnt today that I'm not good with roller coasters.
I'm terrified of heights but I forced myself onto the best coasters at Cedar Point just so I could say I rode them. That was enough for the rest of my days, coaster wise, and most of the ones I went on were or still are considered some of the best.
The RS 2 could use a little massaging I think; I'd rather either it stop forward movement on target connect or just be faster as a fixed-distance dash.
Yeah, right now it's acting like a "Plow through groups" ability which might be their intent but the lack of a leap / gap closer on Necro is noticeable (especially when their pulls don't work).
Gravedigger in particular for being some kind of supposed capstone skill in the weapon set is pretty unimpressive relative to its activation time. The damage per hit is solid but even if you're hitting a low health target the actual DPS is almost surely not advantageous to dagger 1 unless you're 3+ targets (especially due to how important attacks per second wind up being with traited Might stacks, nevermind LF considerations).
Gravedigger doesn't cause more damage to low health targets, it just refreshes faster. I had to look at that too since I was wondering why it wasn't hitting harder on nearly dead enemies.
I think that article was more about the map rewards system. I can't find the link now though.
This one?
I really don't like Hammer for Rev, I feel like the auto attack should be at least 15-20% faster the start up is brutally slow.
I'm pretty sure they either increased the damage or the attack speed of Hammer since the last beta. I think they've said they want it to be slow but hit hard, so I imagine if it gets improved much it'll be damage-wise.
Rapid Laceration trait, with Relenting Assault, and Impossible Odds for Rev(Shiro Stance) is god like DPS..
Something we found in dungeons last night that may have been an overlooked benefit; popping Impossible Odds to revive a downed player is an
amazing little trick.
I mean, was it too hard to put together a video showing the small bits of footage of the system to show during the tournament ....
ArenaNet purposely holds stuff back to throw to various gaming sites; we've seen them let IGN and Ten Ton Hammer drop news stories early (both with incorrect information) before their blog posts go live. They're obviously trying to reach a wider audience by getting news out there.