Necro greatsword actually feels like using Warrior/Guardian hammer; but without all the utility that comes with it.
Chill overall, save for the elite shout seems to do very little to help overall even fully traited.
One interesting thing though, I'm using blood magic, and the amount of HP you can restore in a group using RS4 is actually quite nice, I'm up to 2500-3000 health healed for some people if I get every hit in.
(edit : yeah, make that 4k+

Running blood magic, I also had a 'moment' when I realized what you actually loose when speccing Reaper.
I was like 'Why don't i get 1 might when I hit with RS1 ?' ...... awww yeah, don't have that traitline anymore ....
The map reward system needs a bit of further tweaking, you don't get a reward after every event, so be it, but when you do it goes straight to your inventory, so you don't really see what you're earning.
They want to avoid the hassle of getting a chest everytime, I get that, but making it a little bit more ovious wouldn't hurt.
They also need to be careful about the selection of rewards if the purpose is to get more people back to those maps through some more reliable farming.
Too much low level/under used stuff right now (although those items could be used in HoT recipes, but we don't know that yet)
The junk items worth 30s are a nice touch though