Do you think we get to kill Mordy in the initial release of HoT? Or will it be drawn out over the next LS season?
Edit: wow page 92.
Dwayna weapons incoming. Might look at one for either of my guards.
greatsword get
Trident get.
Wings get
Edit: wow page 92.
108 more pages to go. =p
Completely off topic, but after you said this I went and clicked on the gaming community thread. First thing I notice is Destiny at OT 27. I had to actually go through a few to see if that was just a joke. Each one lasts half a month, if that.
What the fuck.
Someone datamined the reward tracks and found something interesting: the number of (current) maps for HoT. They areDragon's Stand, Auric Basin, Ebullient Depths and Verdant Brink
I wonder if these 4 maps are what we are getting. Fits my expectations and if even one is as good as Verdant Blink then it's going to be interesting.
Hmm, even if that's all, there's also the fact that the maps are each really large, and have multiple layers.
This also doesn't include any pure city maps, like Black Citadel or Lion's Arch, as those would likely not have reward tracks.
But yes, people looking for content are going to flip their shit regardless.
It's weird. They said from the beginning there wouldn't be a lot of land mass because creating wastelands expansions just fucking sucks. People are only going to hear what they want to hear.
08/11/15 August 11 Release Notes
Personal Story
- Fixed the story step “Victory or Death” to allow turret and anvil interactions during the airship phase, enabling Personal Story completion.
Profession Skills
- Inspiring Distortion: Fixed a bug that allowed this trait to apply distortion to WvW structures.
New Items and Promotions
- The new Dwayna’s weapon set is available at vendors for the limited-time price of 1 complete Black Lion Claim Ticket from a Black Lion Chest. Keys are available in the Special category of the Gem Store for 125 gems.
- The Boosts category of the Gem Store has been reworked. All previous boosters are no longer available. Previously purchased boosters will still work.
- A new Experience Booster is now available that grants 50% additional experience from all sources and game types, including WvW and PvP reward tracks, and gives a killstreak bonus on enemy NPCs.
- A new Item Booster is now available that grants crafting, gathering, and magic find benefits from a single source and summons a merchant if the player’s inventory is full after gathering resources.
- A new Heroic Booster is now available that grants both Item Booster and Experience Booster effects.
- Single Experience Booster and Item Booster prices have been reduced by 33% permanently.
- Karma Boosters are now available exclusively from in-game rewards.
- For a limited time, you can claim a free Heroic Booster by visiting the Gem Store.
- The Black Lion Chest now drops the new boosters. Karma Boosters, Experience Boosters (old), Magic Find Boosters, Crafting Boosters, Gathering Boosters, WXP Boosters, Killstreak Experience Boosters, and Communal Boost Bonfires no longer drop from the chest.
- The Candy Corn Gobbler now grants the new, more functional booster effects at an adjusted duration per use.
- Story steps that grant Gem Store boosters now grant the new boosters.
Honestly, considering that each map has 1-3 layers, I'm assuming that we're going to get at most 10 maps worth of content. That's more than enough to equal the area of some other general chunk of the map, from the Shiverpeaks to Orr. Tell people that and they should be much happier, unless they were expecting to get at minimum 50% of the landmass the game originally launched with.
Aaaaand the ~real~ patch notes (data mining) for anyone who's into that:
Aaaaand the ~real~ patch notes (data mining) for anyone who's into that:
1030367_0956 Romantic Gift Pack
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Consolidating the boosters further is a smart move and long overdue. Victory or Death being fixed as well.
Good stuff all around.
Edit: The wedding outfit is different for each culture:
Username is - Mary Effn Poppns.1523
Mumble is super cool.
On Yaks Bend right now, just rolled a Norn Guardian a couple days ago. First time playing after at least a year. Previous was a lvl24 Mesmer. This is my first and only MMO thus far, so a bit of the slang and such is still taking some time getting used to.
If I'm reading correctly, it doesn't really matter what server you're on as long as you're in the same region thanks to the guesting system? So I wouldn't have to roll another character, I would be just fine guesting forever and ever?
I like lighting stuff on fire. It's pretty dope.
Female Charr just reminds me that Charr aren't a dress society. Don't males and females usually wear similar styles?
yeah, straight madness. it's pretty unprecedented and totally unmanageable as a community. Great people, but it's just too big, beyond mindbogglingly big.Completely off topic, but after you said this I went and clicked on the gaming community thread. First thing I notice is Destiny at OT 27. I had to actually go through a few to see if that was just a joke. Each one lasts half a month, if that.
What the fuck.
lol. Well, it has an impact, but I assure you that merely lacking in social functions in a game doesn't ensure it 10 OTs in under a year, let alone 27.Apperently it cause Destiny lacks in the social aspect, so alot of posts in that community are like, got a group open or anyone want to team up and such.
I think the Destiny OT is so big because it's a lot of people's first time with a true RNG console MMO experience. Grind for loot, get better loot, repeat
Honestly, considering that each map has 1-3 layers, I'm assuming that we're going to get at most 10 maps worth of content. That's more than enough to equal the area of some other general chunk of the map, from the Shiverpeaks to Orr. Tell people that and they should be much happier, unless they were expecting to get at minimum 50% of the landmass the game originally launched with.
I guess the gaf guild is still going strong? Could I get an invite?
She said she would get deleted.
Could I get an invite to the guild? Avarice.2895
I was in GAFO like two years ago, but didn't really get into the game then. Thanks!
Oh man, never knew the market was so easy to play with.
Made a profit of 8000+ gold in 7 days. Probably the time zone or something.
At this moment I bought all the sigils on the market of 1 kind and all skins of 1 weapon. I just own a small part of the markt and decide the price lol.
Oh man, never knew the market was so easy to play with.
Made a profit of 8000+ gold in 7 days. Probably the time zone or something.
At this moment I bought all the sigils on the market of 1 kind and all skins of 1 weapon. I just own a small part of the markt and decide the price lol.