Boss Doggie
all my loli wolf companions are so moe
They're really kicking us folks who bought the game early on huh :/
They're really kicking us folks who bought the game early on huh :/
It's cuz even though we bought the game 3 years ago, we are only now that it's "f2p" being allowed to play it so clearly they stole our money.How so?
See in game chat rumors that F2P is trial version, stops at level 20 player can't progress any further..
Oh, that's not really a huge deal though. Wow does something similar iirc, we'll find out later today I guess.
Oh, that's not really a huge deal though. Wow does something similar iirc, we'll find out later today I guess.
Today is the Daredevil POI, the PAX announcements are tomorrow (unless you're in a different time zone and it's Saturday there, in which case, disregard).![]()
Are they talking about it today or at the panel tomorrow?
Are they talking about it today or at the panel tomorrow?
I predict the extra restriction for F2P/Trial accounts will be on the TP.
Oh Lord, there's a gaming side thread about it?
Pretty sure it's tomorrow:
Yep, as serious as they are about keeping things secure and stable I wouldn't be surprised if Trial accounts are locked out of the TP and Mail permanently. The old data-mining from last year included some bits about a player rank, so I think those accounts will have to reach certain thresholds before even simple things like whispers and map chat are unlocked.
I'm not worried about it, they had free trials last year and it didn't cause a stir.
How so?
they should have at least recognized us by giving us discount on the expac, or give us the only users to buy them through gems.
Don't you know, going f2p means the player who paid lost out on 50 to 100 dollars.
they should have at least recognized us by giving us discount on the expac, or give us the only users to buy them through gems.
Can we at least wait until we know exactly what the "F2P" is before we make a huge fuss over it?
This is why I hate the Internet.
Sarcasm aside, I can't think of any game that paid players back or offered up perks when it was discounted later.
Did not expect this news on a tweet! That's cool!
Friday release!
It's exactly what I tweet back to them.Me neither to be honest, why didn't they wait until tomorrow at PAX?
It's exactly what I tweet back to them.
Unless date got leaked by European sites or something.
It's exactly what I tweet back to them.
Unless date got leaked by European sites or something.
Hopefully they have good videos on it and it's not just them talking forever on a stage like when they announced HoT.
I was hoping for some live gameplay, like with Taco.
They didn't even wait for today's stream, or tie it into a blog post. Either there's a leak somewhere like Jira suggested or they just reached a major milestone within the office and wanted to celebrate immediately.
Did not expect this news on a tweet! That's cool!
Friday release!
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Wonder if they even acknowledge it on the Daredevil stream.
Feels weird that they decided on release date without even doing the any betas with last 2 specilizations.
I hope they gave themselves enough time to fix any issues they find from bwe2 and bwe3.
Lol, HoT for a week and then the Mad King returns. Gonna be a crazy time!
Daredevil looks like it will be a lot of fun to play.
I just wish someone at Arenanet would realize that the re-used hammer animations need to be tweaked/changed.
Looking at the stream it's like the character walks in slow-mow when moving around with the staff in hand and as soon as he starts using skills it feels like suddently he activated super-speed or something ....
It is obvious that since Colin's main is an Engineer he has told the team to spend the most time on it and not fuck it up. It will be the best Espec for pve, pvp and wvw.I'm guessing since Druid and Forge were the first announced, they've had the most internal testing so they're worried the least about them? I'm sure we will get a BWE3 just to have testing done for all specs. There's plenty of time.
Hopefully will meet with more devs tonight to.try to pull Druid information from them
Anets presence in the PAX Prime expo hall is very small, they have two computers in the Corsair booth with the current live game (no demo for the expac).
I wonder what they're going to announce tomorrow if they've already announced the release date and had the f2p thing leaked by IGN :|. CGC for sure, but they have a full hour, what are they gonna talk about for an hour