Yeah, the game isn't hard enough to warrant serious min maxing 99% of the time. Just do what you think is fun and hope it gets buffed.Alright thanks!!
Yeah, the game isn't hard enough to warrant serious min maxing 99% of the time. Just do what you think is fun and hope it gets buffed.Alright thanks!!
Event #3 - Goemm's Lab
Required Character Level: 1 (11 Recommended)
Required Zone: Metrica Province
Recommended Waypoint: Cuatl Waypoint — [&BLIEAAA=]
Event #7 - Citadel of Flame
Story Path and Explorable Paths 1/2/3
Required Character Level: 75
Required Zone: Fireheart Rise
Recommended Gear: Powerful Potions of Flame Legion Slaying and Superior Sigil of the Night
Alright so I haven't played in almost 2 years and am planning on creating a new guy from scratch, any tips for classes? I logged in to my 80 warrior and noticed they changed builds around quite a bit.
Alright so I haven't played in almost 2 years and am planning on creating a new guy from scratch, any tips for classes? I logged in to my 80 warrior and noticed they changed builds around quite a bit.
Alright so I haven't played in almost 2 years and am planning on creating a new guy from scratch, any tips for classes? I logged in to my 80 warrior and noticed they changed builds around quite a bit.
I'm pretty sure raids will be my main focus once they come out. With anyone who will take me. I raided for years in wow at the top and it was incredibly fun. This isn't the same thing, but I'll still be there.So who is planning to join me when raids come out ?
We shall get slaughtered...a lot .
We shall have our Faces smashed in ... a lot .
We shall wipe like no one else has been wiped before .
★ Jumping Puzzle Event Series ★
Zeroth, appletoasty, and I will be hosting bi-weekly jumping puzzle events. Just like the ongoing dungeon events, these are aimed specifically at new players or players who may have never attempted puzzles before, but everyone is welcome to join!
The events will take place 30 minutes after server reset (8:30 PM EDT) on Wednesday and Friday nights, and will be fairly quick, but they give us another good excuse to see our guild members' pretty faces.
Around 10 minutes before the event, we will hop into Mumble, and start collecting at the entrance to the zone to help anyone missing the waypoint. We'll hoof it to the puzzle together, and we can get started as soon as everyone is ready!
To sweeten the deal, anyone who makes it to the chest at the end of the puzzle and stays for a group photo will be entered into a drawing for a five gold prize. So be there![/INDENT]
Yayyy I love this!!! I will be there! (and gonna try and drag Modric along by his hair... lol since he "loves" jumping puzzles about as much as he loves root canals. lol
I'm pretty sure raids will be my main focus once they come out. With anyone who will take me.
I agree completely. That was my biggest worry, and it sounded like there would be no lockout mechanism. I also had to bench people as a guild officer during vanilla wow. 40-mans were pretty rough. Always needed several people waiting outside. Usually for hours at a time, several times a week.We don't have all the details yet, but since raids are basically two regular groups I don't see us having too much trouble filling more than one of them. My biggest complaint with raiding has always been that the player cap creates a lot of drama and organization headaches; having to pick who goes and who gets left out was the worst part of leading a guild in WoW and played a big part in me not wanting to lead the GAF Guild for that first year + change. Having to be responsible for deciding who gets to have fun and who gets benched is the worst.
My big concern about raiding now is that there isn't any kind of lockout mechanism. For those who didn't play WoW, once you killed a boss in a raid you were assigned a "Raid ID," effectively locking you out of any other instance of that raid for a week; if the people with the same ID went in and killed a bunch of bosses without you, they'd be dead if you entered whether you where there or not. The "Designing Challenging Content" blog makes it sound like only rewards are on a weekly lock, since it clearly says you can "play a raid as many times as you want to help your friends earn rewards or to refine your strategies." I hope that stays true (and they also don't lock-out ALL rewards so there's at least a little reward for people helping out).
I'm fairly confident they won't muck it up, and with our current numbers (usually 20-30 on weeknights, though it's been lower lately due to the content lull) I'm not worried about filling raid groups too much. We'll wait and see how time-intensive they are and probably work out a schedule... if it's even needed, since grabbing 10 players shouldn't be too hard, especially with everyone coming back for HoT.
I came into some money, and bought that 128GB SSD that Lump pointed me at. Wowzers.
I put GW2 on it, and Lion's Arch loads in 16 seconds (down from 60+ seconds).
Left is my regular HDD, and right is the new SSD. The difference is pretty clear.
GAF raid crew will still be only 4 members because Zeroth, Ike, Levyne, and Apple don't need the rest of us pve scrubs who can't stack and run the zerker meta.
Welcome to the modern world
Now put your window installation on it and have your PC start up in 20 secs .
GAF raid crew will still be only 4 members because Zeroth, Ike, Levyne, and Apple don't need the rest of us pve scrubs who can't stack and run the zerker meta.
I came into some money, and bought that 128GB SSD that Lump pointed me at. Wowzers.
I agree completely. That was my biggest worry, and it sounded like there would be no lockout mechanism. I also had to bench people as a guild officer during vanilla wow. 40-mans were pretty rough. Always needed several people waiting outside. Usually for hours at a time, several times a week.The dark days
GAF raid crew will still be only 4 members because Zeroth, Ike, Levyne, and Apple don't need the rest of us pve scrubs who can't stack and run the zerker meta.
and my favorite "The guy who's clearly watching porn and jacking it, thanks to an open mic on Vent."
Oh my... Makes me thankful mumble has push to talk I guess, who knows what you are all up too.
★ Jumping Puzzle Event Series ★
We don't stack and we aren't insane about the zerker meta, we use it because it works for how we play. Stop being so hostile.
Can someone very briefly explain what the zerker meta actually is?
Can someone very briefly explain what the zerker meta actually is?
Can someone very briefly explain what the zerker meta actually is?
Stop stacking.We don't stack and we aren't insane about the zerker meta, we use it because it works for how we play. Stop being so hostile.
It is joke.I know you're joking, but this is still a bad image to present to newcomers when it is patently false. But again, I know you were just joking. I just think it's kind of a joke in poor taste, considering all the effort Zeroth has put into running people through fractals and dungeons, WITHOUT using stacking and meta-builds. You're kinda selling him, Ike, and all the others short here.
Kanik is the Kos bully.Kos is the guild bully.
¤ GAF Guild Belcher's Bluff Tournament #1 ¤
Considering coming back to this game for the lead up to Heart of Thorns. Played hundreds of hours at release, kinda dabbled a little bit here and there since but haven't played much overall other than release.
Question: what's the deal with Raids in HOT? Is there any information about how that will work without the trinity system? I guess my concern is that in dungeons there wasn't really any kind of organization when I last played.
So if I'm understanding correctly, they want any class to play any role, but still have clear defined roles so people can plan accordingly?What they say;
They will require Damage, Support or Control to succeed. They acknowledge that the general mobs haven't been good enough at forcing the players to make use of all their abilities.
The idea seems to be that they want to still allow players to choose their role, but that you can't get through it with 10 Zerker Warriors like Dungeons. You will need people (of any class) bringing support and control into it.
Yes but they are dynamic roles that you might have to play depending on the situation.tSo if I'm understanding correctly, they want any class to play any role, but still have clear defined roles so people can plan accordingly?
Question: what's the deal with Raids in HOT? Is there any information about how that will work without the trinity system? I guess my concern is that in dungeons there wasn't really any kind of organization when I last played.
Only one left to level before HoT. Had to save 10 to level between all the Revs. For variation
I came into some money, and bought that 128GB SSD that Lump pointed me at. Wowzers.
I put GW2 on it, and Lion's Arch loads in 16 seconds (down from 60+ seconds).
Left is my regular HDD, and right is the new SSD. The difference is pretty clear.
Can someone very briefly explain what the zerker meta actually is?
You guys really come down on pugs. They aren't that horrible. Not most of the time.
Revenant is the best thing. Hopefully there won't be too much nerfage when the crying starts.
You guys really come down on pugs. They aren't that horrible. Not most of the time. I've been in fractal 50 pugs that ran as smooth as any speed run video I've seen. Same with dungeons. PvE isn't terribly difficult at the moment. HoT may change that, even by just being unfamiliar. But I'd argue my worst pugs were usually the result of 3 man guild groups trying to act 'cute' during a run or starting shit in chat than anything to do with overall player ability.
Anyway. Corner stacking might not be trendy, but still benefits whirlwind, linecasting, and anywhere a dodge is needed without losing position/hits. I usually roll with whatever the group goes with since arguing mid run slows it up even more, but giving up easy whirlwinds always bugs me. Probably be the same with the new forward rushing attacks, too.
Corner stacking and stacking in general is disliked simply because it's stupid and a garbage way to play the game. The fact that it's the most effective way to beat virtually every encounter is poor game design. The reason that it's popular is because most people don't actually run the dungeons to have fun - it's just seen as a chore to make money these days.
Hate to say it, but I'd argue that corner stacking/zerker meta is a product of ANet's methods of abolishing the trinity more than anything. Remove tanks and dedicated healers and the obvious solution is to cleave down every mob in the game. It doesn't help that blinds and projectile walls are much more easily executed when stacked. If the game had more diverse character building system in end game, that would likely go a long way to moving away from such things. Right now I just don't see how encounter could be designed to not be optimized via max DPS stacking outside of a boss that can't move, has displacement abilities, or does damage based on how many units are in a given area, all of which would inhibit a party's ability to stack in one place and spam max damage skills.
More damage mitigation/healing/DPS options, please, ANet...
Yeah, I think I articulated my point poorly. It's not a byproduct of lacking build diversity, just that build diversity would help to alleviate the issue. But I also don't think it's a product of boss or dungeon design, really. It's more that due to the things they deliberately removed (totally fine by itself), and not sufficiently adding other things in, there's a obvious "oh, this is what we should do" solution in the form of stacking and cleaving stuff down. It's not something at all unique to GW2, though. I'm not just bashing on ANet. It's a difficult thing to balance, and I think a lot of the changes they made to the core MMO formula made their job much harder.I don't think stacking is a byproduct of (lack of) build diversity. It is a consequence of Fire Greatsword exploits, and to some cases, getting certain trash that is hard to control together. After all, stacking is not even a meta strategy for speedruns anymore as pointed above. You have several tools (Guardian GS 5, Mesmer Focus 4, etc) that can pull mobs together and do what you want.