Diarmid, Mordrem Commander
from the Points of Interest stream.
¤ GAF Guild Belcher's Bluff Tournament #1 ¤
Welcome, welcome to the first ever GAF Guild Belcher's Bluff Tournament! I've been meaning to start this up for a while and I feel the lull between the game and expansion is the best time.
¤ What Is Belcher's Bluff? ¤
Added in the first Bazaar of the Four Winds, it's a mini game that is played by trying to make your opponent drink too heavily and pass out. Structured similar to rock paper scissors, you both select an option on your 1-5 bar, then an outcome is made. You can choose to drink, take a fake drink, or heal up. Of course, you can choose to harm your opponent if they fake it with a rousing belch!
¤ Where Does The Skill Come In? ¤
In addition to the previous skills, you can select unique abilities that modify your playstyle, learned from the masters of Om themselves!
Learn more here: wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Belcher's_Bluff
¤ What Are The Details Of The Tournament? ¤
- Signups begin now
- No level requirement
- Best of 3.
- Conquest mode: Must switch winning signature move to another not used if you win.
- Tournament will be posted this Sunday after the PVP Rush
- Matches can be played any time after, but please send me a screenshot of the outcome to maxrpg(at)gmail(for)com or if I'm online, contact me to officiate.
- Semi finals and finals will be streamed on Twitch
- 1st Place Gold Reward: 50g
- 2nd Place Gold Reward: 25g
- 3rd Place Gold Reward: 12g
- 4-10th: 5 Unidentified Dyes
Current Signed up Players (I'd like to get at least 10)
- Rawk Hawk
- spiritfox
I will be doing Belcher's Bluff-a-rama to help people get achievements/signature moves before Sunday's start. After Saturday's missions, you can follow me around to each capital city, and I'll help coach you through fighting the NPCs, as well as maybe doing commentary on your fights!