With enough drive F2Pers can do anything!
Angelic rewards are a big motivator for me. See avatar.
(Also thanks again for the gold loan!)
Awesome, congratulations.
Thank you, couldn't have done it without you too!
With enough drive F2Pers can do anything!
Awesome, congratulations.
Angelic rewards are a big motivator for me. See avatar.
(Also thanks again for the gold loan!)
Thank you, couldn't have done it without you too!
Have you seen the Radiant skins? Good luck with those.
30,000 ap for the chestpiece. Does anyone even have 30,000 ap?
Hit 70 on the necro tonight. Still not a huge idea on how to play one optimally, or what stats favor them the most.
Tend ot play pve, so i'm going for a low of power + conditional damage. Axe/Dagger and Staff at the moment.
Fun class though, but once I hit 80 i'll probably go back to Engineer, Theif or Ranger for a while. The Medium armor classes are just so much fun.
What's the deal with the new elite specializations and HoT expansion?
Will F2P and core owners who don't upgrade be to HoT able to use/learn the elite specializations and the new skills?
It's expansion only.
Will those specializations give an edge to the expansion buyers?
If so, that's a total bummer.
Some of them are complete game changers (Mesmer) and make duds into studs. Others, like Elementatlist specialization, are worthless and the class stands on its own without it.
Some of them are complete game changers (Mesmer) and make duds into studs. Others, like Elementatlist specialization, are worthless and the class stands on its own without it.
They are not better in the sense of stats.
the specs are a different playstyle of the classes or make a class get something the vanilla one was missing.
Chronomancer can use well utility skills for more group support and aoe effects. They also get a neat ability where you create a "Save point" and a couple seconds later revert your cooldowns, endurance, and HP to that point.I`ve never looked into the elite specs yet but I`ve been enjoying playing my Mesmer the last few days. Hitting shatter and watching mobs go down never gets old.
What`s getting better with the Chronomancer spec?
I`ve never looked into the elite specs yet but I`ve been enjoying playing my Mesmer the last few days. Hitting shatter and watching mobs go down never gets old.
What`s getting better with the Chronomancer spec?
I`ve never looked into the elite specs yet but I`ve been enjoying playing my Mesmer the last few days. Hitting shatter and watching mobs go down never gets old.
What`s getting better with the Chronomancer spec?
Imagine shattering. And your illusions don't die unless you shatter a second time.
It's an enormous dps boost. And after playing with all the elite specs, I feel it's the only one that was a game changer.
Thanks for getting us nerfed mate.
Yeah I can imagineThe hype with the Ooze Royalty comes from people running the dungeon for year(s) and never knowing that they are there. The first time I fought them, it was really exciting to find out that there was new stuff to do in the dungeon after so many runs being the same.
You what
You're changing mains?
Thanks for getting us nerfed mate.
Well, I guess that's fair enough.
I've been pulling my friends to try GW2 since the F2P announcement, but some of then found out about this specializations paywall and got kinda hesitate to jump in or continue playing now.
Don't worry by Late November every Elite spec will get nerf thanks to the rampant bitching and moaning done on official forums and Reddit..
Is there anything worth getting in this "event"? I played a bit of it but don't think I'll get back to it. Also, those boxes seem to be pretty useless.
isnt the reaper kinder slow cos the greatsword skills are like slower than the hammer skills
Dat some RAWk math!The Greatsword will be slow for sure, although I don't know how it will compare to Hammer. I'll likely stuck to Dagger main hand for most PvE stuff and swap Greatsword and Staff as my secondary depending on which I need/want.
EDIT: Looking up Guardian and Warrior hammer, Warrior #1 chain looks to take 1.5 seconds, Guardian is 2.25 seconds and Reaper Greatsword will be 2.5 seconds. So it will be slower as of right now. Although the damage on it looks to be higher, Guardian was 1056 (469/sec), Warrior 1173 (782/sec) and Reaper was 1407 (562/sec).. looking at #1 chains only.
Dat some RAWk math!
It wasn't just Retro!I hope those drones have to do with the hammer and are not utility skills.
Retro pointed out that in trailer it looked like drones attached to the hammer before hammer slammed to the ground.
Retro, Miktar and SpiritFox are the only Engis that matter, besides me!It wasn't just Retro!
F those drones!
As an engie main, I will be keeping close tabs on this. Needed a not bomb melee weapon for a while, and if those Drones are a good replacement for turrets I'll be really happy.
Wait is there a video?
Weapon swap would be nice as well.As an engie main, I will be keeping close tabs on this. Needed a not bomb melee weapon for a while, and if those Drones are a good replacement for turrets I'll be really happy.
Wait is there a video?