Vigilant Walrus
That song...
... The return of the king of who we do not speak of.
... The return of the king of who we do not speak of.
Which, just to be clear, is their usual form just more shadowy I guess. No spirits or animals or cool shizznit.
The music on the stream has been phenomenal. Especially that HoT theme. I hope they put it on soundcloud.
New Pets
Smokescale- A dinosaur that you can tame. It creates a smoke field and while it is in it, it will evade attacks constantly and immune to all conditions. Creates a potentially very tanky pet.
Bristleback – Brutal condition applying dinosaur. Consistently shoot spines at its targets, frequently applying bleeds to them.The F2 skill make its next several attacks applies bleeding at every strike.
Electric Wyvern – Activated ability performs a head charge, stunning and knock up any enemy caught in its path. At end of the charge, it will leave behind a lightning field.
Fire Wyvern – Has an activated ability where it flies up in the air and spew down fire from the air, creating a pulsating fire field. It is also immune while in the air.
Staff Skills
Solar Beam: Any ally between you and the target that are caught inside the beam will be healed by you. 3 Pulses, 1200 range. The healing numbers you see on the tooltips are without stats so they will be better ingame.
Astral Wisp: Cast a wisp on the target, it will deal damage to the target initially but any ally that it pass through will be healed. Good support for melee characters.
Astral Gace: Movement based skill that can you into position. Can be used as an escape or gap closer. Heal allies at the location you end up. It serve also as a burst because it creates a blast finisher at that locale.
Vine Surge: Fires off a cascade of vines, shooting toward your enemy to immobilize them. Allies caught in it are freed from movement impairing conditions.
Sublime Conversion: Take any damaging projectiles and negate them without actually destroying them. It will turn incoming projectiles into healing projectiles. It will not work on projectiles coming from above so you will need to position yourself so that the projectiles are coming in at an angle and passes through the wall.
Utilities (Glyphs)
Glyph skills will change in depending if you are on the Celestial Avatar form or the normal form.
Normal Form Glyph Skill
Glyph of Rejuvenation: Heal yourself for a lot, heal allies within 300 radius for less than you get.
Glyph of Alignment: Applies conditions, cripple and weakness in the target area. Giving you a chance to escape. You can charge in using Astral Grace, then pop Glyph of Rejuvenation/Alignment to help your allies escape.
Glyph of Equality: Daze, does a mass AoE interrupt within 300 radius.
Glyph of the Tides: AoE knockback of 360 radius. Give you and allies chance to escape or interrupt. Will see lots of use in PvP/WvW
Glyph of Empowerment: Damaging support utility that boost nearby allies and your damage by 10% for the next 5-6s.
Glyph of Unity: Tethers you to enemies. Any damage you take during the tether is propagated to enemies tethered to you. You are still taking the damage while tethered but you can use Glyph of Alignment for example to reduce the incoming damage to you without affecting the propagated damage. Glyph of Stone also works here to make you immune to damage while you propagate the incoming damage.
Glyph Changes in Celestial Avatar Form
Glyph of Rejuvenation: You get healed for 1-2k, all allies get healed for 5-6k
Glyph Alignment: Instead of applying conditions, heal allies and removes conditions from them very quickly
Glyph of Equality: AoE stun break that also heal allies.
Glyph of Empowerment: Increase outgoing heals of allies
Glyph of the Tides: AoE pull, draw nearby enemies to you.
Glyph of Unity: All allies nearby are tethered, whenever you are healed, allies you are tethered to are also healed.
Celestial Transform (F5)
Build up your astral force via attacking/healing, transforming into a Celestial Avatar. Gaining a new set of skills, any glyphs you have turn into celestial forms.
Cosmic Ray: No cooldown targeted ground application of straight up strong healing. You can pump out a lot of healing with this skill.
Seed of Life: Plant a seed on the ground, when it bursts it heals allies and cleanse conditions. This skill is under review and we might add something else to it in the future.
Lunar Impact: Drops a lunar missile on you, dazing enemies and healing allies in the process. It is a pretty strong daze, it is something you can use to break down a break bar.
Tidal Surge: A channeled ability that is a huge constantly pulsating heal that heals for over 1k per tick. It also creates a water field and very visible for your allies.
Natural Convergence: Immediately start to cripple and harm enemies in the range while you are casting. If this cast is completed, all enemy within range are bleed and immobilized for 5s.
traits :
Gaile said she already put in a request for that on the forum .
The idea that I have one.Which PvP build makes you laugh out loud?
If you're going to introduce something as big as suddenly having dedicated healers, seems like you would want to do that early on and not 3-4 weeks before release. That would be a pretty whopping change. Until I see otherwise, I don't believe there will be a giant pve meta shift. This all looks like pure red bar stuff, and not protection prayers, so I'd place money on some global degens or something. The people suddenly expecting trinity might be jumping the gun.
Can't see this being terribly useful in conquest either.
New JPs confirmed in HoT. We kinda all knew they were coming, but it's nice to hear it.
Names stay with your account for a specific period of time after you delete a character, right? One of my original characters is named "Blonde Girly Druid," but she is unfortunately a Mesmer. So I want to delete her and remake her as a Ranger-Druid, because duh.
So what's the state of condition damage builds right now? Any big overhauls mentioned as part of HoT for condition damage?
I haven't used such a thing much recently and I know there's been some controversy over their balance over the course of the game.
If you're going to introduce something as big as suddenly having dedicated healers, seems like you would want to do that early on and not 3-4 weeks before release. That would be a pretty whopping change. Until I see otherwise, I don't believe there will be a giant pve meta shift. This all looks like pure red bar stuff, and not protection prayers, so I'd place money on some global degens or something. The people suddenly expecting trinity might be jumping the gun.
Can't see this being terribly useful in conquest either.
This will only possibly affect raids and future fractals. Current PvE content will probably remain the way it is, outside of some class changes.
Drawing more attention to Pact Commander being required for autoloot still doesn't make it sound any less annoying. This is a pretty big QoL change hidden behind an XP req. Why do that.
But why is only Druid a Strong Healer?
How are they going to solve the "looking for druid" problem?
But why is only Druid a Strong Healer?
How are they going to solve the "looking for druid" problem?
~ precursor crafting finally ~
Get your trailer:
Get your trailer:
uhhhhhhhh where's rox
uhhhhhhhh where's rox
Accidentally had it muted so I missed part of it, but from the PvP stream, they're aiming for a balance patch every 2-3 months between each 8 week PvP season. After a balance patch there will be 2 weeks for settling and bug fixing before the next 8 week PvP season.
I might be off about the balance patch cadence though.
I really need a link to the cooking segment!