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Content Creator Partner Program blog post: https://www.guildwars2.com/en/news/introducing-the-arenanet-partner-program/
Guardian shield changes are nice
Details Breaker?
Shield 4 now gives 4 seconds of Protection and Aegis. Shield 5's bubble ow only lasts 1.25s, but you are no longer rooted.
Also, Warrior's shield got CD reductions and Shield 4 is now a 2s stun? Or daze. Whatever.
It is said that the druids of the Maguuma Jungle once worshiped Melandru.
To each their own. I think it looks awesomeBut as far as the Celestial form. Visually... I mean, its still not anywhere near as cool as reaper form. I guess I was hoping for a more effectful-avatar form. More like turning into a spirit avatar of Melandru.
Or maybe the form of a dryad or some tree/hybrid/centaur thing? Right now it looks like you glow blue.
Well, you won't build up astral force very quickly by just doing damage. If you look at the tooltip (same text here), it charges slowly from damage and more quickly from healing (10x as fast). So skills that have both (staff) will charge it more quickly when played effectively than other weapons. Maybe multi-hit / aoe moves will be great too? I dunno. Staff 1 is multi-hit, 1200 range, and heals also. Hard to beat that kind of astral force charging.As for the mechanics. Wow. This is the craziest shit ever. Just being able to press F5 and get all those skills. :O
I could run my Greatsword/Longbow build and just spec into healing, and be a ranger with the most insane healing in the game.
To each their own. I think it looks awesome[Image from blog]. In the stream, it had stars and cosmic clouds circling them, and the star texture effect looked like twilight, sunrise, zodiac armor etc where the visual effect isn't based on the location of the skin, but only the viewer's vantage. Like you can see "into" it. Actually I bet the zodiac armor would look insane on a druid. Wish I had it T_T
Well, that's what it looked like to me upon rewatch. It was hard to see though, so maybe it wasn't the case.
Due to large back-end changes to core systems that have corrupted some of the beta data, your characters from previous beta weekends will not be available for BWE3—everyone will be starting with fresh beta characters. (source)
Come hang out in IRC with us to chat about it :3 irc.rizon.net #gafguild
Web client link: https://client00.chat.mibbit.com/?channel=#gafguild&server=irc.rizon.net
Quaggan's Deep Thoughts is theworstbest
icebow nerf? three targets max???
hell no, we won't bow. at that point just take the skill out of the game, yeesh.
Chronomancer is tier 1 just because it fixes a broken class. Being able to shatter once and still keep Phantasms boosts the classes DPS tremendously, and Chronomancer includes an inherent sprint. It's less of a "look as this new gimmick!" and more of a "here are fixes to the complaints you guys have had since day one."
Also, double timewarp. (́◉◞౪◟◉![]()
Due to large back-end changes to core systems that have corrupted some of the beta data, your characters from previous beta weekends will not be available for BWE3—everyone will be starting with fresh beta characters.
What are these trivia contests that he speaks of?
I take it this "colin" person is someone we know.
What are these trivia contests that he speaks of?
Maybe I'm weird. Phantasms have always been a summon, get a burst, then shatter mechanic. The only phantasm that isn't great for this is Torch, and maybe Staff. Your Shatter cooldowns are at a similar rate to your phantasm cooldowns, and have you played the Distortorted Signet build?
Phantasm uptime and passive speed boosts have always felt like specific issues. Movement speed is nice, I admit, but Mesmer isn't the only one getting a move speed trait in their elite specialization. Phantasms with relatively low uptime always seemed designed into the profession, with the only time they really stay up for long being against PvE bosses, and only if they don't have a lot of AoE.
But, I also don't play Mesmer enough.
Can i get an update on what i missed on Twitch ?
Even though my old GW2 guild is dead, which means I can't run raids, they sound really interesting. I hope there is a progression of difficulty, so the first boss is easier than the second boss.
Though, I still can't figure out if legendary armor is exclusive to raids, or it just has a higher drop chance in raids. I hope they talk about this in the "legendary journey" segment in.. an hour? Half an hour?
Also, not a fan of that odd game show segment thingie, but the host is so cute.
Can i get an update on what i missed on Twitch ?
Can i get an update on what i missed on Twitch ?
Legendary armor is only in raids. We don't know exactly how it's acquired but it's raid only.