1) So I still need 100 icy runestones, and I need a gift specifically from sPvP and one specifically from WvW? And 100% map completion from HoT as well as completing all the other masteries?
Sounds like a lot of work even compared to the original. They all look fantastic.
2) Axe on Ranger is a lot of fun. It could be great with the blue-glowy-set.
3) I think the map bonus system sounds awesome. Is it random rotation? ( From the economy blog post;
https://www.guildwars2.com/en/news/the-guild-wars-2-heart-of-thorns-economy/ )
4) The dungeon thing. If they tune down the dungeons how about making them easier? at least in story mode. Many new players avoid doing them. If you do this you're making them unpopular and whats the point of that? Would be better to then either make the story mode dungeons more integrated in the personal story, and take the explorable paths, chop out the best bits and put them inside the fractals in some other narrative. "Dungeon Fractals" next to regular mish-mash fractals.
I've talked to so many players who are frustrated by dungeons in GW2. They hate them. And there is a good explanation for it. The PvE open world game is easy, even for the player who is not paying attention. Going into AC when you're lvl 35 and barely know how to dodge in your green gear- you're going to have a bad time in your pug. mostly likely the group is gonna get mad at each other, and you're wasting a lot of time.
And it's like- Why? It's not good game design to have a certain difficulty curve, then do a lvl 35 story dungeon which is insanely difficult.
ArenaNet, if you don't want dungeons to be a part of the end game, fine. If you want fractals and raids to take over as the difficult PvE instanced stuff, okay. That is fair. But dungeons are still there. And you nerfing the rewards and putting them elsewhere still does not make them not there.
Integrate story-mode dungeons heavily into personal story. make it so it gives more flow to the personal story, and make them so they are solo-able (if they aren't already!? I know Arah-story is now!?) and explorable dungeons.
There are some good bits. some good bosses and encounters. stitch the best best of all the explorable dungeons and make it into their own mini rotation. would go well with a instanced marionette, instanced scarlett, instanced abbadon Nightfall boss and so on.