Some additional tips I don't see metioned often. Note that if you do these you can't follow the gw2crafts guide exactly.
Starting from 450: If you've got tons of bloodstone dust, dragonite ore, and empyreal fragments you can refine these to get a few extra crafting levels.The main limiter here would be the obsidian shards, but if you've done any Silverwastes chest farming you might already have a bunch of them.
Similarly you can start crafting ascended materials here. Since you're limited to 1 of each per day and each crafting profession only gets access to 2, growth will be slow, but since you can profit off of some of them it's basically a free way to get some crafting levels. You can usually make it up to 470-475 with these 2 methods before xp drops off really hard. If your goal is to have it maxed by the time HoT comes out this one isn't terribly helpful. Still, both these things may save you a bit of gold.