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Guild Wars 2 |OT5| We've got fun and games

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Yes, exactly. Say you have a stack of 100 fireworks to sell. These are the current buy orders:

1G (5 orders)
50s (50 orders)
20s (45 orders)

That's a bit extreme, of course, they're usually not spread that far apart. But just to show what could happen when you press the Sell Instantly button:
* What people probably expect is you'd make (1G x 5) + (50s x 50) + (20s x 45) = 35G
* What actually happens is you get 100 x 20s = 20G

I guess the system figures "Hey, you were willing to accept 20s from that one guy so why should the others pay more?" But, pretty good for that guy that had bid 1G each.

At least, that's what this reddit article is saying. I haven't tested it, but people in the comments have said it's true and reddit is always right.

Edit: Thanks for the tip about selling those envelopes. Managed to log in and get 23g for the 16g I spent. Gotta love event time.


So we still don't know why we get small amounts of bronzes trickling in into our TP accounts from time to time? It's happening pretty much every time I buy something on it.


Ah yes, the old SoR days. Those were the times...

What guild were you in?

I honestly can't remember the name. It's been almost 2 years. 3 of us merged together and formed a much bigger guild, so it wasn't a super long standing one. Our main commanders were Ace/Irmo, Bavragor, and another I can't remember. I was one of the only Mesmer mains(tons had alts) so I got to make almost all of the fun assault/skirmish plays. It's also partly what burnt me out.

Oh!#$&!@ Power Block is back! PLEASE tell me it's good. That was a rank 1 Elite IMO in GW1, easily my favorite to play with.


The Cryptarch's Bane
Oh!#$&!@ Power Block is back! PLEASE tell me it's good. That was a rank 1 Elite IMO in GW1, easily my favorite to play with.
Well, it's a trait, not a skill. It's considerably more difficult to interrupt in this game than in GW1, but it's a very effective option in PvP.


Well, it's a trait, not a skill. It's considerably more difficult to interrupt in this game than in GW1, but it's a very effective option in PvP.

Yeah, I get that, just was excited that it's back. Interrupting wasn't nearly strong enough when I was still playing.


btw, the talk about Laranthir... I seriously hope they don't intend to kill Soulkeeper

She survived the Brand when it was first made, there's something about her they're not telling us for sure

Layoffs (40% of employees) from Daybreak Games (people making Everquest Next), time for ANET to pick up talent on the cheap.

WUT!? I guess the Sony money train was able to keep them, now that they're indie they need to get rid of the fat.

Including Dave Georgeson!? What the fuck? That is like ArenaNet without MOB!


Oh shit Retro is famous/a topic of Twitch chat scorn

Hahaha, yeah. Love it. People are raging, and in a weird way it's great being able to repay Twitch chat for the heaps of toxic garbage they spew by making them sit and wait for info.

That said, wooo, Gliding!


I haven't looked at Twitch chat in...ever. Don't you guys just turn it off? You're gonna get cancer from that shit. Life short enough already.

Gliding looking pretty cool.


I haven't looked at Twitch chat in...ever. Don't you guys just turn it off? You're gonna get cancer from that shit. Life short enough already.

Gliding looking pretty cool.

I don't remember the last time I had chat viewable when it wasn't just a friend streaming something.


Retro OT shoutout?

Step your game up, Ash. Other leaders getting that ANET love.

Really, what do you expect for a guy with 94% magic find.

"uhhh im ash, I have 9 greatsword skins. ladilaladida."

What happened Ashodin? step your game up or your out of this boy band. start a web cam orgie channel with quaggans if you have to.

Retro is getting famous for all his hard work, kos is getting infamous for eating elder wood on reddit, but you? What have you been up to?

Even hawkian is getting shoutouts on twitter. I mean ash.. you're getting egged by a bald bird.


I have a bank tab of weapon/armor chests. None of them are power mains, so they sit there. Not sure if that says more about the game or me.

People spamming the [home-cooked] thing in game. They really should be perma-banned.


Buncha kiss-asses if you ask me.

But really though, Colin loves me and he will implement flying laser guild halls in the expansion, just as we discussed.


I haven't looked at Twitch chat in...ever. Don't you guys just turn it off? You're gonna get cancer from that shit. Life short enough already.

I only looked for a second out of curiosity and it was pretty much the vile river of filth it usually is. Was surprised to see Mordremutt getting a few shoutouts though, I know what I'm naming my ranger pets.

What happened Ashodin? step your game up or your out of this boy band.

I know you're mostly joking here, but it should be said that Ash has his own stuff to deal with, in the same way Hawkian was/is playing Destiny a lot and I take frequent breaks for Terraria / Starbound. I haven't been playing a ton lately because I'm having the old "What alt do I want to roll" dilema where my OCD triggers and I'm paralyzed by the need to balance races / gender / armor classes against each other. I currently really want to roll a second Ranger but I'm not sure what race (I feel like I've already made the best choice in my Norn). I'm not sure my burly old Norn Woodsman is Druid material though, so I was leaning towards Sylvari, but I already have 3 of them and still no Charr and.... yeah.


I honestly can't remember the name. It's been almost 2 years. 3 of us merged together and formed a much bigger guild, so it wasn't a super long standing one. Our main commanders were Ace/Irmo, Bavragor, and another I can't remember. I was one of the only Mesmer mains(tons had alts) so I got to make almost all of the fun assault/skirmish plays. It's also partly what burnt me out.

Oh!#$&!@ Power Block is back! PLEASE tell me it's good. That was a rank 1 Elite IMO in GW1, easily my favorite to play with.

Yeah lol I figured, you were in FEAR. I was recruited to the guild by a guy in GAF winter 2012 and I'm super curious if it was you. What was your in game name? White or gray something.. Norn with a gray beard?

Oh and BTW I am the guild leader and cmd of that guild now. :) We're on JQ now.
I only looked for a second out of curiosity and it was pretty much the vile river of filth it usually is. Was surprised to see Mordremutt getting a few shoutouts though, I know what I'm naming my ranger pets.

I know you're mostly joking here, but it should be said that Ash has his own stuff to deal with, in the same way Hawkian was/is playing Destiny a lot and I take frequent breaks for Terraria / Starbound. I haven't been playing a ton lately because I'm having the old "What alt do I want to roll" dilema where my OCD triggers and I'm paralyzed by the need to balance races / gender / armor classes against each other. I currently really want to roll a second Ranger but I'm not sure what race (I feel like I've already made the best choice in my Norn). I'm not sure my burly old Norn Woodsman is Druid material though, so I was leaning towards Sylvari, but I already have 3 of them and still no Charr and.... yeah.

I've decided that I am convinced ArenaNet will make some sort of "SWTOR like family tree" or something like that. Alts is so integrated into the experience that I think they will make some bonus/reward system for the characters you have. In a mercenary band or something. maybe your other characters would hang out in your guild hall when you're not playing them or something.

With that said, I know what you mean.. I salvaged all my gear on all my alts. they are naked. I am gonna repurpose them all for HoT and figure out what I want to do with them. My Sylvari Ranger will be the first to go through HoT I think (before main) just so I can be an sylvari that is against all the other races. that is very interesting and unique. Def don't wanna miss out of that. Im just worried that they wont have made any druid-like armor for release. There is no medium gear that fits a druid. there are a few druid-like staffs though!
I hope the expansion won't just have armor sets!

wow that sucks :(

without massively, i don't know where to get my mmo news =/

Murphey wrote an article on MMORPG.com about the state of MMOs; http://www.mmorpg.com/showFeature.cfm/feature/9390/Bill-Murphy-Everything-is-Not-Alright.html

Everquest Next was the last big "next big thing", and once again we're in a propositioned failure state because everything since WoW has just been about WoW.

Guild Wars have always been exempt because it's different. What a privilege. To have escaped so much of the bullshit that surrounds it, and the games that tries to be like it. I think it's true that MMOs in their current form is over. Games like Star Citizen is coming out, and they are going to take the persistency and apply it to other genres, meanwhile I feel MOBAs have taken some of the MMO crowds into another direction.


Bug Fixes:
  • Fixed a client crash.
  • Fixed an issue in which the Dragon Ball Champion achievement did not display an update message after every victory.

I'm guessing it's that buff people are linking that causes a crash. Should ban everybody who was doing it.
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