Not to offend, but it's pretty typical for a long-time fan of a hoary franchise to dismiss something new before exploring its implications or experiencing how it changes things first hand.
Guilty Gear most definitely has its Super Turbo-style footsie game. One of the main matchups I have experience with is Ky vs. Venom, and that matchup is almost literally a smutty and profligate war of f. S. In fact, I'd say a lot of Guilty Gear is a war of f. S, in general. It's just emphasized in that matchup more, because Venom wants to get his rocks off with f. S and Ky wants to stop Venom from getting his rocks off with f. S.
I think it's starting to dawn on me how uncharted and provocative YRC might sincerely be. I remember Ryan Hunter talking to me about punishing something on block using the slowdown from YRC, or something of that nature. I didn't pay too much attention because I was still trying to wrap my head around the basics, and honestly, I didn't even understand how the slowdown worked at the time.
Now, I think I'm starting to envision the kind of stuff he was getting at.