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Gundam Evolution asks console players to choose between mobility, abilities, or a pro controller

More than any other game I've ever played, I feel Gundam Evolution is a strong indication that the standard controllers included with modern consoles did not keep up with game design. For those who aren't aware, it's is a free to play competitive shooter that's a bit similar to Overwatch.

The default controls have dash mapped to left bumper, jump mapped to right bumper, ultimate ability mapped to in on the right stick, reload where it usually is, and the rest of the face buttons activate two or three character specific abilities. Of course, left and right trigger are used to aim and shoot respectively. Oh, and in on the left stick is reserved for reviving teammates. Got all that? Because modern games use a lot of buttons, and modern game characters have a lot of abilities, but the controllers we're working with have barely changed since the PS2 and the original Xbox, at least as it specifically relates to gameplay.

If you play this game on a standard controller, there is no way that you won't ever feel limited. At least one character ability won't be able to be properly aimed during use (think of using the circle or B button to throw a grenade), OR you'll be slow to react when it comes to dashing and jumping out of the way of enemy attacks.

If you're playing this and disagree with me, I'd be interested to know how you've setup your controls. And aside from that, what do you think of the game itself?
Looks intriguing.

Reminded me that I have to finish watching VOTOMS



Got all that? Because modern games use a lot of buttons, and modern game characters have a lot of abilities, but the controllers we're working with have barely changed since the PS2 and the original Xbox, at least as it specifically relates to gameplay.
I would argue complicating things by adding more abilities and not having players face novel challenges in a novel way is shitty game design, but that’s just me.

It’s F2P competitive shooter, everyone will be running the same meta load out anyway. And if you are really hardcore and top 1% ladder you most probably have a pro controller, so what’s the issue?
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I would argue complicating things by adding more abilities and not having players face novel challenges in a novel way is shitty game design, but that’s just me.

Sony and Microsoft went into this generation knowing that PC vs Console crossplay was going to be even more common than it has been, and still we're using the same number of buttons as people used in the first Halo game. I don't think that's shitty game design. Personally, I think it's an issue with controller design.

It’s F2P competitive shooter, everyone will be running the same meta load out anyway.

It's a Hero shooter. No load outs, but some characters and team compositions might be more popular than others.

And if you are really hardcore and top 1% ladder you most probably have a pro controller, so what’s the issue?

My issue is more that the pro controllers weren't made to be the default this generation, and that Sony for some absurd reason decided on a two paddle pro controller rather than the four used by their competitor. I also think a lot more than the "top 1% ladder" you're describing could benefit from having more options on their controller.

This isn't just true for FPS titles either. If a game allows you to jump and move the camera at the same time, it's going to feel better on a pro controller. If it has you collecting resources that you pickup off the ground, it's going to feel better with a pro controller. If it has you doing anything with a face button in a game where you move with the left stick and aim with the right stick, it's going to feel better on a pro controller. It just seems like a missed opportunity to me.
Make gyro aim standard and it mostly solves this issue. All controllers have this ability, if the option was there people would discover the benefits, including aiming while pressing face buttons.
More than any other game I've ever played, I feel Gundam Evolution is a strong indication that the standard controllers included with modern consoles did not keep up with game design. For those who aren't aware, it's is a free to play competitive shooter that's a bit similar to Overwatch.

The default controls have dash mapped to left bumper, jump mapped to right bumper, ultimate ability mapped to in on the right stick, reload where it usually is, and the rest of the face buttons activate two or three character specific abilities. Of course, left and right trigger are used to aim and shoot respectively. Oh, and in on the left stick is reserved for reviving teammates. Got all that? Because modern games use a lot of buttons, and modern game characters have a lot of abilities, but the controllers we're working with have barely changed since the PS2 and the original Xbox, at least as it specifically relates to gameplay.

If you play this game on a standard controller, there is no way that you won't ever feel limited. At least one character ability won't be able to be properly aimed during use (think of using the circle or B button to throw a grenade), OR you'll be slow to react when it comes to dashing and jumping out of the way of enemy attacks.

If you're playing this and disagree with me, I'd be interested to know how you've setup your controls. And aside from that, what do you think of the game itself?
every game is full of compromises. Especially with this new modern design of having 2 abilities and an Ultimate ability which always kills my bumper jumper style of play.


modern Controllers should have 3 shoulder buttons on each side. 2 digital ones and an analog trigger.

that would solve a SHITLOAD of control problems for many games.

having well placed grip buttons would also help a lot because that could be a way to remap stuff you don't want to have on your stick buttons.

the issue is that all modern controllers that have such buttons don't have "native" buttons but instead are third party controllers that let you map already existing buttons to them, which solves some of the issues modern games face, but not neaely all of them.

because not only is the way you reach a button an issue, but also the amount of buttons available. third party controllers don't add buttons, they add the possibility to move a button somewhere else basically.

but the amount is just as much of an issue as the placement imo.

take Apex Legends for example, a game that was actually made with Consoles in mind from the beginning.
yet on console there are at least 3 buttons that have multiple functions depending on context or if you hold them down.
4 buttons for some characters actually.

this regularly becomes an issue that the developers haven't found a solution for yet, like not being able to reload while a downed team mate is next to you.

many of Apex Legend's issues are the fault of the developers for sure (almost all of these issues could easily be fixed if the devs weren't so shit tbh) but it absolutely shows how modern controllers simply don't have enough buttons for modern games anymore, while there's enough unused potential to add buttons which third party controllers show us.
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