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Guns and Roses fans: Behind the Music, 7/5/04

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10 PM Eastern and Pacific, I believe. I can't understand how one of the baddest ass rock bands of all time broke up after putting out a masterpiece such as Appetite for Destruction. They were literally on top of the world, and it's been said egos broke them up, but I'm hoping this will shed some light.


Can't get that shit in town thanks to the Methodists.

Methodists, you're...


I had to use that image.

But seriously, small towns ruled by religions suck.


well not really...yet
Matlock said:
Can't get that shit in town thanks to the Methodists.

Methodists, you're...


I had to use that image.

But seriously, small towns ruled by religions suck.
ahaha you made it, awesome


I actually caught this yesterday (Sunday) in the morning. It is way too short, no way to tell the entire GNR story in an hour. It says Chinese Democracy is slated for a November release. Who knows?


WasabiKing said:
10 PM Eastern and Pacific, I believe. I can't understand how one of the baddest ass rock bands of all time broke up after putting out a masterpiece such as Appetite for Destruction. They were literally on top of the world, and it's been said egos broke them up, but I'm hoping this will shed some light.

Its all Axl's fault. That guy is a weirdo. Although i do have my tivo set to tape this.
Too bad Velvet Revolver SUCKS. We all know that Axl has a huge ego, but there's gotta be something to be said about the other guys as well. I'll wait until after I see the show in order to judge, but this one should have really run for at least 2 hours.


Guzim said:
Isn't Izzy the only other member that's still left in "Guns n Roses"?

No, you are thinking of DIZZY.

IZZY left the band during or right after they recorded Use Your Illusion 1&2. His all thing was that he wanted to only play small venues, and keep the band like this small club band, and when they all wanted to go on the road, he bailed. Then he started his own band, who had some mediocre hits, but he kept his band in small clubs, and then that groupd broke up.


WasabiKing said:
Too bad Velvet Revolver SUCKS. We all know that Axl has a huge ego, but there's gotta be something to be said about the other guys as well. I'll wait until after I see the show in order to judge, but this one should have really run for at least 2 hours.

Are u insane? How can u say VR sucks? Have u listened to the whole CD? I just saw them a month ago in NYC, and the place was packed. I mean hell even the scalpers didnt have tickets left. They are playing in NJ soon and the show just sold out in like 40secs. :)
I haven't listened to the whole CD, just the first 5 tracks before i told my buddy to eject the CD out. It's not that great, people are stuck in the whole GnR nostalgia, and Scott Weiland brings them down. If the band was looked at as a brand new band, and not this "super-band" status, no one would care.


Man, I just watched this BTM, and I mean I knew AXL was insane, but I never knew he was this bad. Its a shame really, if he was a sane person, who knows what kind of music GNR could be making today. Also, I really feel bad for Steven Adler. He looks like shit. Its a shame, that he had to suffer a Drug enduced stroke. I really couldnt believe that was him.

Oh, and I know that at the end of the show, it said that Chinese Democracy was scheduled to drop in Nov. 2004, but GNR mgmt has already confirmed that is not true, and there is no date.

Also, Buckethead, Axl's attempt at getting someone as good as slash, has left the band, so now Axl needs to find a new lead guitar.


WasabiKing said:
10 PM Eastern and Pacific, I believe. I can't understand how one of the baddest ass rock bands of all time broke up after putting out a masterpiece such as Appetite for Destruction. They were literally on top of the world, and it's been said egos broke them up, but I'm hoping this will shed some light.

Damnit, 10 PM Pacific here on the East coast, thought it would be repeated but no such luck. I slept through the 10 PM Eastern time, anyone with a torrent of this show would make my day.


aparisi2274 said:
Also, I really feel bad for Steven Adler. He looks like shit. Its a shame, that he had to suffer a Drug enduced stroke. I really couldnt believe that was him.

Obviously I haven't seen the show yet, but is my memory faulty or did he serve time in jail for heroin?


DJ_Tet said:
Obviously I haven't seen the show yet, but is my memory faulty or did he serve time in jail for heroin?

I dont think he ever served Jail time. They didnt mention it at all on the show.

Also the show was just repeated at 12:00am EST.


Well that doesn't help me that much does it ;)

So do you or anyone remember Adler in court? What exactly was that court case all about?
I just saw them a month ago in NYC, and the place was packed.

No shit? You were at the Roseland Ballroom concert? I was there too and let me tell you, it was the most amazing concert I've ever been to.I was about 5 feet away from the band, hotdamn.

There's a DVD torrent released of the very same concert. I have it and the quality isn't bad at all. If you want it, let me know. (You can see my hand reach up and touch Weiland, my only 15 minutes of shame :()
WasabiKing said:
Too bad Velvet Revolver SUCKS. We all know that Axl has a huge ego, but there's gotta be something to be said about the other guys as well. I'll wait until after I see the show in order to judge, but this one should have really run for at least 2 hours.

Heh kind of like David Lee Roth and the rest of Van Halen.
Awesome awesome show, but I figured that there would be a lot of missing stuff. No thoughts from Duff, Izzy, Axl, but you kinda figure this to be true since those guys haven't bothered to talk about GnR in quite some time.

Man, they need to fork over some serious coin for another hour with stuff from Axl, Izzy, and Duff.
WasabiKing said:
Awesome awesome show, but I figured that there would be a lot of missing stuff. No thoughts from Duff, Izzy, Axl, but you kinda figure this to be true since those guys haven't bothered to talk about GnR in quite some time.

Man, they need to fork over some serious coin for another hour with stuff from Axl, Izzy, and Duff.

The show sucked, man. They didn't tell us anything new, and they didn't have any new interviews with Axl, Duff, or Izzy. Sure, they got everyone else (And I MEAN everyone else, like people that really have no ties to the band like "Photographers"), but other than that their "Behind The Music" has been in front of the public's eyes for quite some time.

The interviews with Slash were great, but Matt Sorum is an airhead who has no right to be talking shit about Axl and it was just painful to listen to Steven due to his stroke, even though he gave you a good insight on the band.

All I'm saying is: Don't do a Behind The Music without telling it through the eyes of the person who made the band what it was -- AXL and IZZY.


Well duff didnt want to have anything to do with the show. He said he was done with GNR, and he didnt want to talk about all the shit that he just got finished putting behind him. Also, they would never get AXL for interviews, because in his sick mind, GNR is still a mega-band, and they are still putting out CD's. Izzy nobody has heard from ever. I dont even think I ever heard him talk once in an interview, and I am a HUGE GNR fan.

MC Safety

Here's a question: Did they once mention the keyboard player, Dizzy?

Was the guy ever a member of the band? Was his name even Dizzy?
Disco Stu said:
Here's a question: Did they once mention the keyboard player, Dizzy?

Was the guy ever a member of the band? Was his name even Dizzy?

i think you're thinking of Dizzy Reed, and yes he was in the band, in fact, he is STILL in the band unless im mistaken with the rest of Axl's hired guns (no pun intended).

OVerall, i think the show was decent. Sure they left a lot of stuff out, but you have to remember the restiictions of doing a 1 hour show thats aimed at more casual fans. Most of them want to hear more about Slash getting wasted than hearing some of the more inner battles of the band.

GNR is such a unique story. I don't think there has ever been a band that achieved so damn much, yet still left people wondering "what could have been?". These guys could have been the next Rolling Stones.


I consider myself a pretty big G N R fan, but I had no idea how f'ed up the band was. I was probably in big time denial. I thought it was an interesting show, but it was definitely missing some points of view. Axl and Izzy owe it to their fans to tell their story. Especially considering Izzy was the first to quit the band. Axl (who seems wholly concerned with his legacy) needs to close the book on "classic" GNR to be able to move on. I'm anxious to hear his new album even more though, considering the power ballads on Illusions were his doing rather than Slash's. I love Slash's overtures, but the piano is some of my favorite GNR.

Oh yeah, Matt Sorum can go to hell. You were in a fa* band before GNR and you are ragging on the piano?? Your "kick-ass" song "You could be mine" is one of GNRs worst tracks dude. The Cult? Get a life and quit talking shit. Bang your drum and act like people care about your involvement in GNR.



I like the drums and the bass in that song, but considering I like GnR for their lyrics and guitar solos, that song does not do it for me. Calling it one of their worst tracks is a bit harsh however. I'll reiterate it is one of their worst "singles."

To each his own though, I love almost every GnR song (barring the Spaghetti Incident) and "You Could Be Mine" is a good song in its own right. It's just not anywhere near my fav.
Ninja Scooter said:
GNR is such a unique story. I don't think there has ever been a band that achieved so damn much, yet still left people wondering "what could have been?". These guys could have been the next Rolling Stones.
No doubt about it. The fact that their greatest hits CD sold so well after the first week, despite no new material or bonus add-ins, just tells you how badly fans want to see something. And it was an awesome show since that's the best VH1 could pull off.

BTW, Duff and Slash are suing Axl for lost revenue because Axl rejected the use of Welcome to the Jungle in a ton of movies, including Black Hawk Down and Old School. Problem is, for BHD, Axl wanted to re-record the song with his hired guns.


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
Axl doesn't want Welcome to the Jungle in movies? WTF? Welcome to the Jungle being in a movie is how I heard about G'NR... (prerelease promotion for The Dead Pool, aka Dirty Harry 5)


WTF is wrong with him? I would have never become familiar with them if I didn't hear that song in Lean on Me. OMG


TAJ said:
Axl doesn't want Welcome to the Jungle in movies? WTF? Welcome to the Jungle being in a movie is how I heard about G'NR... (prerelease promotion for The Dead Pool, aka Dirty Harry 5)

The Dead Pool and Lean On Me are very old movies respectively. I'm thinking (could be wrong) that Axl didn't want Jungle on every new f'in movie made in the last 10 years. The Dead Pool and Lean On Me were both out/made before Appitite For Destruction made its move on the chart. Although Welcome was the first single, the single that got the album to move was Sweet Child.

It's just a case of a rock star not wanting his songs over-exposed (although when it comes to Jungle, over-over-over-over-exposed). He was fine with his songs out there to promote a movie, but a movie that comes out ten years after the album, it seems like the movie is getting big off the song rather than the other way around.


WasabiKing said:
BTW, Duff and Slash are suing Axl for lost revenue because Axl rejected the use of Welcome to the Jungle in a ton of movies, including Black Hawk Down and Old School. Problem is, for BHD, Axl wanted to re-record the song with his hired guns.

Those movies came out WAY after Appitite, and The Dead Pool, and Lean on Me. I see Axl's point, although not with new guns.

If Duff and Slash are hard up for cash, that's their fault not Axl's. I'm for one glad that Welcome to the Jungle isn't in every movie, although it IS in every sports event.


ItalianStallion said:
The show sucked, man. They didn't tell us anything new, and they didn't have any new interviews with Axl, Duff, or Izzy. Sure, they got everyone else (And I MEAN everyone else, like people that really have no ties to the band like "Photographers"), but other than that their "Behind The Music" has been in front of the public's eyes for quite some time.

The interviews with Slash were great, but Matt Sorum is an airhead who has no right to be talking shit about Axl and it was just painful to listen to Steven due to his stroke, even though he gave you a good insight on the band.

All I'm saying is: Don't do a Behind The Music without telling it through the eyes of the person who made the band what it was -- AXL and IZZY.

I fucking agree. Axl and Izzy made that band, and composed most of their best stuff. Too bad Izzy left due to overwhelming exposure and the pressure of constant touring.

Sir Eel

Disco Stu said:
They didn't mention anything about "Whizzy" Stradlin. Now there was an anecdote that demanded retelling.

Ahaha! That is so true. That drunk bastard. I love that story. :D
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