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GVF-Hop l0† 13l La Soulja Nostra

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tagged by Blackace
Is this combined or retail?

Regardless, Kendrick lost, not just TDE because like I was arguing before, I think by deduction this comes down to the album itself. So much buzz, so much exposure/cosigns,, so many streams (record breaking, in fact), put on such a high pedestal, and he only does a modest gain on GKMC's numbers.

I don't know much about album sales so I'll ask.

Does a huge drop (say 80% or 90%) usually follows the first week sales, or the albums have legs? (Pretty much asking for TPAB lol)
There's usually a significant drop after the first week, but who knows because I can't recall what it's like for other sudden releases. 80-90% is super extreme and I wouldn't expect that, I remember Kanye got shit for doing around that range which is usually unheard of.


somebody needs to be getting fired at TDE/Interscope. Kendrick was supposed to do at least 400K after a plat debut w/ multiple hits.


Drizzy dropped a mixtape that sold 500k+

mainstream won
Forgot about that. And Vft6 will move even more in the fall. Drizzy season all year I guess.

The singles just aren't as playable on radio/clubs as swimming pools was (ironic or not)

And the overall direction of the album isn't as accessible as gkmc either

Dangeroopookiepawa stay stupid as hell
Yup stan hat aside, this was a trash rollout for an album. Utter trash. I understand wanting to beat the leak, but...shouldn't they have recognized that shit was going to happen? Why not just release the album on iTunes on the 17th instead of that rushed Monday release (the 16th), which included multiple fuck ups (clean version only, pre-orders keeping the original release date instead of allowing people to listen to the album, album being taken off iTunes for an hour or so, etc).

Then they had to rush the physical copies out and didn't do that properly either. Definitely a bad look, and highlights that TDE isn't ready for prime time.

All that being said, I wouldn't be surprised if the second week totals are high.


yeah, L's all around lol cause k-dot did big #'s last time (eventually) and had mad co-signs this time (just like last) but hey an out-there afrocentric jazz fusion/funk piece should have its sales compared to the most radio-friendly mainstream release in recent months because, you know, people fucked with PE back in the era of beepers right

i wonder if some of ya'll are self-aware when puttin your sales-age hats on

who cares

also see: this
yea at the end of the day 355k isn't a bad number outside of internet people. It's just not what many would expect given that he has "the machine" fully behind him and had such a huge previous album+Control.

I'd bet money that TDE planned some type of media campaign similar to what Cole did, but scrapped it when he did it. And they have no plan B. One of the worst promotion and album rollout jobs I've ever seen.


tagged by Blackace
I don't even know why we still care about the state of TDE at large. It's pretty obvious how things will play out from here, with little variation.

- Ab-Soul has already dug his own brand into the grave. Nobody cares, and the only reason they will is if he tries to mimic how he was coming on LTM/CS. He's been consumed by grief and marijuana and hasn't learned to channel it.
- Jay Rock will never drop. In the case he does, he will go triple styrofoam and fail to make any sort of impact because even if he can bark a bit harder, he lacks the personality of anyone in that aggressive feature rapper lane to stay around. Being on Strange Music alone sort of means his options are limited.
- Q's charisma and image continue to propel him forwards and get him feature after feature after feature. For the time being, dude is keeping his name out there and eating. Thing with Q is that when he comes with it he comes full force, and I think that will help him stick around. Things will peter out unless dude gets a monster single, but for the time being he's okay.
- Kendrick will stay dropping Grammy/BET Awards-bait albums and her sheer skill and respect across the music industry will keep him out there. People don't just want him to stay around, people feel strongly that he needs to stay around as a fixture in the game, even in the presence of Cole. He's obviously cultivated a strong enough fanbase to carry him through the ups and downs and everyone in this thread or out damn well knows they're gonna check out his next album out whether they liked TPAB or not.


tagged by Blackace
Yeah this year is definitely Drizzy's. Lay up after lay up but the dunk is coming. In multiple respects: where he will take his label, what the next power move is at the top of the game, where he will take his sound, and obviously the album itself. All Eyez On Drizz-y.

Grammy bait lmao. Have no recollection of music before 2004 brehs.
It was more of a play on Oscar-bait than what the Grammys actually look for.

And the response to TPAB is pretty much akin to what you would associate with something that's Oscar-bait.

enzo fuck does this even mean
why do you insist on placing them together as if they're even remotely like artists
I don't know, have you paid attention to rap media in the past 3-4 years? They're always grouped together, not just because they've wanted to do the music together but they're those conscious cats that popped off in the mainstream in this era. That's definitely the same lane, even if your girl might like one more than the other.


I'm not going to comment on people's expectations of sales for this album (it was clear within like 10 minutes of the thing that it wasn't designed to be fuel for sales) but I also don't get the people that complain about sales talk. Deal with it it's part of the game. And life.


tagged by Blackace
Is Dark Fantasy grammy bait? Because TPAB is currently ranked higher than it, critic wise. *chuckles*

Is Black Messiah grammy bait?
Dark Fantasy is definitely Grammy bait. I think Kanye has even said explicitly so.

Not gonna jump in on review talk, it's all bullshit. If you're using TPAB's limited sample as a point of argument anyways, you know it's bullshit. I never bring up MBDTF's scores either.


ima skip the masters-esque drizzy writeup

I don't know, have you paid attention to rap media in the past 3-4 years? They're always grouped together, not just because they've wanted to do the music together but they're those conscious cats that popped off in the mainstream in this era. That's definitely the same lane, even if your girl might like one more than the other.

i honestly don't read many hip hop blogs & such, aside from what comes up here - i know you do, because you post a lotta write-ups/etc from interviews and tracks and i always appreciate that

but having listened to the two on multiple albums now: they're not like artists. if the same heads that put them under the "urban" section do because they're black & contemporary, i guess that's fine, but especially the last go-around, they didn't nearly put out like products either

I'm not going to comment on people's expectations of sales for this album (it was clear within like 10 minutes of the thing that it wasn't designed to be fuel for sales) but I also don't get the people that complain about sales talk. Deal with it it's part of the game. And life.

sales talk is boring as fukkkkk but my end of it just narratives, not the knob-polishing
as you said, this album screams "not for everyone", so when people expect otherwise it's off putting. it's like cats in gaming side made if Bloodborne gets below a 9 - this is some niche shit that was literally designed for certain crowds and to not be as appealing to others, so why should i compare it or expect it to sell like Destiny?


What does Grammy/Oscar bait even mean? I think the people that use the term mean it to say pretentious and/or pandering, but it usually comes off as not being able to articulate why that person doesn't like a movie or piece of music that other people consider good.

And what Grammy could TPAB of all things be trying to bait? "I lost out to macklemore last year so this afrocentric jazz funk album ought to do the trick."
I'd say most things Kanye does are aimed at receiving critical acclaim because it's clear he associates it with success. He's one of those people who had a parent who told him every little thing he did was amazing, and thus craves validation. The way he throws tantrums over losing the most meaningless of awards suggests that his perception of his own self worth is highly dependent on what other people say or think about him. Much like the skits on College Dropout, except replace college degrees with awards. Yeezus is probably the only thing he's done that he didn't expect or demand recognition for - and even that phase included some laughable antics (remember when he claimed the second verse on New Slaves was the greatest hip hop verse of all time?).

Meanwhile Kendrick doesn't do anything with awards in mind. The Grammys don't give a damn about hip hop music, and we can pretty much bet money that Macklemore's next album will win more awards than any rapper at the next awards show.

I give Kendrick dap for doing something creative in the midst of redundant, repetitive trap shit. But just as D'Angelo won't win any major Grammys despite having the most critically acclaimed album of the nomination calender year, neither will Kendrick.


If Dark Fantasy is grammy bait, it's bad grammy bait. Too much stuff going on for the committee, bad sound quality, etc.


tagged by Blackace
Kendrick's numbers are still good, but in the grand scheme of things it's an L when we compare it to expectations we and the industry put into the air, and his peers. We tend to look at things in the macro sense because usually that's a pretty good way of judging whether someone sinks or floats but when you break it down, yeah it's kind of impressive. Dude didn't go GKMC 2.0, made a more ambitious project, tackled shit that's taboo to the most of white America in a comparatively direct and focused way than we've seen from hip-hop in general, used a sound that does not even try to reconcile itself with modern pop-hip-hop styles like say Forest Hills Drive did, out the gate tries to punch you in the face with Wesley's Theory and For Free back to back, etc. and he still was able to maintain an average jump from his debut album to his sophomore. Ultimately, he's not going anywhere, and he's continuing to heat up, but with all that was going for him, it's hard not to feel that a few marks were missed. This was our golden boy.

If Dark Fantasy is grammy bait, it's bad grammy bait. Too much stuff going on for the committee, bad sound quality, etc.
I think the topics and theme and Kanye owning up to his role as a villain and discussing that alone make it Grammy bait.


I think the topics and theme and Kanye owning up to his role as a villain and discussing that alone make it Grammy bait.

Nobody gives a fack about Kanye's indulgent metacommentary on himself besides his stans though, it's old hat. Nor is the album the kind of thing Grammy boards give awards for sonically.

You not winning any grammies with beats like that.


If MBDTF is grammy bait it's only because of the aims of that album/era to win people back. It's a people pleaser album. Of course the Grammy's robbed Ye of his deserved AOTY. That's nothing new.

Since we're on Ye yet again (nope you did this)

The 101 Best Kanye West-Produced Songs That Don't Feature Kanye

Looking at the legacy of hip-hop's preeminent rapper/producer, when he only focuses on the latter half

order's pretty wonky but everything you'd expect to be there is.
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