fixed that title.
mmg sound got really stale, damn.
mmg sound was stale 4 rick ross albums ago b
:dame at the last quoteA couple of years ago, in 2013, West could be found inveighing against the gatekeepers he perceived as impediments to his success: the designers who wouldn’t collaborate with him, the financiers who wouldn’t back him. He did this in interviews as well as on stage, from the 60-foot tall mountain that was the centerpiece of his Yeezus tour. “I would scream — ‘Look at this mountain I just made! You don’t think I can make a T-shirt?’ ” he told me. “ ’Look at everyone in the audience — we’re selling $300,000 worth of T-shirts every night!’ ”
Lately, that’s often been a velour sweatshirt by Haider Ackermann (retail price: $768), topped with a modified MA-1 bomber jacket by Takahiro Miyashita ($1,778). This is not, West clarifies, the level of affordability he’s striving for in the clothes he’s making. He claims that he’s not wearing luxury for luxury’s sake but rather as a form of research. “There’s a transition,” he says. “I need to partake in what’s of value and of quality and soul in order to understand it, in order to give it back.”
He takes his role as a husband and father seriously. “I feel like now I have an amazing wife, a supersmart child and the opportunity to create in two major fields,” he said. “Before I had those outlets, my ego was all I had.” But he also speaks “all the time” to a doctor who specializes in anger management therapy, a fortuitous byproduct of an altercation with a paparazzo at Los Angeles International Airport.
“I have this table in my new house,” West said, offering a parable. “They put this table in without asking. It was some weird nouveau riche marble table, and I hated it. But it was literally so heavy that it took a crane to move it. We would try to set up different things around it, but it never really worked.
“I realized that table was my ego. No matter what you put around it, under it, no matter who photographed it, the douchebaggery would always come through.”
His poorly received ready-to-wear women’s collections were paid for completely out of pocket, which he says put him in debt. “I gained because I had the privilege to be educated,” he now says. “I had enough of a value to be able to go into debt, and that was a blessing. Some people don’t even have the opportunity to be able to go into debt.”
In a widely circulated photo of the two men meeting, Lauren has placed his hand gently on West’s cheek. “Do you know what he said when he did that? ‘This is my son,’ ” West said. “And I was thinking, ‘I knew it! I knew Ralph was my daddy!’ ”
Fix your link.Retail list finally up, really wanted to get the new Slim Thug in there that's what took so long, was just in a big debate...In the end I like it more than Earl's album in the whip, but not in the headphones.
Gravediggaz were actually the first horrorcore group. Also as a group they were being shopped around to labels as early as 1991, before RZA was able to get Wu-Tang off the ground as his personal side-project. The voices which you find annoying, i think add a lot of great characterization to the album, which i find missing in today's hip-hop. gotta remember being "wild and crazy" like Busta Rhymes was a popular style of MCing.
it's yet another Prince Paul classic in my book. and another reason 1994 was such a great year in hip-hop.
RIP Poetic
Look at this mountain I just made! You dont think I can make a T-shirt?  he told me.  Look at everyone in the audience were selling $300,000 worth of T-shirts every night! 
And I was thinking, I knew it! I knew Ralph was my daddy! 
Thanks for the insight. I'm assuming the labels didn't want to take a risk with this which is why they had to go through that BS before this came out. RZA even takes a few shots at some of the labels I believe.
Cheddahz avatar material.
Another reason why Chrome is wack.
I bet it's the Jaden pic.
This is straight. Ye verse is goofy but the barstool and Photoshop lines are gonna stick.
Great list man. Broken link though. Des coming through again with multiple releases I haven't heard. Lists done right.Retail list finally up, really wanted to get the new Slim Thug in there that's what took so long, was just in a big debate...In the end I like it more than Earl's album in the whip, but not in the headphones.
People were legit hyped for this?
One of yall fucked this thread up.
smh posting in here with IE
I only boot it up a few nights a week cause I know I'll get deep into that shit when I do.
Fuck that PC nerdery
ya, but you're playing a from soft game. that's like saying fuck anime, when you have a blu ray player with escaflowne in it right now.
He shoulda known, once these girls get out of pre-school and start kindergarten they start developing their cognitive and social skills in a larger environment they tend to start playing with other children.
Please, this upcoming sequence of events will allow me to consolidate my discount-Beyonce and Kanye trolling. Call it horizontal troll synergy.
Look, they missed the boat on the far, far, far superior GKMC, so they had to make it up somehow. They're cool now. They're hip. They get the kids.
it will drop outta no where as Tidal surprise release
it supposed to drop seriously soon..before April end
information is solid
hype? don't know what to make of this, thought could ride with dude a few albums back but i don't know what to expect here
...what if we just posted past this page tho
like without having to drop down to 50ppp for scrubs
Black Thought stands toe to toe with anyone from anytime. Like however you feel about The Roots' discography, that's an objective #HipHopFact.
I don't know what problem you guys are having with this thread, unless it's using browsers that have been subpar for years.
Windows 95 users being exposed right now.
my OS doesn't hit me up every other day bout updates needin to restart fam
also #checkyourprivilege