Night's Gambit over Grief Pedigree fasho.
So HiRes, could ya help with reviews?
I think I'm going to review the two foreign albums and you could review Fundamentals. Is that ok?
Night's Gambit over Grief Pedigree fasho.
(Iron Works is the only project he has that isn't amazing IMO. He has really grown as a producer since then.)
I kissed a girl? Shits a classic.How you only listen to two Swift songs but say Katy Perry got classics
You really don't see it? PD is employing classic stan tactics. He pretends Taylor Swift is 'irrelevant' by not hearing her songs anywhere but he'll tell you he hums to Dark Horse in grocery stores, his local Chinese takeout place and nail salons.How you only listen to two Swift songs but say Katy Perry got classics
You really don't see it? PD is employing classic stan tactics. He pretends Taylor Swift is 'irrelevant' by not hearing her songs anywhere but he'll tell you he hums to Dark Horse in grocery stores, his local Chinese takeout place and nail salons.
I'll give him the music videos and Teenage Dream which is a great single, but that's where my praise for Katy ends. Taylor is a better songwriter, her catalog is more varied conceptually and offers more depth and introspection. She also has a better ear for production and melodies. Katy can't compare.
form opinions based off of Dr. Pepper commercials brehsTaylor is a better songwriter
that faux "singer songwriter" gimmick got you all gassed up. Katy is the better singer. Wake me up when T Swift crushes the building with a TGIF quality track.
Katy is the better singer.
You really don't see it? PD is employing classic stan tactics. He pretends Taylor Swift is 'irrelevant' by not hearing her songs anywhere but he'll tell you he hums to Dark Horse in grocery stores, his local Chinese takeout place and nail salons..
Day 93....
Your dick?I'd give anything to bang Swift
I'd give anything to bang Swift
I'm not at that level with ya, but she fine.I'd give anything to bang Swift
I'd give anything to bang Swift
True true, just giving Taylor some props.Katy Perry is more attractive, let's not be ridiculous.
She looks like Micki Free
T Swift looks like all she does is missionary.
that's what people say
I'd give it up to anybody to bang Swift
lets ask KDot to confirm this
You mean Welvin Da GreatI think you mean welvin the destroyer or whatver his name was in that bad blood video
That's the only sexy anything involving SwiftNot gonna lie that gif that Boutdown posted is literally the sexiest image I've ever seen of Swizzle.