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GVF-Hop l0† 13l La Soulja Nostra

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IDK, i like Soul on Ice production a lot. It's perfect for that kind of record. Does it have The Blueprint quality material on the boards? Nah, but It's still dope.

Anything Goes super smooth for a tinfoil hat album tbh

The Evil That Men Do gritty but smooth and personal all at the same time, sort of got a jazzy Weather Report thing going on.

Drama sounding like some shit that's low key from Final Fantasy 7

Reelishymn got this sort of cannibal ox nujabes thing going on its dope

Classic album imo.


Interesting sort of split that some people would've liked Rocky to go more into banger territory, and others wanted him to go more into the psychedelic vibe.

Live Love was a perfect combo of the two IMO, that's what made it excellent.
IDK, i like Soul on Ice production a lot. It's perfect for that kind of record. Does it have The Blueprint quality material on the boards? Nah, but It's still dope.

Anything Goes super smooth for a tinfoil hat album tbh

The Evil That Men Do gritty but smooth and personal all at the same time, sort of got a jazzy Weather Report thing going on.

Drama sounding like some shit that's low key from Final Fantasy 7

Reelishymn got this sort of cannibal ox nujabes thing going on its dope

Classic album imo.

I can agree with that. My favorite of the bunch is Ordo Abchao.

Man I wish this album would get reissued...but due to fuckery on both ends, it's probably never going to.


i was so hype for wavybone from everyones impressions and its just heaven & hell with bad drums lol

i understand everyone was hype for ugk and juicy j


Ran ALLA back a couple of times.

Guy just has no personality or depth lol. He really does fit the sort of stereotype of a Zoolander type model I guess. Stuff is dressed up nice but there's just basically no real reason to listen to this guy anymore no matter what he tries sonically. No content, no skills, weak pen game, hit or miss charisma. Dude is lowkey Jim Jones tier zzzz on the mic. There's just very little to it all.
Lots of 1-2 listen impressions on this Rocky album and it got me thinking: how many times do you guys typically listen to an album before reaching a final opinion? Obviously it can vary depending on the density/depth of the music but say on average.


Maybe around 3 to 4 listens usually? first listen is to get a feel of the album, second i usually pay attention to the lyrics, third will be trying to find what I don't like, and the fourth listen is usually where i see if i like the album as whole, if it falls off after certain point, if i only like some tracks, etc etc


Lots of 1-2 listen impressions on this Rocky album and it got me thinking: how many times do you guys typically listen to an album before reaching a final opinion? Obviously it can vary depending on the density/depth of the music but say on average.

It depends on the album. TPAB? 4-5ish. This? 2 was enough.


Lots of 1-2 listen impressions on this Rocky album and it got me thinking: how many times do you guys typically listen to an album before reaching a final opinion? Obviously it can vary depending on the density/depth of the music but say on average.

I mean, the "law" of first impressions is universal. On first listen, that's what really sticks with me. A second or third listen often has a harder time changing my opinion off of a first listen. Like, I can admit I was wrong about super early impressions, but it's never really erased.

My friends swear I'm crazy for not like Forest Hills Drive, for instance, so I listened to it for a second time. I eased up on my criticism, but overall, I still don't think it's all that great.

The first listen and whether or not it does anything for you is really strong.

Tapes from some of my more favorite artists get more listens tho. TPAB, T&Y and PT3 got at least 4.

I feel like I'm rambling, but to answer your question with an average number, I'd say 2.


I normally listen once and then post my first impressions; afterwards I listen to it again to see if there is much more to the songs and then comment here and there.

I must confess though that I listen to most albums as background music and might miss a thing here and there. For major albums like GKMC though I do nothing else than chilling at a comfortable spot, putting my headphones on and focus on listening to it. I remember listening to the whole of GKMC during my bus ride from home to uni and I left the bus as a changed, better man brehs

Also, if an album is really good, I go auto-repeat without noticing it and listen to it a dozen of times


Lots of 1-2 listen impressions on this Rocky album and it got me thinking: how many times do you guys typically listen to an album before reaching a final opinion? Obviously it can vary depending on the density/depth of the music but say on average.
One or two listens really. It's actually a lot more common for me to sour on an album after repeated listens than warm up to it, so if I'm not feeling something early on it's easy to drop it.


As a career Lupe hater I resent the notion that we've been told to hate him. Hating/stanning Lupe wars is an olde gaf hop tradition, RIP ReconYoda. I don't think anyone hates him, but his stans here really fled the sinking ship around Lasers and never looked back (i'm looking at you Overcast)

Or they all got banned for being insane human beings.
Yeah. Got off that team after Lasers and then the mediocre F&L2 made me realize I made the right choice. That being said I think T&Y is okay, but not exactly great.


Lots of 1-2 listen impressions on this Rocky album and it got me thinking: how many times do you guys typically listen to an album before reaching a final opinion? Obviously it can vary depending on the density/depth of the music but say on average.

Twice probably, knowing my current mood can affect my perception. When it's as dull as ALLA you don't really feel inspired to listen again though.





Lots of 1-2 listen impressions on this Rocky album and it got me thinking: how many times do you guys typically listen to an album before reaching a final opinion? Obviously it can vary depending on the density/depth of the music but say on average.

Hard to say. First listens can be crazy misleading and I often find myself doing a total 180 on the second round. I thought Cherry Bomb was hot garbage at first, after a few weeks I listened again and it was actually decent (still haven't listened again after that, outside of Smuckers, though, so I guess I didn't like it enough). TPAB needed 2-3 spins until it clicked and went on heavy rotation for 3 weeks.

But in some cases you just know if it's for you or not. F.e. I probably won't ever again listen to ALLA fully. Not interesting enough sonically and flow-wise. Props for trying to experiment at least.

Most new rap albums, except those from the usual suspects like Ye, Drake or Kendrick, generally don't even get a second full listen from me, though. The only ones this year that I replayed a bit more so far were the new Action Bronson, Joey Badass, Oddisee and Thugga (B6 + the leaks, whew).
Eminem. Is he the only rapper to be this successful without using the N word? (serious question)


tagged by Blackace
Pete Rock - Heaven & Earth. Off Petestrumentals 2. Feeling this, would love to hear Nas or someone like that go over this.

Lil Durk ft. Logic - Tryna Tryna. I think this physically hurt my ear.

Lots of 1-2 listen impressions on this Rocky album and it got me thinking: how many times do you guys typically listen to an album before reaching a final opinion? Obviously it can vary depending on the density/depth of the music but say on average.
If it's bad, one listen. If it's good/there's a lot to it, it depends.

I try to give everyone at least 2 chances to impress me, and at least 2 listens of each album but that's time permitting.


erotic butter maelstrom
I do see a lot of definitive sounding opinions pop up almost immediately after an album leaks. I've been guilty of it myself so not talking shit ftr, but knee jerk reactions are pretty useless and most of the time are just reinforcing that person's pre-existing biases towards the artist or album. A good critical perspective needs time to digest, divorced from hype or anti-hype.

But then again some shit is so shallow it doesn't need to be reflected on any further than the first listen. If I had to pull up a recent example it would be that last Big Sean album. One and done right there.
Lots of 1-2 listen impressions on this Rocky album and it got me thinking: how many times do you guys typically listen to an album before reaching a final opinion? Obviously it can vary depending on the density/depth of the music but say on average.

That first experience means a lot to me. I only stan for a few artists, like even beyond music, so I generally go into things pretty level headed and those initial feelings won't waver that much. I've never encountered anything I could say I've done a full 180 on after repeated listens. In fact, much like Fjordson said a few posts up, something I didn't enjoy on the 1st listen I'll only grow to dislike the more I force myself to listen to it.

In terms of final opinion though, I guess 3 really attentive listens to a project worthy of 3 listens feels good enough. By the time I start a 4th, I'll already have a good read on where I sit with an album. This isn't getting into deciphering it btw, that could take many more listens. I'm just talking about understanding and appreciating it sonically, and deciding whether or not I'm going to be returning to it in the future.
Lots of 1-2 listen impressions on this Rocky album and it got me thinking: how many times do you guys typically listen to an album before reaching a final opinion? Obviously it can vary depending on the density/depth of the music but say on average.

I'd say I can form a concert opinion on my third listen.
Lots of 1-2 listen impressions on this Rocky album and it got me thinking: how many times do you guys typically listen to an album before reaching a final opinion? Obviously it can vary depending on the density/depth of the music but say on average.

Wrecker is right and the first impression is definitely big because it sets the tone (as does the intro/first two tracks). But 3 listens on average before I decide whether it will get more spins at some point or into the trash it goes.

Except for These Days...
fuck that

edit: In the Night whew

OG Kush

Alright, since a lot of you seem to claim Barter 6 is good.. I'm going to give in and listen to this fucking guy.. But please give me a list of all the good tracks, can't be arsed to sit through the whole thing!
Every Eminem thread...these fucking people. Em is from Detroit like me, I think he was a great rapper but come on. I'd bet right now that most people in that thread haven't listened to 5 non-Eminem rap albums that have no Dr Dre connection.
Every Eminem thread...these fucking people. Em is from Detroit like me, I think he was a great rapper but come on. I'd bet right now that most people in that thread haven't listened to 5 non-Eminem rap albums that have no Dr Dre connection.

It's funny because as a huge Eminem stan the points I'd use against him are similar to the ones I'd use against 2Pac. While both maintain a certain degree of lyricism over their releases with a noticeable growth at many points, both suffer from bloated catalogues. This is why the classic Biggie vs. Pac argument is moot. How are you supposed to guess how his catalogue would've developed lol

Also PD, I don't think you want to know the hip hop albums they've listened to besides Eminem lol
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