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H1Z1 Early Access |OT| You've got red on you.

Quotes from the dev
We will NOT be selling Guns, Ammo, Food, Water... i.e. That's kind of the whole game and it would suck in our opinion if we did that

We have made the decision to allow paid for airdrops into the game with things like guns and other things being randomly selected as part of the airdrop. We’re making them highly contested and building a whole set of rules around this, but you should be aware that our goal is to make this a way to keep things interesting on the servers but still be contested. If these offend your sensibilities just know that they are going to be there. We have gone out of our way to make sure the airdrops are contested in-game and that you can’t simply expect to easily walk about to the airdrop and grab it. Even if you paid for it. "

How's that bait and switch working out?



This for me too. For me the appeal of these games isn't getting ganked by another player. It's the survival and outpost building aspect against the zombies. Even better on a PvE server any "pay to win" aspect is pretty much irrelevant.

It'd be interesting after a while to see which types of server are the most popular. I suspect Sony is very interested in seeing that too.

I'm at work now though. Hopefully I'll get to play tonight.


Quotes from the dev

How's that bait and switch working out?

The whole thing is a huge communication and the dev's should have been way more clear. I dont know how people didnt get it. They stated as SOOON as the air drops went live on their internal build months ago, that there would be a chance for a weapon to drop. Smedley streamed from his OWN house and showed him looting a gun or 2.

What they actually meant is, you wont be able to buy a gun and its automatically in your inventory.

If thats pay to win, fuck it, its pay to win. Now days people have to be so damned detailed with whats actually going on or people scream bloody murder.


The whole thing is a huge communication and the dev's should have been way more clear. I dont know how people didnt get it. They stated as SOOON as the air drops went live on their internal build months ago, that there would be a chance for a weapon to drop. Smedley streamed from his OWN house and showed him looting a gun or 2.

What they actually meant is, you wont be able to buy a gun and its automatically in your inventory.

If thats pay to win, fuck it, its pay to win. Now days people have to be so damned detailed with whats actually going on or people scream bloody murder.
They knew the communities dissatisfaction with buying gear going in. It should not exist in any form period. Trying to find a loophole is scummy. This is not some EA trial and error thing. This is a solidified view before the game ever began development.


They knew the communities dissatisfaction with buying gear going in. It should not exist in any form period. Trying to find a loophole is scummy. This is not some EA trial and error thing. This is a solidified view before the game ever began development.

Well, just look at the concept air drops. WHen the army or whoever drops them, whats inside usually? supplies of all kind, food, clothes, weapons ect ect ect. Its not really a "loop hole" its something that would actually happen. Personally i dont see it as a big deal, but if people do, shitty for them. Its not like every drop is going to have a weapon anyways.
Everyone's just jumping the gun. It's probably just a bug.

Or, if someone can confirm, is there a way to buy MTX right now? If it's not available, maybe they're putting items in the airdrops for the initial part of the release.

Edit: Nm I just read the what can you expect page


Gold Member
Morning sarcastic talk. Of course they will. It is early access - look into what that means.

I am thinking about buying in, but damn...so many games.

Thanks man, but please, lower your bitrate and victimize quality a bit. It is chugging every second.

Not every early access games has better graphics when it`s done. It`s still the same engine.


Well, just look at the concept air drops. WHen the army or whoever drops them, whats inside usually? supplies of all kind, food, clothes, weapons ect ect ect. Its not really a "loop hole" its something that would actually happen. Personally i dont see it as a big deal, but if people do, shitty for them. Its not like every drop is going to have a weapon anyways.
Well, just look at the concept of weapon vendors. What items does a weapon vendor usually stock? It's not really a "loop hole" it's something that would actually happen.


It's not a witch hunt, it's people reacting to extremely poor game design choices.

Except it isn't that poor of a design choice. It's easy enough as it is now to find weapons scattered around if you know where to look. Air drops put massive targets on your head whenever you call one in. My friend had a few and we decided to test them out to see how they would go. Both times we called one in it resulted in a pretty good sized battle around the crate. Hell the crates even come with 20 zombies inside of them to make it that much more difficult to get to the loot. You can argure that the crates shouldn't be there in the first place but the fact is that they are and they make for interesting gameplay scenarios.

There can also only be one active air drop at a time per server, so you will never have hundreds of planes flying in at the same time dropping stuff. Rust implemented drops just fine except instead of being player controlled they were server controlled.


I think people are getting outraged far too early with this. Yeah it's a typical SoE balls up. They must have known how people would react but given the game has just launched in early access there's plenty of time for this to be tweaked, changed significantly or even removed.

I wouldn't be surprised if they do a hasty back peddle and remove the chance for weapon drops from the crates.


All this nerd rage is too much. Did no one read the upcoming changes to the air drops?
1) Dramatically widening the radius they come in - it's too small from what we're observing. 2) Making sure the chance for guns is a much lower chance so they are much more rare. 3) Upping the minimum number of people on a server to even allow air drops. It's set at 50 right now and we're going to at least double it. We are serious about these being server events and contested. 4) Making the plane fly even slower.

I would still have preferred this game to have been a full-priced game so in-game monetization wouldn't be necessary but those changes seem fair to me.

Edit: lol! http://www.reddit.com/r/dayz/comments/2slgax/ive_never_been_more_happy_to_come_back_to_dayz/



So here's part of the map.


I haven't seen a single air drop. I'm going to assume it will be pretty rare. Especially since it's very likely you'll get nothing out of it.

Anyway played it an hour or so and it's okay. I haven't found a single piece of food so far, and the only drink came from an empty bottle of water I filled with rain. The food / water bars go down way too quickly if that stuff is going to be that scarce imo. Starved to death on my first life.

Most players have been friendly, which is nice. Text chat seems to be borked (for me at least) and my mic isn't hooked up, but most people have simply said hi over mic and moved on. I did have one guy driving a pickup approach me and ask if I had any food. Since I didn't and couldn't really communicate I went to hit the surrender button but accidently hit clap instead. So I applauded him as he ran me over.

Third life I found a cop car in the woods and drove it into town. It was so much fun turning my sirens on every time I saw a human player, chasing them around tomn. Eventually someone shot me enough for the car to explode, but man I had a smile on my face the whole time.

Overall I much prefer this engine over the dayz / rust ones. Still a long, long way to go, but lots of potential.


Played for about 2 hours on a PVE server to get a hang of things. Managed to find an AR15 in a house but in a twist of irony no ammo so its an all for show piece.

Food can be pretty scarce and early on your storage space is near nothing so very tough decisions to be made on what to take,leave etc.
Blackberries are priceless though. If you come across them stock up on as many as you can. each one will give 1-3% energy and hydration and takes up 1 space each. Desperation food at its finest.

I did find a working cop car and that was fun. Hadn't learned how to craft fuel yet so its 15% tank of gas got me around but eventually ditched the car.

Foundation for the game seems solid so will be happy to put time into it.
lol watching a stream. Some guy just died right at the streamer's legs because he was already low health, and he wanted to tell a story about how an airdrop just dropped by him containing a sniper rifle and other goodies.

He killed the airdrop owner and 7 other people lol.

Airdrops can be pay2lose


lol watching a stream. Some guy just died right at the streamer's legs because he was already low health, and he wanted to tell a story about how an airdrop just dropped by him containing a sniper rifle and other goodies.

He killed the airdrop owner and 7 other people lol.

Airdrops can be pay2lose

So you can buy resource with real money and let them drop in the map?


Quotes from the dev

How's that bait and switch working out?

It's almost as if game design is an iterative process that sometimes results in changes. The horror!

They knew the communities dissatisfaction with buying gear going in. It should not exist in any form period. Trying to find a loophole is scummy. This is not some EA trial and error thing. This is a solidified view before the game ever began development.

I disagree. I don't think it's anywhere close to scummy. I think it's a cool mechanic that needs balance to succeed, but is otherwise sound. If you don't like it, then that's another thing, but trying to make it out as some sinister affront to gamers everywhere so your position on it appears stronger is dishonest.


lol watching a stream. Some guy just died right at the streamer's legs because he was already low health, and he wanted to tell a story about how an airdrop just dropped by him containing a sniper rifle and other goodies.

He killed the airdrop owner and 7 other people lol.

Airdrops can be pay2lose

HOLY SHIT lol. That was me man -- MadCow.

I hate the air drop shit, but it literally made me night for it to happen. 7 very sad, dead people.

edit: please tell me the name of the streamer. I would love to watch it happen from his point of view I was dying laughing.


Why would you ever pay for something that you could lose before you even get to it? That makes absolutely no sense to me.


Seeing this game on twitch....and it looks like crap.

Seriously, are we ever going to get a Day Z like game with actual animations? People are going to use the Alpha excuse for this one but with the way developers have been doing "Early Access" these days, it's just going to be another game where they get paid before it's even finished so they don't care about actually finishing the game or making it better after it's "Alpha stage".

Day Z showed that this kind of game has potential but for some reason, we can't get any better animations, graphics, etc for these games. Which is such a waste.


Why would you ever pay for something that you could lose before you even get to it? That makes absolutely no sense to me.

It's a server event. SOE is hoping that people play games for fun experiences and not simply to horde resources.

Seeing this game on twitch....and it looks like crap.

Seriously, are we ever going to get a Day Z like game with actual animations? People are going to use the Alpha excuse for this one but with the way developers have been doing "Early Access" these days, it's just going to be another game where they get paid before it's even finished so they don't care about actually finishing the game or making it better after it's "Alpha stage".

Day Z showed that this kind of game has potential but for some reason, we can't get any better animations, graphics, etc for these games. Which is such a waste.

It's alpha lol


Not sure about the scam comment, but there was this amazing moment which applies to all these games in a developer stream.

The commentator was saying something like: "I like how in this game the zombies are not just standing idly around and doing nothing."

At that same time, some zombie was idling next to a wall, oblivious of its surroundings.


1) Dramatically widening the radius they come in - it's too small from what we're observing. 2) Making sure the chance for guns is a much lower chance so they are much more rare. 3) Upping the minimum number of people on a server to even allow air drops. It's set at 50 right now and we're going to at least double it. We are serious about these being server events and contested. 4) Making the plane fly even slower.

These şound pretty solid to me.

Should make stuff interesting if the drop distance is very large.

Think I'll be in the minority with that opinion though, the Internet hyperbole machine is kicking in to overdrive.


It's a server event. SOE is hoping that people play games for fun experiences and not simply to horde resources.

It's alpha lol

Oookay, well if that's what people want to blow their cash on then that's up to them. How much do these cost btw? Haven't gotten the game yet, waiting to see how this plays out.


Not sure about the scam comment, but there was this amazing moment which applies to all these games in a developer stream.

The commentator was saying something like: "I like how in this game the zombies are not just standing idly around and doing nothing."

At that same time, some zombie was idling next to a wall, oblivious of its surroundings.

The zombies in this game are way better than any other game in the genre though. They actually feel like a threat and once you aggro them they do a good job to catch up to you. Hell they will even surround you in a house until you open a door so that they can get to you.
The zombies in this game are way better than any other game in the genre though. They actually feel like a threat and once you aggro them they do a good job to catch up to you. Hell they will even surround you in a house until you open a door so that they can get to you.

Yah I saw a streamer that found a working car. He was looting an area, but then saw a horde of 30 zombies run at him. He got in the car and try to drive off but the zombies owned him while he's in the car.


The zombies in this game are way better than any other game in the genre though. They actually feel like a threat and once you aggro them they do a good job to catch up to you. Hell they will even surround you in a house until you open a door so that they can get to you.
And they will break the door or window. Well at least once it get implemented ( I guess it isn't yet ? ).
I had fun for the few hours I played tonight. Heard a plane and saw a crate drop on top of a distant mountain, followed by a shitload of far-off gunfire, and wisely stayed away. Surprisingly, only one random dude tried to murder me, but I had a pistol with 9 rounds vs his bare hands so the law of the jungle prevailed. A guildmate picked me up in a working Jeep right before the server went to shit, but I'm excited to play more tomorrow. Hopefully they will be a little more lenient with the food and water consumption rates -- my dude was a ravenous beast tearing the countryside apart like a swarm of locusts to sate his never ending hunger and thirst.


Seeing this game on twitch....and it looks like crap.

Seriously, are we ever going to get a Day Z like game with actual animations? People are going to use the Alpha excuse for this one but with the way developers have been doing "Early Access" these days, it's just going to be another game where they get paid before it's even finished so they don't care about actually finishing the game or making it better after it's "Alpha stage".

Day Z showed that this kind of game has potential but for some reason, we can't get any better animations, graphics, etc for these games. Which is such a waste.

So sick of reading this. Think about an early development build that gets chucked around the office, uploaded downloaded etc. The last thing you want is it bulked out with pointless textures. Also, when releasing in EA, it rules out a ton of performance issues resulting in 'this game is shit my PC can't run it' threads and (is supposed to) focus discussion on the gameplay/mechanics/design choices. It makes a sense.
Also the epic qq about the air drops. Imho it's a great idea. The thought of denying a player something they've paid actual cash for pushes my evil plan buttons, especially as it's possibly an act of desperation. It also could turn the game on it's head for the players, do you give up your nice safe spot where you've bedded in for the night for the sake of something shiny? I hate P2W as much as the next dude but I trust a few names from SOE and like what they've done with PS2, so they get a dollop of benefit of the doubt as far as their wobbly communication on the whole shop thing, and so so early in EA, lots can change. Right now I just want in, I had 40 min or so last night (UK here so late night sigh) and it wasn't fun, and now I queue...
It's almost as if game design is an iterative process that sometimes results in changes. The horror!

It's almost as if they stated they specifically wouldn't include things they ended up doing. Sorry that argument isn't going to fly for me. I guess you could argue semantics too, but I'm not giving on this one. It's a problem in that it affects game balancing because it changes the economy of the game.
some dude offered me a empty water bottle because i told him i was dying of thirst, he was real nice about it, seem like a friendly dude...so i look down to pick it up and he fires like 4-5 shots and misses them at literally close range, like i was pressing my head against his chest range..lol

I ran off and i became friends with him later on


It's almost as if they stated they specifically wouldn't include things they ended up doing. Sorry that argument isn't going to fly for me. I guess you could argue semantics too, but I'm not giving on this one. It's a problem in that it affects game balancing because it changes the economy of the game.

people got that whole ordeal confused, i think i explained it earlier in the thread. Some people think even that is pay to win, while others dont. Its just a matter of what side of the fence you are on. Im on that, its not. now, if that weapon automatically appeared in his inventory then i would have a issue. air drops where the chance is small and there is a good chance you might not get it anyways, im ok with.


These şound pretty solid to me.

Should make stuff interesting if the drop distance is very large.

Think I'll be in the minority with that opinion though, the Internet hyperbole machine is kicking in to overdrive.
How do you feel about groups farming them and building up huge stashes? No server hopping contains it, but the most popular servers will have a group who paid to control it. It would be much better if the air drops were free/random and the people who controlled servers did it from skill alone. Even if they remove this in a few weeks, the damage is forever done to those servers.


How do you feel about groups farming them and building up huge stashes? Server hopping contains it, but the most popular servers will have a group who paid to control it. It would be much better if the air drops were free/random and the people who controlled servers did it from skill alone. Even if they remove this in a few weeks, the damage is forever done to those servers.

naw, there will be server wipes eventually. its in alpha, its inevitable that there will be multiple server wipes and im sure when the game goes free to play, they will start fresh as well. At least one would think. Every beta/alpha game i have played has done that.


naw, there will be server wipes eventually. its in alpha, its inevitable that there will be multiple server wipes and im sure when the game goes free to play, they will start fresh as well. At least one would think. Every beta/alpha game i have played has done that.

yeah i wouldn't be to worried about it in alpha - i could of swore i read server wipes.
lol, now I'm imagining a multi-thousand dollar base getting wiped and those people blowing up on reddit/forums.


lol, now I'm imagining a multi-thousand dollar base getting wiped and those people blowing up on reddit/forums.

Thats alpha and or beta testing for ya. I remember in my MMO days, we would test raid mobs and with my guild they would take us to another area of the game and there wsa this NPC that had all the gear your character needed in order to tune the mob. We would put in some hours testing, then iw ould have to go back to my regular character who didnt have this awesome gear. IT was good, but not the stuff they let us use for testing! lol it happens.
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