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H1Z1 Early Access |OT| You've got red on you.


It works, i had mine on but the menus and fonts were way too small, even the steam in-game browser was too small I had to change it.

You have to go into panel settings ( keep in mind if you have Nvidia surround enabled the DSR option doesnt show up) I had to tinker around and disable mine to figure that out...

Cool, I just got it working.


I got a letter off a zombie that I guess is a key to a loot cache? I found the spot mentioned in the letter but I can't figure out what to do. The letter says to leave it in the cache, which I did, but nothing happened.

What am I missing?


I hope you at least read the latest changes and have actually played the game before offering such an irrefutable opinion. All of us who have played and the vast majority complaining online has ceased since they updated it. Also people really dramatize the advantages of these gun drops in game. My crew of four went on one run into town we got 3 hunting rifles, an ar 15, 5 pistols, ammo for all of it and found parts for a working police car. Case drops are 5 dollars a piece. Crews will be geared regardless.
In that same post they say:
The last thing we want is it to be a boring item that someone can sneak around and quietly get to find gear without it being contested. In our opinion that is basically cheating and nobody should be able to do that.
Watch this drop after the update. It's a 5 minute segment I believe.
All I see is a $5 gamble on poop loot, and 3 of the 120 people experiencing the event.
I got a letter off a zombie that I guess is a key to a loot cache? I found the spot mentioned in the letter but I can't figure out what to do. The letter says to leave it in the cache, which I did, but nothing happened.

What am I missing?

I've read there is some kind of key needed to open it? no idea though just saw it on reddit


I got a letter off a zombie that I guess is a key to a loot cache? I found the spot mentioned in the letter but I can't figure out what to do. The letter says to leave it in the cache, which I did, but nothing happened.

What am I missing?

I've yet to get an item off a zombie. Do you just click E on them like anything else?


This scenario is pay2win. Say a group meet up, 4 or 5 players, craft some bows maybe for protection. Then they call in air drops one by one while the rest stand guard and protect the drop site. After afew minutes you could easily have a full squad kitted up with the best gear. I've played close to 5 hours and havent seen a firearm anywhere, but if i want i can open the menu up and call some in at any moment.

You have no idea what you are talking about,have never once experienced an airdrop and don't even know what loot is in it. Thanks for the input though bub!


Well the hunger/thirst seems to be fixed. I was running around for a while and it didn't go down much if at all. Now if I could just get un-lost in the woods. lol

edit: NVM...hydration seems to be fixed but not the hunger.


man I had the best and most shitty experience so far LOL

1 Life

Spawned in and was wondering around and I found this AWESOME base, someone definitely made it. Kinda mind boggling that you can make that type of base in game already.No one was home so I looted some items not everything though.

I decided to leave and make my shack somewhere in the mountains, I had alot of stuff so I didn't want to risk it. Sooo being smart i put everything on the ground in my shack :(
I left and came across a home depot type place and 4 guys ganged up on me I ran and ran lol and got kinda lost but remembered how to get back to my shack.

When I went back someone had stole all my shit, probably did a proximity inventory, I am sure it was one of the 4 guys trying to kill me because one of them i told where the BIG base was before he turned on me, they probably stumbled across my shack. after leaving that space I die from some random guy :/

2nd Life

I spawn in and find an awesome group of 3 guys, I tell them I am friendly they are cool, WHILE talking a guy is attacking another guy and they are running our way. We kill the guy chasing the other guy (we all cheer and be friendly). One of the guys say they have parts for a truck and that's where the 3 was going so we all tagged along.
We got there and everyone tried to get on the truck, 2 people died and 1 guy killed the other person we picked up so we jumped in the truck and drove off LOL
We soon are in need of food and water so we stop. I tell the guy to NOT get out, he does and someone runs up and steals our truck and drives off lol.
THEN another guy kills the main guy and my boy and I die fro ma bear lol
Is there a way to find out what server you're currently on? I've been hopping around and of course didn't pay attention, and now I have one of the best hauls I've gotten so far. Halp!
Is there a way to find out what server you're currently on? I've been hopping around and of course didn't pay attention, and now I have one of the best hauls I've gotten so far. Halp!

Yes, there is a green dot next to whatever server you had your character on. So before you choose what server you'll go in look for the green dot it's a indication of your character on that particular server.


Just pick a direction and head out. You'll either run into something to do or hit the edge of the map :)

I've done that. There is so much "nothing" in the map, it's hard to tell what direction you're even still going. I went from mountain range to mountain range and found nothing. haha
Oh man, the Police Station probably isn't worth messing with unless you have friends. A few guys were camping in the basement with shotguns...didn't end well for me.


So the loot is still non-existent?

Yup I'm 6 hours into this game, either they didn't balance loot per player properly or they artificially making it scarce to force you in to air drops.

I'm yet to find a fire arm, at all... and I have search plenty.


I didn't know there was a /loc command and logged out. Now I'm back in queue again. :(

Me either. Is there an online manual somewhere? Maybe there will be an in game portable map soon? Unless they want people to play this way. I know they want to implement a compass.

Also is text chat bugged?


Yup I'm 6 hours into this game, either they didn't balance loot per player properly or they artificially making it scarce to force you in to air drops.

I'm yet to find a fire arm, at all... and I have search plenty.

maybe you have bad luck? lol

I found an AR 15 with no ammo then a shotgun THEN ammo for the shot gun and that was in between deaths

does this support controllers yet?

it's been out for 2 days :/

either way to answer your question, No it does not support controllers

Me either. Is there an online manual somewhere?

Also is text chat bugged?

I think chat is bugged, never see anything nor can I chat


Oh man, the Police Station probably isn't worth messing with unless you have friends. A few guys were camping in the basement with shotguns...didn't end well for me.

More police locations is something they need pretty quick. multiple towns but only one police location. They could have small substations or something at least scattered around.
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