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H1Z1 Early Access |OT| You've got red on you.


I love the way you describe it as a complaint rather than a legitimate playstyle.

Wouldn't KoS get pretty boring after a while?

Well not everyone kills on sight, it just sorta keeps the tension high. Its like a zombie movie or any survival movie where you meet up some new group or new person period.


Well not everyone kills on sight, it just sorta keeps the tension high. Its like a zombie movie or any survival movie where you meet up some new group or new person period.

I've found the vast majority do at the moment. To be fair a lot of it will be down to the serious lack of loot but let's be honest and admit that sometimes we just like being unpleasant to people in games :)


I've found the vast majority do at the moment. To be fair a lot of it will be down to the serious lack of loot but let's be honest and admit that sometimes we just like being unpleasant to people in games :)

I fully plan to be unpleasant to anyone thats a known bandit / someone that attacks first, or steals something I just dropped on purpose :p

EDIT: Where is GAF base planned to be near?


I think combat needs a lot of work before I'd commit myself to a pvp server. For example you shouldn't be able to draw back a bow and get a perfect headshot at pointblank range while someone is punching you in the face over and over again :)


I've found the vast majority do at the moment. To be fair a lot of it will be down to the serious lack of loot but let's be honest and admit that sometimes we just like being unpleasant to people in games :)

Hasn't really been my experience so far. I've logged 7 hours and died once, both lives so far I've gathered groups of 3-6 players each session to roam with just using proximity chat. At least half of the players I encounter in the open tend to keep moving, especially if you are not by yourself. Not that you won't run into hostile players - it's part of the game and I wouldn't want everyone to be friendly in the first place - but I definitely don't run into players just attacking on sight constantly.


dang, we just got off. lol. we made it to Ranchito Taquito and logged off there. I sent you a request on Steam though.

We had fun killing a Brazilian dude who attacked me because I told him that the only way to get a backpack was to go in the middle of a lake or river and and start fishing. He got even more mad when i reminded him that Brasil lost 7-1 to Germany. lol.

We took the car. We crashed.. It was fun

Too bad you and Phantom left! I'll never find the other guy again, stupid crash :( We found a HUGE fortress out by Ranchito Taquito, but guys started shooting at us from there with machine guns.

I really need experiences like these. :(


Hasn't really been my experience so far. I've logged 7 hours and died once, both lives so far I've gathered groups of 3-6 players each session to roam with just using proximity chat. At least half of the players I encounter in the open tend to keep moving, especially if you are not by yourself. Not that you won't run into hostile players - it's part of the game and I wouldn't want everyone to be friendly in the first place - but I definitely don't run into players just attacking on sight constantly.

19 hours for me so far and I've died lots. In my experience it's very rare to find someone on a PvP server who won't attack me on sight. Like I say I think it's mostly a lack of resources. If you've got nothing yourself death is meaningless and by attacking someone you have the chance of getting some gear. I don't like that being the norm but given the lack of loot I can understand it. I suspect it'll calm down a lot if loot becomes more accessible and they refine the map to spread people out more.

Early days yet.


How many characters can you have at the same time? I have a well equipped one on a server I play only with friends. If I join now another server, will I lose my progress?


Did anyone in here add me with the name of Villa-something (I don't remember)?

I added but you haven't shown up on my friendlist for some reason.


I pretty much hate DayZ, and I pretty much love H1Z1.

The gameplay loop here works, and it works shockingly well considering how early and experimental so much of this is, so far. Yes, it's glitchy, there's a rather binary population (KoS/friendly, and learning muchhhhhhhh closer to KoS on hardcore Pvp servers), the loot is entirely undependable, and the visuals go from "Oh, hey, that's kinda pretty" to "Oh, hey, please slice my eyes out right now" from moment to moment, but...

It works. All the pieces fit into place really rather well. You spawn, you build a bow asap, you gather as many berries as possible, and -- if you have friends -- you work your way towards them, making alliances along the way if possible, scavenging purposefully for the items that will make your life easier. A hunting knife here, a backpack there, food... you prepare -- you get that empty water bottle now knowing that later you can fill it will dirty water, distill it, and then craft berry juice out of it. You're always thinking ahead, weighing risk vs. reward.

Then there are the zombies. Actually dangerous, but in a completely fair and non-trivial sense -- even well-coordinated groups will make mistakes. If you're focused on other players, a zombie or two or five will mess your day up. On headshot-only servers, it's even better.

Did I mention zombies don't walk through walls? That's right, there's actual pathfinding in this game, and it works 98% of the time.

And a lot of my major gripes with the game on day 1 were solved one day later. That's support.

Finally, as far as the pay2win aspect goes... my experience has been I and my friends are extraordinarily good at stealing people's 6 dollars. These people are just losing their money for what are now almost useless packages in the grand scheme of things. And literally every single drop I have seen does exactly what they claim it does: create an interesting event in a game in dire need of them. The fact that some poor sap loses some money in the process sweetens the deal :)

Put like 20 hours in so far. I am really excited to see how the game evolves.


I hope they put some work into the graphics at night. It's seriously unattractive. I think if someone is streaming or recording videos they should look just as good at night as during the day. Currently night is just a murky mess that doesn't video well and is not fun to play in. Dunno. Maybe if they make the torches a bit better it might help but I think the lighting is off

During the day it looks really good though. Even this early in development.


RSI Employee of the Year
I pretty much hate DayZ, and I pretty much love H1Z1.

The gameplay loop here works, and it works shockingly well considering how early and experimental so much of this is, so far. Yes, it's glitchy, there's a rather binary population (KoS/friendly, and learning muchhhhhhhh closer to KoS on hardcore Pvp servers), the loot is entirely undependable, and the visuals go from "Oh, hey, that's kinda pretty" to "Oh, hey, please slice my eyes out right now" from moment to moment, but...

It works. All the pieces fit into place really rather well. You spawn, you build a bow asap, you gather as many berries as possible, and -- if you have friends -- you work your way towards them, making alliances along the way if possible, scavenging purposefully for the items that will make your life easier. A hunting knife here, a backpack there, food... you prepare -- you get that empty water bottle now knowing that later you can fill it will dirty water, distill it, and then craft berry juice out of it. You're always thinking ahead, weighing risk vs. reward.

Then there are the zombies. Actually dangerous, but in a completely fair and non-trivial sense -- even well-coordinated groups will make mistakes. If you're focused on other players, a zombie or two or five will mess your day up. On headshot-only servers, it's even better.

Did I mention zombies don't walk through walls? That's right, there's actual pathfinding in this game, and it works 98% of the time.

And a lot of my major gripes with the game on day 1 were solved one day later. That's support.

Finally, as far as the pay2win aspect goes... my experience has been I and my friends are extraordinarily good at stealing people's 6 dollars. These people are just losing their money for what are now almost useless packages in the grand scheme of things. And literally every single drop I have seen does exactly what they claim it does: create an interesting event in a game in dire need of them. The fact that some poor sap loses some money in the process sweetens the deal :)

Put like 20 hours in so far. I am really excited to see how the game evolves.

Oke you got me! I'm playing DayZ since the mod and i also have the standalone version. Haven't played DayZ that much last year, because of the PS4.

Can't wait to see both DayZ and H1Z1 on the PS4, but for now i think i'm going to buy H1Z1.


Friends and I found a loot letter tonight, got the chest, went and found a house right by it, oh, hey, someone built a shed behind it and put traps around. Tried shooting the door, nada. "well, try your axe before we bail"...BOOM. 30 seconds of axing this guy's metal shelter? door down, inside a storage crate with SHITLOADS of guns and ammo and backpacks and everything. We started laughing about our luck as we robbed some poor sap blind, and joking about how pissed he would be when he found out...

...then all of a sudden "HEY! WHAT DO YOU ASSHOLES THINK YOU'RE DOING?!" The guy totally walked in on us stealing all of his shit. Managed to chase him off his own property with his own shotgun as he cursed us and said "YOU'RE GONNA HAVE A WHOLE ARMY COMIN FOR YOU" over and over.

Feels good to be bad man.


You need a sharp item to properly flay animals for meat. Zombies it's just RNG. look for the cloth bags at their feet like a player. it's not super common.

Zombie loot is pretty rare. Deer you have to chop up with something bladed. If you chop up zombie corpses sometimes you get cloth

You need to hit the bodies with a melee weapon.

How do I make something bladed? I have wood sticks and branches. No stones or anything.


How do I make something bladed? I have wood sticks and branches. No stones or anything.

scrap metal and one of the woods. Can't remember. I've only ever had scrap metal once in 19 hours. At the moment you'll have more luck finding an axe lying around somewhere


I love the way you describe it as a complaint rather than a legitimate playstyle.

Wouldn't KoS get pretty boring after a while?
lol, yeah. I like my RPG MMO's carebear, i like my zombie survival games hardcore! lol

Not everyone kills on sight though. I met met a few good dudes, didnt group up with them, but we had an understanding and we worked together to kill a few zombies and we went on our way. There will always be dicks (sometimes, thats me if im feeling frisky haha), but most of the time, im a cool dude and dont bother anyone. Its about the suspense, is this dude going to kill me or not, or if you are looting in a building and someone walks in there and you can hear him, you are like, its only a matter of time before we run into one another, whats going to happen? Thats the thrill right there.


How do I make something bladed? I have wood sticks and branches. No stones or anything.

Branches will work to get scrap cloth from zombie corpses. I dunno about animals though.

As far as bladed weapons go, either find a wood axe or a crowbar. If you find a crowbar first you can bang on wrecked cars to gather scrap metal, which can be used to make a hatchet (among other things). Crowbars seem harder to find than wood axes; I have typically seen them in places like Zimm's, auto body shops and sometimes large house garages.


How do I make something bladed? I have wood sticks and branches. No stones or anything.

well you can finded bladed items of course.
if you find scrap metal you can turn it into metal shards and then make a spear/hatchet/knife
scrap metal is often found inside cars or by banging on cars with a crowbar
My game seems to lock up a lot, sometimes I have to terminate the process or it'll fix itself. Usually happens when I spam E fast when picking up berries/branches.

Anyone else?


I've checked a hell of a lot of those. Never seen a single one.

I have my base right next to one of them and a big garage with like 15 cars in it. I have used up 6 crowbars on the cars for metal and every time a crowbar was almost destroyed there were 1 or 2 respawned in the garage.

basically the whole base is built of metal, we have animal traps around everywhere and water less than a minute away.

pretty much impossible to die unless we get raided.

Because of that my friend and I left everything to our russian neighbor (long story) and went around exploring again for that sense of danger.


I have my base right next to one of them and a big garage with like 15 cars in it. I have used up 6 crowbars on the cars for metal and every time a crowbar was almost destroyed there were 1 or 2 respawned in the garage.

I know exactly where you mean. Top left of the map. Big house on the hill next to it. Arse end of nowhere. I stayed there an entire real time day. I did actually find a lot of metal sheets in the cars and stole some players loot he was hiding in the house but never once found a crowbar anywhere there.


I know exactly where you mean. Top left of the map. Big house on the hill next to it. Arse end of nowhere. I stayed there an entire real time day. I did actually find a lot of metal sheets in the cars and stole some players loot he was hiding in the house but never once found a crowbar anywhere there.

yep right there.

tons of crowbars, endless metal, wood and water and the big house on the mansion loves to spawn weapons in the basement.

Make a character on Rattlebone and come visit!


yep right there.

tons of crowbars, endless metal, wood and water and the big house on the mansion loves to spawn weapons in the basement.

Make a character on Rattlebone and come visit!

I have to admit that it's a fantastic place to make a base. I think tonight I'll take a walk back up there and see if anything has started spawning. In fact when I join one of the new EU servers later this week I think that's the first thing I'll do. Go there.


I have to admit that it's a fantastic place to make a base. I think tonight I'll take a walk back up there and see if anything has started spawning. In fact when I join one of the new EU servers later this week I think that's the first thing I'll do. Go there.

it's great because once they put the barricading system in,you can turn that place into a fortress. All the walls surrounding it are indestructable.
I'm tempted to buy this, but I already got stung badly on the early access to the DayZ standalone. Tried to go back and play it today, but it's too buggy to be enjoyable at all.
I kinda like this airdrop idea, what I dont like is relying on players money for game events, its an idea that is flawed, and will soon end in people getting tired of the game for lack of content.

These games should have some sort of quests or objectives by now, every single one of them is trying the DayZ formula, which was fun for a while but that was it..


Those zombies that drop real loot? Dead players.

Mind blown

Oh,yeah they said they'd implement that cause they were inspired by ZombiU but I didn't know it was in already! Cool!

I kinda like this airdrop idea, what I dont like is relying on players money for game events, its an idea that is flawed, and will soon end in people getting tired of the game for lack of content.

These games should have some sort of quests or objectives by now, every single one of them is trying the DayZ formula, which was fun for a while but that was it..

There actually are !quests" in the game. You can kill zombies and they sometimes drop a letter and a key that lead syou to a crate to unlock with lots of loot.
Oh,yeah they said they'd implement that cause they were inspired by ZombiU but I didn't know it was in already! Cool!

There actually are !quests" in the game. You can kill zombies and they sometimes drop a letter and a key that lead syou to a crate to unlock with lots of loot.

I did not know of this, pretty cool, but still why not a storyline explaining why and how that happened, borrow some ideas from MMorpgs and explore. Having players just run around randomly killing eachother isnt a good idea IMO.

Though these airdrops kind of remind me of Hunger Games and thats pretty cool.
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