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Had a chance to buy ICO the other day for $40CDN and didn't...


works for Gamestop (lol)
$30 US? Geez. Best Buy sells new copies for $14.99 here in the states. I think it was even part of the $5 Circuit City deal
I think my local Blockbuster was selling it for 15$ canadian.

I wouldn't have bought it for 40$ cdn though, even if it might be worth it, you can find it for cheaper.
Wario64 said:
$30 US? Geez. Best Buy sells new copies for $14.99 here in the states. I think it was even part of the $5 Circuit City deal

Damn, I've been looking for this game for a good price. I live in Brampton, Ontario...if anyone knows of a good place to pick it up on the cheap TELL ME PLEASE!


I see it for $34.99 around here all the time. Maybe I should buy it.

Speaking of good deals, I got Fatal Frame 2: Crimson Butterfly, new, for $10 at a CD shop in downtown Vancouver yesterday.
I got mine for $30 new at Zellers; the guy there was nice enough to knock off $10 from the original $40 price tag. I think I am going to exchange my copy though tomorrow since I just opened it today and the seal/sticker was stuck on part of the cover art since the top was sticking up from the cover so some paper got torn off. I don't think $40 is worth it since it is so cheap in the States, but probably no stores here are selling it for as cheap as the stores in the States brand new if you are able to find it for sale.

By the way, where did you get Fatal Frame 2 for $10, Dyne?


Leshita said:
I got mine for $30 new at Zellers; the guy there was nice enough to knock off $10 from the original $40 price tag. I think I am going to exchange my copy though tomorrow since I just opened it today and the seal/sticker was stuck on part of the cover art since the top was sticking up from the cover so some paper got torn off. I don't think $40 is worth it since it is so cheap in the States, but probably no stores here are selling it for as cheap as the stores in the States brand new if you are able to find it for sale.

By the way, where did you get Fatal Frame 2 for $10, Dyne?

A CD store right beside Stephos's Greek Restaurant. The name eludes me.


Ebgames.com it's like 8 and change (used) after the 15% discount plus you get free shipping. I just got my copy. It came witha sticker on the front and back but nothing a little gasoline couldn't handle. Looks good as new. I also ordered Culdcept used in the same order and that came new, though it had no cellophane.


Knows the Score
I got a copy (without the insert booklet)for ~10 USD last week, and I feel ripped off.
I haven't taken such a dislike to a game character since the idiot in the escort mission in Goldeneye 64. If you're stupid enough to walk towards the black smoke monsters, I'm not saving you.
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