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Half-Life 2: Episode Three speculation

Spoilers for Half-Life 2, Episode One, Episode Two, and Portal!

Edit for posterity: If you're jumping into this topic NOW, be sure to realize that this topic originally started in 2008. So don't get excited and think there was any recent HL announcements.

Lately, I haven't been able to get HL2 out of my head. I've recently replayed the entire saga to date, and I'm once again amazed at the world that Valve has created. I just find myself being drawn into the games, caring about the characters and their triumphs and defeats.

Half-Life has always relied on mystery. In HL2 you're dropped right into a dystopia, having no idea what has happened to the world. You don't know why you're in an Eastern European city governed by a police state, how long it's been since the Black Mesa incident, how things got to where they are. And throughout the game, people assume that you know, and you're never outright told what's happened. It's all deduced in such an enticing way: you discover things, but the mysteries remain. For instance, it took me a good portion of the game to realize that the striders and the gunships actually seemed organic, and not just alien technology. It was a revelation when I realized the connection between alien species outfitted with technology and forced to fight and the Overwatch soldiers.

So, Episode 3 opens up with about as much unknown as Half-Life 2. We've had a lot of questions answered, but the underlying mysteries of the game lay unanswered. Will Episode 3 answer everything? I don't think it will. Too often the resolution to a story is never as satisfying as the mystery. But never resolving anything can be equally frustrating: think of Lost. I'm guessing that Episode 3 will end with a lot of the questions from the series answered, but resulting in more being asked. And it won't resolve the series. It all just seems meticulously laid out, and I really feel that they're continually setting up for something more. It doesn't have that sloppy throw in feel that sequels often have. It all seems planned. Marc Laidlaw said this in an interview:

Hl2.net: Episode 3 has been said to conclude the arc established in Half-life 1 - is there a redemptive theme involved? Eli was close to elaborating on doing right where they did wrong at Black Mesa; will Gordon finally have the chance to clean up the mess he made?

ML: We conceived the Episodes as a complete three-part cycle stemming from HL2, which is why these are the Half-Life 2 Episodes. The idea was to do something self-contained within the larger series, not to use them to wrap up the series. I don't see how the conflict we've been slowly revealing could possibly be resolved any time soon. Humanity is just starting to glimpse the larger context.

So, going into Episode 3 what do and don't we know?


--The game will likely feature the Combine Advisors in both combat and story

--A portion of the game will take place at the Arctic Base where the Borealis was found

--Some sort of technology developed by Aperture Laboratories exists aboard the Borealis that Eli wished to destroy, and the GMan warned against "Unforeseen Consequences". When Dr. Kleiner and Eli argue about it, Eli asks if "Black Mesa has taught you anything?" and "that kind of power cannot be controlled!". This seems to imply that there is indeed some sort of portal technology aboard. What form this will take is up to speculation.

--It's possible that part of the game will take place on the Combine Overworld. This piece of concept art seems to imply that.

Don't Know

--The G-Man's ultimate goal and motivations

--The vortigaunt's role in all of this, and their motivations

--Who will lead the resistance after Eli's death

--The total extent of the Combine Advisor's powers, and their purpose

--What is really aboard the Borealis

--The relevance of the vortigaunt's statements in regards to Alyx: "If we lose her, we lose all".

--Gordon's ultimate place in all of this.

The G-Man


The G-Man is probably the largest mystery in the Half-Life universe. It's fair to assume that the answers hinge largely on him. He's a real enigma, both in his identity and his purposes. He is certainly not portrayed as being benevolent, and his actions often seem contradictory. His he working to free man and vortikind? I don't know.

Episode 2 revealed that he was the one that orchestrated the Resonance Cascade, by bringing in the crystal that triggered it. This was the beginning of the events that eventually led to the Combine's control of earth. So by that token, he is the one responsible for all of this.

He manipulated events during the 20 or so years that Gordon was in stasis, so that when he returned everything was ready for Gordon to act as a catalyst for the G-Man's larger plans. Gordon is just a pawn in all of this, and his near legendary status, and his ability to overcome most obstacles is, likely, due in large part to the G-Man's manipulations.

So, the destruction of the Citadel. What was the result of this? The Episode's showed the beginnings of the "super portal" that would bring a huge Combine force back to earth. The G-Man seems to be at war with the Combine. I'm guessing that he's been trying to lure the Combine to earth for some reason or another, and the destruction of the Citadel served that purpose. He wants the Combine to come to earth.

But in Episode One he's stopped by the vortigaunts, and Alyx and Gordon are freed. Throughout the two Episodes the collapse of the Citadel still occurs, but they manage to seal the super portal. Which...the G-Man wanted. Despite having to abide by "restrictions" he tells Gordon to get Alyx to White Forest safely. Which results in being able to stop the super portal. That seems to fly in the face of his plans from the rest of the series. It's possible that his plans have changed after the vortigaunts placed "restrictions" on him, and he's seeking a new route.

Who is he, though? His speech and powers seem to imply that he's not human. He has an odd control over time and space, but he's certainly not omnipotent. He has "employers" as well.

A lot of people seem to like the theory that he's either Gordon's father, or Gordon himself from the future. I'm not sure about that. What actual purpose would this serve from a storytelling perspective?

I'm fairly certain that Episode 3 will finally show us the man behind the G-Man.



I find the vortigaunts fascinating. Originally slaves to the Nihilanth (and possibly the Combine) in Half-Life 1, they've allied themselves with humanity in Half-Life 2. A real mysterious and almost religious species. They seem to share a collective consciousness of sorts, but still retain individuality. Both Episode One and Two showed that they have certain powers that could rival even the GMan's.

They wish to destroy the Combine as well, and it's likely that their world had been destroyed by them. Will they remain humanity's ally, though? Watch the G-Man cutscene in Episode Two again. He refers to them as Gordon's "friends" followed by a small chuckle. Almost as an aside he states that "once they cared nothing for Miss Vance, and their only experience with humanity was a crowbar coming at them down a steel corridor". This was one of the GMan's most chilling statements for me. This reminds us of how many of their kind we killed in Half-Life 1, and that an alliance may not always be the case. And after fighting with them in Episode Two, I wouldn't want the vortigaunts as an enemy.

Combine Advisors


Likely the original Combine species. They've taken control of numerous planets and sucked out their resources and enslaved their species. Only glimpsed briefly in HL2, they were given a slightly larger role in Episode One, and were shown in full force by Episode Two. At first I just assumed that the species had become useless blobs that relied fully on other species technology just for survival. But Episode Two showed us that the creatures are fierce and terrible. The introduction to them in Episode Two was unbelievably powerful.

Alyx Vance


Alyx, really the best part of the series. You can't help but like her. She's the best video game heroine ever, as far as I'm concerned. I wonder how much of a role she will play in Episode Three. After Eli's death in Episode Two, will she be able to accompany Gordon to the Borealis? Something tells me that her father's dying wish to have it destroyed will be a driving force for both of you. This may result in dissent between her and Dr. Kleiner. I don't know. I really don't know how they're going to start Episode Three after Eli's death, and how Alyx will be able to go on.

Something I found interesting was the vortigaunt's statement that "if we lose her, we lose all!" and the GMan's that "she was worth far more than the initial appraisal". Is this because of her intelligence, fighting ability, and her importance to the resistance, or is there something more at play? It's odd, because those statements (especially the first) almost seemed metaphysical. Dr. Breen stated that Gordon had almost been given Messianic status, which was really clear. The resistance members all knew him, and I remember hearing things through radio transmissions like "Gordon Freeman has returned". They were waiting for him, and felt like his arrival would signal the end of the oppression. This is likely due to legends forming up after his actions in the original Half-Life and manipulations by the G-Man.

But what does that mean in terms of Alyx? Well, the games have shown that she's also one of those catalysts essential to the resistance. I don't think it's any more than that, but it serves as an interesting storytelling technique.

The Borealis

The Borealis likely contains some sort of portal technology that could jeopardize the resistance if the Combine finds it. Whether or not this is the portal gun from Portal is unknown. Personally, I think that the portal gun may exist on the Borealis, but I don't know if that's the main issue. Whatever it is, it's likely to tie Episode Three into Portal quite a bit.

Will the portal gun be available in Episode Three? I don't know. Something tells me that giving a player the portal gun in a game like Half-Life would be a disaster. Portal was meticulously crafted to cater only to that play, and it would be a nightmare to make a wide open game where restrictions did not exist. My guess is that the portal gun may make a cameo, or a brief appearance in the game. You may be able to use it in a certain area, but I don't know if it will be a staple weapon.

Then again, I've played HL2 with the portal gun. Which was crazy fun, despite not being made for it. Perhaps they could do it.

I've also heard it theorized that a portion of GlaDOS may be aboard. She's Still Alive, after all, and the...nodules at the end might mean that she could exist elsewhere also. I think it'd be interesting if she made an appearance in the game.

Episode Three

So how will Episode Three play out? I don't know, but I have some ideas. I think it will sort of be a three part game. At the beginning there are at least two Combine Advisors (one injured) still at large around White Forest. I'm sure that these aren't just going to be left to do what they want. The more I think about it the more sure I am that the game will start as a hunt for the Advisors. This will work as both retaliation for Eli's death, and as a tutorial for Advisor killing, which is likely to take place in the game. I'm fairly sure that the vortigaunts have knowledge on how to kill them, which you will learn from them at the beginning of the game. (On a side note, this would be a great time for Barney to show up. I really, really hope he makes at least a brief appearance in Ep. 3, and having you, him, and a vortigaunt hunting Advisors would be really neat.)

The second part will likely take place on the Borealis. I'm not sure how they plan to do the trip there, as everything is in real time in the game. Maybe have Gordon be sleeping, or knocked out or something. Or maybe they'll find a quicker way there. I don't know.

And I think that the final part will take place at the Combine overworld. But we'll see.

Yes, I know, tl;dr. I just felt like writing down my thoughts on the series and Episode Three, because I can't wait for it. And posting it on a forum sounded like a good idea, since I'd be able to share my views and maybe get some other people's, as long as this isn't completely ignored. :D And I know that this long post is kind of stupid, because it basically boils down to fan fiction. Ugh. But, hey, there are a lot of worse choices in games for story speculation.


Agreed, the world Valve created in HalfLife 2 is impressive but for sheer action, puzzles and surviving, HalfLife still is a bunch of notches up.

And yes, it will be interesting to see how they fit the Borealis and the whole Arctic-twist into the story. Also how the Source-engine will deal with all the ice, snow and icyness. The beginning of Episode2 in teh caves with soft blue glow was fantastic, like being in a dream. More of that please.



When you lay it all out like that, it really hammers home how bloated the HL story has gotten.
All I know is that I'm pretty certain that the Advisors will end up being fought with physics objects - it's fairly well highlighted that they can pick things up and throw them. First there'd need to be some way to neutralize the psychic shockwaves that they emanate as well as their ability to pick Gordon up.


SenseiJinx said:
Valve time.

They originally said that Episode 3 would be coming out Christmas last year. And here it is, August 2008 and all we've seen of the game is a couple of pieces of concept art.

I think once they realized that they were a poor company to pioneer an episodic release schedule, they decided to just go all out. I wouldn't expect Episode 3 for a long time.

Okay, I see it now. I'd noticed that shirt before but I'd never seen the backside.
I'm just going by the development time of Ep1 and Ep2.


SenseiJinx said:
Wow, I couldn't disagree more. I feel like HL has one of the least "bloated" stories in the industry. Maybe it feels like its bloated because I'm extrapolating on tiny details. It feels like there's enough backstory to the series and enough we don't know to make it feel real, but not so much that it feels like they're overwhelming us with unnecessary details and characters.
I think it's just some of the stuff you pointed out, which I guess maybe I'd missed or forgotten, and I'm over here like ugghhh. Like this whole thing with Alyx and apparently the Vortigaunts and G-Man are super interested in her? Don't do it Valve. Don't make her part of a prophecy I'm begging you.


Draft said:
I think it's just some of the stuff you pointed out, which I guess maybe I'd missed or forgotten, and I'm over here like ugghhh. Like this whole thing with Alyx and apparently the Vortigaunts and G-Man are super interested in her? Don't do it Valve. Don't make her part of a prophecy I'm begging you.
yeah i was just thinking that, I don't want it to end up shes like going to give birth to the luke skywalker of the story or something lame like that

Alien Bob

taken advantage of my ass
badcrumble said:
All I know is that I'm pretty certain that the Advisors will end up being fought with physics objects - it's fairly well highlighted that they can pick things up and throw them. First there'd need to be some way to neutralize the psychic shockwaves that they emanate as well as their ability to pick Gordon up.

I hope you can swing them around by their tongue-sucker-penis things


The physical form of blasphemy
Draft said:
I think it's just some of the stuff you pointed out, which I guess maybe I'd missed or forgotten, and I'm over here like ugghhh. Like this whole thing with Alyx and apparently the Vortigaunts and G-Man are super interested in her? Don't do it Valve. Don't make her part of a prophecy I'm begging you.

I guess they would be interested in her, because she keeps saving his ass from time to time. >.< The smartest man in the world can carry a trillion billion guns in his back pocket, but, can't keep/create a tool to open a door. :| As long as it isn't something super corny, I really wouldn't mind her being a part of it. I mean, at the end of the day, your character is nothing but a faceless emotionless pawn in the grand scheme of things, whose whole purpose is to do everything everyone else tells him. His reason for existence thus far is to be a pawn. lol


I just got around to episode two a little over a week ago. Played it on hard to stretch it out but was still done in a weekend.

But I still have a boner from it. So mysterious.


stuck my tongue deep inside Atlus' cookies
Great thread! I've been thinking about playing through the HL2 saga again myself... I'll most likely wait until Ep 3 is about to drop, though...
I loved HL2 and the following episodes, but I recently tried playing through HL2 and it just couldn't hold my interest, I got to somewhere right before Nova Prospekt. Still excited about Ep 3 though, might try a replay again later on. Lord knows I have the time for it =P


Alien Bob said:
Is there even any beer left on the planet?

Did you see Barney anywhere in the last episode? It is pretty clear to me that he is on a quest to retrieve the last can of beer!

Alien Bob

taken advantage of my ass
Won said:
Did you see Barney anywhere in the last episode? It is pretty clear to me that he is on a quest to retrieve the last can of beer!

That would be an awesome expansion/mod
starchild excalibur said:
I haven't played HL1, but I didn't know the combine were a separate species. I thought they were just humans with masks on.
They're hybrids. Human carcass with alien tech and shit.
My boy Shephard needs to make an appearance, it should be one of those dark cutscenes where the Gman is acting mysteriously and talking like a special case and out of the darkness Adrian comes in and breaks his arm, then joins Gordon on an advisor busting adventure in place of that lippy bitch Alyx who's too busy sobbing because daddy got whacked.
Love the franchise, but one thing that I'm actually excited about is the gameplay. We've been told it's going to be innovating.

Also, can anyone speculate when the game will be officially revealed?


Nice post, going to read through it now.

badcrumble said:
All I know is that I'm pretty certain that the Advisors will end up being fought with physics objects - it's fairly well highlighted that they can pick things up and throw them. First there'd need to be some way to neutralize the psychic shockwaves that they emanate as well as their ability to pick Gordon up.
Bringing back the supercharged Gravity Gun would be a good way to solve this problem.

"Valve: They can't use their telekinesis on you because, uh... the weapon confiscator's modification has caused continual dark energy emanations from the gravity gun, which inhibit the Advisors' own emanations."

It'd also be fun to use it again (I missed it in Episode Two :/).
starchild excalibur said:
I haven't played HL1, but I didn't know the combine were a separate species. I thought they were just humans with masks on.

From wikipedia:

The Combine expands its empire by invading worlds and enslaving the dominant species to be exploited as it sees fit. By manipulating these inhabitants through methods including bioengineering and implantation, the Combine creates a race of super-soldiers uniquely adapted for the environment of that particular world.


Also, I've been putting together a playthrough topic for the Half-Life 2 games, going to post it whenever Valve sets a release date for Episode Three. The basic idea is for Gaf to play the games and start Episode Three after we've just set down Episode Two (Some additional challenges for the playthrough are included). Hope a lot of Gaffers will get involved.

SenseiJinx said:
I always found it funny that the regular Gravity Gun doesn't work on humans, even though you're able to pick up objects that are likely as heavy as they are. Heh.
Safety-measure? (It was designed as a piece of work machinery, after all)


SenseiJinx said:
I'll hopefully be able to. In the meantime maybe I'll go back and get those last three achievements from Episode Two.
Glad to hear it! :D

SenseiJinx said:
I didn't think about that, but it makes sense. I'm sure if we actually had zero point energy field manipulators we'd be able to figure out a way that wouldn't allow them to grab humans (you know, so you would have throw something at them to kill them). Hey, if they can make a table saw like this, surely that's not too far fetched.
Yup, and perhaps we haven't been stuck in one place long enough for some nondescript Resistance scientist to tune it into a non-discriminatory death machine.
SenseiJinx said:
--It's possible that part of the game will take place on the Combine Overworld. This piece of concept art seems to imply that.

Although it might be tempting to think that they might pull another "Xen," is there actually a Combine homeworld? If the Combine is an alliance of species, would Gordon be able to stop them by killing the Advisors?

I'm fairly certain that Episode 3 will finally show us the man behind the G-Man.

The G-Man is most definitely alien, but I doubt he's related to Gordon Freeman. The "time travel" speculation sounds pretty ridiculous considering he can't even speak English without alien-sounding pronounciation.

Since he initiated the resonance cascade, it's clear he wanted the Combine to come to Earth. Since he was "employed" by an unknown party to fight the Combine, he might be trying to lure them into some kind of trap, possibly destroying the Earth in the process.

The Borealis might factor into the G-Man's plan, seeing as the Combine found it so important that they immediately quarantined the ship and attacked Mossman's search party. Portals are essentially wormholes, and possessing that technology could give huge power to whoever captures it. Possibly even allowing the Combine armada to come to Earth. Or...allowing someone to infiltrate the Combine's homeworld (there it is again)


SenseiJinx said:
Yeah, great guide. And yeah, I like the idea of having the portal gun in a confined area.

Curious, how many of you have tried the mod that lets you use the portal gun in Half-Life 2? It's really surprisingly cool. (But it's technically not a mod, because you're essentially just loading the HL2 maps into Portal.)

I toyed around with it in the first level, it was pretty neat, but I was secretly hoping to be able to dump people into the portals and watch them fall from great heights >: D
Good read. I'm sort of with Draft on the story, though. I don't think it is too bloated, but I have trouble remembering exactly what is going on as I play, through. This coming from someone who beat HL2 shortly after its release and then played HL2, Ep1, Ep2 when Orange box came out. Luckily. the gameplay is phenomenal and keeps me going.

I can't wait for Ep 3.


I never read all of long OP's but that one I did, partly because I love Half Life and partly because you did a great job summarising. I think they could always just teleport Gordon to the Borealis, they did that in HL2 I think, or Ep1, can't remember.


Mash said:
I never read all of long OP's but that one I did, partly because I love Half Life and partly because you did a great job summarising. I think they could always just teleport Gordon to the Borealis, they did that in HL2 I think, or Ep1, can't remember.
The teleporter in Kleiner's lab was used in HL2. However, the events at the end of Episode One would have destroyed it completely.
I'm really interested in how the hell are valve going to make the narrative work when your leading lady just
lost her father
and you the player CANNOT TALK.

Of course they might just have gman get rid of Alyx for most of it to save them that headache.
MrPing1000 said:
I'm really interested in how the hell are valve going to make the narrative work when your leading lady just
lost her father
and you the player CANNOT TALK.

Of course they might just have gman get rid of Alyx for most of it to save them that headache.

The main characters already accepted this fact despite it being completely unrealistic. I'm sure Alyx would have no problem with it now....

I'm more interested to see if Alyx develops a relationship with Freeman without him saying anything :lol


Death_Born said:
The main characters already accepted this fact despite it being completely unrealistic. I'm sure Alyx would have no problem with it now....

I'm more interested to see if Alyx develops a relationship with Freeman without him saying anything :lol
An interesting development in the episodes was some very limited interaction with the E button, so it functions as a kind of "talking". As an example, at the beginning of Episode One, Alyx will say something like "I'm glad we're finally doing this together" when the player seeks to interact. Episode Two is the same way ("I'm happy to see you too").

I think it's safe to say the more attentive players will have interaction like this in Episode Three.
Botolf said:
An interesting development in the episodes was some very limited interaction with the E button, so it functions as a kind of "talking". As an example, at the beginning of Episode One, Alyx will say something like "I'm glad we're finally doing this together" when the player seeks to interact. Episode Two is the same way ("I'm happy to see you too").

I think it's safe to say the more attentive players will have interaction like this in Episode Three.

Wha-really? I never even noticed that :lol

So it seems that Freeman is actually a "Link" kind of silent protagonist rather than a "Crono" type.
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