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Halo 2 Leaked

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Milhouse31 said:
and OMG Reirom was right HOLY FUCK. HE HAS A SOURCE.




REIROM if you read this
Reirom was right BIG TIME. He even correctly predicted the day that this would be leaked to the web in advance.

Not that I'm crowing about it in this case. Any other game I wouldn't have cared much, but damn if I don't want to remain in the dark about Halo 2 until I play it. But I can't stay off the forums until Nov. 9th...


Eh, anybody could've seen this coming from a mile away. I mean the game went gold recently and was sent to factories to be pressed.. of course someone is going to leak it. Anybody could've said that. Reirom predicts a ton of things and also gets a ton of them wrong, he's bound to get one right.

Kon Tiki

uh oh.

You know what this means?

This just gave Bush a reasonto invade France.

"We will seek out those digital terrorists"



aerofx said:
Eh, anybody could've seen this coming from a mile away. I mean the game went gold recently and was sent to factories to be pressed.. of course someone is going to leak it. Anybody could've said that. Reirom predicts a ton of things and also gets a ton of them wrong, he's bound to get one right.
I understand what you're saying, but he really did call this one, two weeks in advance right down to the day. It was not widely known then exactly when Halo 2 was going to go gold.

If there's one place where he truly does have sources, it's the warez scene.

Check this thread for his prophecy, it's quite convincing now: Halo 2 Will Hit The Net In October 15, PIRATE RELEASE

***[thread link removed cause I don't wanna go there. Trust me, he said this in a thread on another forum. ]



pes 4 got out two months early

halo 2 soon on net
hahaha game is done

soon total


fuck off owners

heeeee haaaaa
No, I don't think so. HL2 was 'delayed' because the game wasn't even finished. Apparently not so with Halo 2.

Anyway, I'd be totally cool if this was a really tricky plan to extend the www.ilovebees.com thing into a tangible end...perhaps a 'buzzing'-death wail before the modded console takes a dump... Nah. Darga, or whatever her name is, destroying the HDD...


Hmm...it's kinda funny how they're letting everyone know, because now everyone's going to search for it and try to get it. They're just helping the pirates out, d'oh. Oh well, people have to hear it anyway.

What an exciting night.


It should be noted that players who download the game illegally could face a maximum penalty of $100,000 per infringement for copyright violations.

Oh no! I guess people won't download it when Gamespot said that.


Hehe, I guess the upcoming sales number grudge for Half-Life2 and HALO2 are even now, as both will sell less copies due to the pirate versions on the web.

I still call HL2 as the winner, in both sales and quality :D


GAF's Bob Woodward
Bungie am cry.

Should have released it on GC :p

I am going to be very wary of what threads I open before Nov 9.


Hoooo, Teddman used my statement, I feel somewhat famous :D. I'm giving the Frenchy (or whatever his nationality is) props, but I can't fucking stand his annoying-as-shit Engrish. Good grief, someone cut off his fingers.

I take back my crying, though -- I'm not getting fined $100,000 and ruining my Xbox. Now November 9th DEFINITELY never seemed so far away.


At least System-Link Co-op seems to be in, we could've known that months ago, Bungie.

I'll take care to avoid forums where Single Player Campaign spoilers could run rampant before November 9th.


No, it wasn't.

16 System-Link Xboxes for Multiplayer was confirmed at E3, but nothing about Single Player Co-op, except that there'd be 2 players just like the last game.


GAF's Bob Woodward
A request to the mods: can you please please please please please be extra vigilant re. halo2 threads going forward? Many thanks..

Sho Nuff

I respect Gamespot for bringing this to light and letting everyone know that they can now download this Xmas's hottest game for free.

Jesus christ, this is like when Daily Radar ran the huge "DREAMCAST HACKED!!!" news article with pictures of Soul Calibur.


GAF's Bob Woodward
Sho Nuff said:
I respect Gamespot for bringing this to light and letting everyone know that they can now download this Xmas's hottest game for free.

Jesus christ, this is like when Daily Radar ran the huge "DREAMCAST HACKED!!!" news article with pictures of Soul Calibur.

Are you suggesting they shouldn't report this? It's a big story.

I find it laughable that some forums are banning any discussion of this whatsoever (TeamXbox..at least for now). I bet they hesitate to run a story on it (though they will have to, probably later today).

Sho Nuff

gofreak said:
Are you suggesting they shouldn't report this? It's a big story.

I find it laughable that some forums are banning any discussion of this whatsoever (TeamXbox..at least for now). I bet they hesitate to run a story on it (though they will have to, probably later today).

I don't know if they should or not. It's like, do you report "The bank just exploded and you can just run in and grab stacks of hundred-dollar bills"?

Maybe we should ask the videogame ombudsman!!! Ha ha ha ha ha.

Kon Tiki

Sho Nuff said:
I don't know if they should or not. It's like, do you report "The bank just exploded and you can just run in and grab stacks of hundred-dollar bills"?

Maybe we should ask the videogame ombudsman!!! Ha ha ha ha ha.

I think they should spin it and denounce it as a virus. They are the media and do hold a lot of slay. I think.


Sho Nuff said:
I respect Gamespot for bringing this to light and letting everyone know that they can now download this Xmas's hottest game for free.
Not only that, they now put it up as an item on the Halo 2 game page.

Great new Halo 2 Features:

- Hot Xbox Live action
- Great new single player campaign
- You can get it for free!!

We'll have our review up shortly. But who cares, just get it, cuz its free!!


Still Tagged Accordingly
Catalyst said:
Holy. Fucking. Shit. Although reirom's a moron -- he's the man. Never in a million years would have I dreamed this. And I am crying. Literally.
You're literally crying about this? :p


Chili Con Carnage!
God damn the french....for releasing a french audio only version....no downloady for me. I have it pre-ordered twice anyway, it'd be a shame to spoil that 'running down the stairs to catch the postman, falling, breaking my leg in four places' feeling.

/me forwards reiroms 'prophecy' to MS


Tag of Excellence
Holy shit, there are a lot of GAF regulars that post at Opa (different names same personality, very easy to spot). There's a ton of pictures floating around and even crazier conspiracy theories about Microsoft leaking it out themselves. This is probably one of the largest piracy situations to happen. Everywhere I go (on the internet), everyone's talking about it and have links to download the torrents. It's pure insanity.

I'm saddened by this, very saddened. I can't even fathom how the employees at Bungie feel. Some people truly disgust me.


Unconfirmed Member
Leak confirmed:

"Microsoft has learned that a version of Halo 2 has been posted to various newsgroups and web sites. We consider downloading this code or making it available for others to download as theft. We are currently investigating the source of this leak with the appropriate authorities. Pending the result of our investigation, we do not have further comment. Microsoft takes the integrity of its intellectual property extremely seriously, and we are aggressively pursuing the source of this illegal act. The launch of Halo 2 worldwide remains unaffected. We’re asking anyone with information on the source of this leak to contact Microsoft at 1-800-RULEGIT or send email to piracy@microsoft.com."


World of shame. I know MS doesn't need the money but this kind of thing needs to stop!


TekunoRobby said:
I'm saddened by this, very saddened. I can't even fathom how the employees at Bungie feel. Some people truly disgust me.

I agree, I mean it was going to get leaked eventually but this early? I hope they find the ass who leaked it, and make sure he/she gets a nice punishment.


:( For the love of god could we just set up a policy for the board that strictly forbids posting ANY spoilers of any kind on here. I'd hate to see a debacle like the on dopeyfish caused for mg: sol a few years back happen again.


But this happens with everygame, this just seems worse since its high profile. Wait until HL2 is leaked...again lol


Cimarron said:
:( For the love of god could we just set up a policy for the board that strictly forbids posting ANY spoilers of any kind on here. I'd hate to see a debacle like the on dopeyfish caused for mg: sol a few years back happen again.
8bit said:
How is reirom correct if it was leaked a day before his nominated date?

Don't let reality get in the way here. This asshat has his minions and the fact he took an obvious guestimate and was reasonablely close (Not that the window was all that big) shouldn't get in the way. When you're as pathetic as he is, you need to celebrate some things.


The only good that came from this is finding out that you can play co-op over system link.
I can't wait to hit that up with my brother once I receive my copy in November.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Damn, I already know a few people that are likely already on this... :(

I'll have to kick them in the throat if they attempt to spoil anything.


Chili Con Carnage!
At least us Xbots can call the "Leaked to the internet" excuse card if Halo 2 doesnt outsell GTA:SA this year.


Black Mamba was banned for bringing up this news last night and now I see a 4 page thread without any problems.

What's up with GAF?


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
When game news sites are reporting it, I don't see how posting it here is a bannable offense.


I honestly don't know what to do, I love GAF, but what if some jerk off decides to spoil it in a topic title in the gaming forum?


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Lakitu said:
I honestly don't know what to do, I love GAF, but what if some jerk off decides to spoil it in a topic title in the gaming forum?

It will get closed down very quickly...so you just need to hope that you didn't see it.
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