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Halo 2 question for those who got the game early (spoiler free thread)

Sorry, I know having ANOTHER Halo 2 thread will be frowned upon, but I'm not going in the official topic because of all the looming spoilers in there. It took enough courage to come to the board at all after I heard about that episode with Drinky Crow.

Anyway, I want to know, just how hard IS Legendary? My friend and I played co-op legendary in Halo 1 countless times. We were the fucking MASTERS of that shit. We'd blow through the first half of the game without dying. Seriously. The 2nd half is a lot tougher, but we were still dominating the game. I'm wondering, when we both sit down tonight with Halo 2 for the first time, should we play on Normal mode like everyone else, or should we go for Legendary right off the bat? I kinda wanna do Legendary, but then again I don't wanna get super-owned. But then again, Legendary Halo 1 was easy to us. Any advice? Thanks gang.

Also, to anyone else who happened to pop in here, what kind of furniture are you planning on using during your Halo 2 marathon? We have a bigass couch that we're turning parallel to the TV, but I'm thinking a hard chair of some sort might be a nice change of pace from time to time. I know you can get those folding chairs with the cloth seats for like 7 bucks at Linen & Things and Wal-Mart. This may be the first time in my life that I experience "ass-fatigue". :p


It's not actually trolling if you don't admit it
legendary in halo 2 is super hard. the new change is that once a player dies, both players restart at the checkpoint. to balance this out, they've added a fuckload of checkpoints. but still, there are certain spots (take, for example THE VERY FIRST CHAPTER) that will take the two of you hours and hours of perfection.

although just remember this, as it saved my ass a ton: the plasma pistol is your friend. this gun has been honed and improved to a much better weapon. you can use it dual with a magnum or you can squeeze off a charged shot then quickly switch to battle rifle. either way, it's the number one method of taking down shields.

i've beaten legendary on halo solo, so i'm playing through legendary now solo and am getting my ass handed to me.

Deku Tree

chespace said:
legendary in halo 2 is super hard. the new change is that once a player dies, both players restart at the checkpoint. to balance this out, they've added a fuckload of checkpoints. but still, there are certain spots (take, for example THE VERY FIRST CHAPTER) that will take the two of you hours and hours of perfection.

although just remember this, as it saved my ass a ton: the plasma pistol is your friend. this gun has been honed and improved to a much better weapon. you can use it dual with a magnum or you can squeeze off a charged shot then quickly switch to battle rifle. either way, it's the number one method of taking down shields.

i've beaten legendary on halo solo, so i'm playing through legendary now solo and am getting my ass handed to me.

Do they let you save at checkpoints in co-op? Or do you have to do a whole chapter in one sitting (like Halo)?


It's not actually trolling if you don't admit it
Deku Tree said:
Do they let you save at checkpoints in co-op? Or do you have to do a whole chapter in one sitting (like Halo)?

you can now save at checkpoints in co-op.
Hey thanks, Che! I've heard that the battle rifle and the plasma pistol are the two best weapons, so I'll keep that in mind. I read your review where you mentioned the "legendary crawl" and I gotta say, that's exactly what had us worried. :)

Anyone know if the multiplayer offers an option to turn off shields? In Halo 1, our favorite way to play multiplayer was to turn shields off and use the human pistol to go for headshots. We'd snap em off like crazy and I still think that to this day, the four of us would be a challenge in that mode to even the best Halo players out there. We're really hoping there's a mode like that this time around, but we're thinking its probably out because of the shields/no-health thing and the weakened pistol. It sounds like without shields, it'd be one-hit kills even if you missed the head, which kinda sucks.
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