So maybe tonight we'll get another multiplayer map. I've been considering the ones we have already and the admission in EGM that we'll have about three or four more. Depending on how far they are in development, I know of at least three maps we'll be getting in addition to the ones we currently have.
Here are the ones we know of:
Valhalla (large) - two Forerunner designed bases lying across from each other in a verdant, hill-strewn valley, enclosed by massive gorge walls and divided by a slithering river.
High Ground (medium) - an abandoned UNSC base and SAM site in Africa at the edge of an ocean inlet.
Snowbound (small) - a pair of Covenant bases above a Forerunner property at the edge of a frozen lake on a desolate ice world.
Guardian (small) - a Forerunner structure intertwined in the upper trees of a swamp world with varying platforms and rooms.
Last Resort (medium) - a base on the tropical beach of the island of Zanzibar, the sight of a Covenant invasion and doubling as a wind-generated power station.
Epitaph (medium) - a Foreunner tower looking out of a desolate wasteland with a variety of levels, floors and walkways layed out in a symmetrically vertical pattern.
Sandtrap (large) - within a sprawling desert, dunes and Forerunner architecture set the stage for the largest map in Halo's console history; a map which has been depicted as "vehicle-centric."
Narrows (medium) - a Forerunner bridge and a pair of facilities connecting two canyon walls.
So we've got those eight and we've been told that Halo 3 will have between 10 and 12 maps at launch. I think we have three other maps which may or may not make it putting us at 11 for launch, which I believe is close to the amount we had for Halo 2.
What are the last three maps if I were to guess based on available info?
1) Chill Out Remake
Never really played this map often, but it would presumably be small and would be the compartmentalized asymmetrical map that Halo 1 offered, but with loads more graphical detail than the first iteration and these incredibly early shots.
(thanks Gamble for the images)
2) Warthog Inc.
Didn't see much of this, but we know they played Escort on it and it involves Warthogs. Because of the name, my guess is that it's another large map and probably vehicle-centric much like Sandtrap, but rather than existing in a dune-frequented desert, this could be in garage, parking lot or so other industrialized location.
3) "Gym Class"
Back on h3da, I referred to this medium-sized map as a "compound." It looks isolated to me, almost like its a community outside of the normal ones. It's obviously Earth-based and the guess would be Africa, but what's with the canopy and why is there a civilian environment enclosed by large chain link fences?
Luke talked about it
Like Long and Lean, Gym Class is another map that hasnt been officially unveiled yet, but it was definitely shown in a previous Halo 3 ViDOC. This symmetrical map has a lot of geometry to jump around and symmetrical weapon placements. The map is divided by three power items, Active Camo, Rockets and Overshield, combining either of the two power-ups with the Rocket Launcher leads to massive amounts of trouble for the other team.
Maybe we'll see one of these tonight or maybe we're waiting on 1UP/IGN's coverage for them...either way, I'm thoroughly pleased with the maps we've already been given. Glad they're not all re-hashes or remakes and I can't wait to play them. The only negative aspect of the maps is that they're going to have to wait for me to play through the campaign, but that's not really negative, is it?