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Halo 4 New Information: Specializations Explained and Detailed


I dunno the last great Halo experience for me was Halo2 multiplayer. Halo3 and Reach were great for a week but just lacked something. The singleplayer games have been good fun though. I feel like this series has been 90% hype for too many years. Like everytime a new Halo game "this is the real deal you have been waiting for"


I dunno the last great Halo experience for me was Halo2 multiplayer. Halo3 and Reach were great for a week but just lacked something. The singleplayer games have been good fun though. I feel like this series has been 90% hype for too many years. Like everytime a new Halo game "this is the real deal you have been waiting for"

Halo 3 was the beginning of the devs adding too many features which undermined the simple, yet effective Halo experience well all know and love.

Games like Halo 2 and UT2k4 are long gone. It's all about perks, watered down RPG elements and carrot on stick mechanics nowadays.....Fuck.

Can I please just get an HD remake of Halo 2 please? Fuck this noise.

That would be crack in digital form. Everyone would be all up on it. They would be stupid not to make it at some point.


343i Lead Esports Producer
I want to puke right now. 343 is destroying Halo.


Conor 419

Halo 3 was the beginning of the devs adding too many features which undermined the simple, yet effective Halo experience well all know and love.

Games like Halo 2 and UT2k4 are long gone. It's all about perks, watered down RPG elements and carrot on stick mechanics.

Nah man, I loved the features Halo 3 added. Things like equipment were really fresh and felt like they truly pioneered the genre with no influence from the competition. Then there was really cool stuff like the addition of the Mongoose, the Elephant, The Helms Deep esque Highground, Missile Pods/Turrets and way way more.

Now Halo feels like it's doing nothing new, but is instead trying to play catchup with other games. (And not even in the right places i.e Custom Game Browsing)


I think a lot of people are overreacting due to terrible writing on the part of IGN (what else is new). Yes, the specializations will change the way we play, that's what they're meant for but they don't become available until after you reach level 50. Ellis said that he couldn't put any kind of prediction on what that would be to get to 50 though.

I think it needs to be put on the backburner until after the Bulletin tomorrow hopefully offering up much more detailed information about how these work, maybe even a video. In the mean time though, us speculating is leading to some crazy amounts of flaming 343i. Until we here directly from them, and Ellis has been playing damage control here, I think we all need to go back to playing whatever game it is we are currently playing and wait until the Bulletin drops tomorrow before we completely burn 343i to the ground.


From reading Plywood's thread about matchmaking and now this, it would appear as though 343 has their finger on the pulse of what people want to play today.


They're doing such a terrible job of explaining these systems as they reveal them. Way to drop the ball once again 343. I'll save my feelings on this one until I can actually understand what the hell it is.


They're doing such a terrible job of explaining these systems as they reveal them. Way to drop the ball once again 343. I'll save my feelings on this one until I can actually understand what the hell it is.

I think it's the news outlets that keep getting the exclusive stories. As this was released, David Ellis was responding to things on here and mentioned that multiple things were left out of the story.
What the hell happened to you guys? Just a couple of months ago Halo 4 was Game of E3 and the multiplayer was getting a ton of praise.


I think it's the news outlets that keep getting the exclusive stories. As this was released, David Ellis was responding to things on here and mentioned that multiple things were left out of the story.

Then they should control their new releases a bit better. They have the ability to post stories themselves. They have the ability to send out press releases. They're the ones choosing to let these various media outlets get an exclusive early article.

Conor 419

What the hell happened to you guys? Just a couple of months ago Halo 4 was Game of E3 and the multiplayer was getting a ton of praise.

Was that multiplayer representative of the whole experience though? We still know jack shit about

- The vast majority of the maps
- The ranking system
- What a 'normal' game will play like
- The online infrastructure
- What genuinely new features will exist
- Vehicles
- How large scale combat will work
- What new game modes there will be


I dont think going back to Halo1/2 mechanics is going to revitalize the franchise. Its just all the 360 Halos have been pulled punches. They need to start over and keep the basic premises. Its needs a cod4 type shot of freshness.

Conor 419

I dont think going back to Halo1/2 mechanics is going to revitalize the franchise. Its just all the 360 Halos have been pulled punches. They need to start over and keep the basic premises. Its needs a cod4 type shot of freshness.

I tell you man, custom game browsing. It's what this IP needs but people keep calling me crazy.


The more I learn about Halo 4, the less I want to play it.

I'm very sadly in the same boat. I've been wanting to play this game since the first days of the Reach beta. Within 2 games I knew Reach was a departure from what I wanted out of a Halo game. I was silly in hoping that Halo 4 would be a return to form for the Halo series. I guess we all ultimately have to withhold judgement until we've gotten our hands on it. If the core gameplay is fun enough and the extraneous bullshit doesn't get in the way too much then I can learn to love it. LE preorder not cancelled, yet.


THE WORDS! They'll drift away without the _!
I really don't like the sound of this.

Still super hyped for campaign, but multi is losing my interest.
So, it seems loadouts are like this:

Primary Weapon
Secondary Weapon
Armor Ability
Tactical Package
Support Package

The mods/specializations are one of the bottom two, and there are plenty available to unlock early on without specialization.
I dunno the last great Halo experience for me was Halo2 multiplayer. Halo3 and Reach were great for a week but just lacked something.

Decent maps, I would say. I thought H3 was an improvement over H2 in many ways (gameplay, networking) but I didn't get anywhere near as much enjoyment out of it because the maps were much weaker.

In Reach, the out-the-box experience for maps was just shocking.

Anyway, I'm definitely not liking the sound of this. I was almost certainly going to call it a day with the Halo series as of Reach anyway, and would only have considered picking up H4 for the multiplayer when it drops in price, so it's not like it's a huge loss for me.

Plus I think 343i not doing a beta test for the multiplayer is a huge mistake, unless they haven't touched the netcode from Reach. If they have, not doing a beta is utterly foolish. Bungie did them for a very good reason; it makes the end product much better.


I think I'm just going to rent this to beat the campaign with my friends. Not liking the sound of any of this stuff, even if it is just endgame content.

I hope skipping a public beta doesn't bite them in the ass.
That was because of the campaign demo. I don't remember the multiplayer getting a ton of praise at all.

You were sleeping.

Overall id have to see them in action cause those descriptions are terrible. I need visuals. Like that Wetworks one. You still appear on PV. So the use of this is what exactly?

edit: also from the article "Also, and this is an important part: two of the Specializations – Pioneer and Wetwork – will be available at launch. The rest will come online later…unless you purchase the Halo 4 Limited Edition, in which case you’ll have access to all eight at launch."
Talk about overreacting.

These specializations are just more tactical/support packages that we have known about for months. But these are ones that you aquire when you reach max rank and give the players an added progression to keep going. And none of these specializations are overpowered and not outragous.







Talk about overreacting.

These specializations are just more tactical/support packages that we have known about for months. But these are ones that you aquire when you reach max rank and give the players an added progression to keep going. And none of these specializations are overpowered and not outragous.






I'm pretty sure knowing where weapon spawns will be at will be a huge advantage.

Ya it does.

Overall from what a gather is that if you coordinate who has what with your teammates, most of them could be pretty useful especially if you have a variety of them on your team. But if you go in MM with random people, you risk being a little more frustrated since you wont really know who has what and that could make it more difficult.


Talk about overreacting.

These specializations are just more tactical/support packages that we have known about for months. But these are ones that you aquire when you reach max rank and give the players an added progression to keep going. And none of these specializations are overpowered and not outragous.






One of my main reasons for playing Halo was not having to worry about this kind of nonsense at all. Guess what? That went out the window and I'm understandably miffed.
Talk about overreacting.

These specializations are just more tactical/support packages that we have known about for months. But these are ones that you aquire when you reach max rank and give the players an added progression to keep going. And none of these specializations are overpowered and not outragous.






One thing ive noticed on this forum is that the first few pages are always "the end of the world" reactions.


After Reach I've been fairly open minded (or indifferent I suppose) as to which direction multiplayer goes in with Halo 4. I buy and enjoy Halo and CoD, but for completely different reasons. At this point though, the more that comes out about Halo 4, the more I'm wondering if I actually even need both experiences. This inarguably removes any pretense of an open sandbox with everyone on a level playing field. If I was a "traditional" Halo fan I'd be fucking furious right now.

On the other hand, like other pieces of news about this game that have come out, the messaging from 343 has been total dogshit and I've been having to actively look around to find clarification and/or people explaining it, so that could be what's happening here. As someone pointed out above, the closer we get to launch we still no disturbingly little about a lot of things we should know at this point, and it seems like almost anything that they do release winds up needing clarification. The fact that I have to dig through another GAF thread, or that we have to wait for a 343 Bulletin to go up to clarify a news article is fucking absurd. The marketing for this has been terrible, and my casual Halo friends have no idea what's even happening with the game. They're dropping the ball bigtime here, regardless of this individual piece of news or any in-game content or systems.
This sounds kind of confusing. It seems like most people will pick their specialization based on how cool the armor looks. Does each specialization have its own weapon loadout or is that separate?
Please still have just vanilla Halo as a mode (though I doubt they'll have it for BTB). Though I can't wait for campaign and spartan-ops.
This sounds kind of confusing. It seems like most people will pick their specialization based on how cool the armor looks. Does each specialization have its own weapon loadout or is that separate?

This is why they need to do a video instead of a stupid IGN article that describes what he understood from the other guy. God damn.
I did always admire Halo's commitment to the "Everyone enters on the same playing field" philosophy to multiplayer in the face of COD etc. That 'arena' (?) style is fast becoming extinct, I'll be sad to see it go.
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