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Halo 4 |OT| Spartans Never Die

Id take the old slayer pro over anything on the playlists right now. Infinity slayer is a fucking nightmare.
The Infinity gametypes are chock-full of randomness, I'm constantly depressed that the numbers for them are always so high. I don't like that kind of Halo that 343 has introduced, but based on the numbers Infinity will apparently be the norm for the next games. If they could somehow scale back the ridiculous bullshit weapons and vehicles in Dominion, that would be my go-to BTB. alas...

I've been enjoying Team Regicide
Team Regicide is the best playlist in the game, and easily the best gametype in Halo 4.


HaloGAF-Who-Still-Enjoys-Halo: Let's get some games going tonight! I should be free starting around 10pm EST.

I'm game for anything, really. I'd like to do some Crimson DLC for the cheevos, if anyone's interested.

GT: LosDaddie
Send me a FR on XBL, or post here and I'll add you later today.

Good games this weekend, HaloGAF! :) Got a few groups of 4+ GAFers & friends going on a couple nights. Sorry I don't remember all the names I gamed with, but it was good times.

Ah, so that's why this thread is so slow. :)

What is this supposed to mean?

Gah, I'll try to make this but no promises. What achievements you still need? I only need the one for getting a kill in the air in a Warthog.

damn, sorry I missed this earlier. I was barely on GAF during my 4-day weekend. Did you finish the Crimson cheevos? If not, then I'll do them with you. I can be on XBL starting around 9pm EST this week


Passing metallic gas
The Infinity gametypes are chock-full of randomness, I'm constantly depressed that the numbers for them are always so high. I don't like that kind of Halo that 343 has introduced, but based on the numbers Infinity will apparently be the norm for the next games. If they could somehow scale back the ridiculous bullshit weapons and vehicles in Dominion, that would be my go-to BTB. alas...

Team Regicide is the best playlist in the game, and easily the best gametype in Halo 4.

What really started pissing me off lately is the amount of unbalanced teams and games in progress. Then the constant reconnecting which changes my loadout to my first loadout constantly. Compounded with matchmaking which pits people of the opposite spectrums of skill against each other, its like you cant control shit in this game anymore. Ive lost so many games lately that i,had no clue i was losing simly because i was doing well and didnt realize my teammates were total ass until 'defeat' popped up on screen. Every gametype is just whacky. I really like the game but it needs some serious order.
What really started pissing me off lately is the amount of unbalanced teams and games in progress. Then the constant reconnecting which changes my loadout to my first loadout constantly. Compounded with matchmaking which pits people of the opposite spectrums of skill against each other, its like you cant control shit in this game anymore. Ive lost so many games lately that i,had no clue i was losing simly because i was doing well and didnt realize my teammates were total ass until 'defeat' popped up on screen. Every gametype is just whacky. I really like the game but it needs some serious order.
Reverting to your first loadout after a host migration is annoying as hell. Its gotten to the point where I've made the first loadout a nice default that could work in any gametype and map. I'd recommend others do the same, but players really shouldn't have to go through the trouble.

That said, I've seen far fewer host migrations in the past two weeks than at any previous time since launch. I'd easily get 6 or 7 in a single session, and some of them would take forever. Lately I see maybe one or two in a session (15-20 games), and they're pretty quick.
What really started pissing me off lately is the amount of unbalanced teams and games in progress. Then the constant reconnecting which changes my loadout to my first loadout constantly. Compounded with matchmaking which pits people of the opposite spectrums of skill against each other, its like you cant control shit in this game anymore. Ive lost so many games lately that i,had no clue i was losing simly because i was doing well and didnt realize my teammates were total ass until 'defeat' popped up on screen. Every gametype is just whacky. I really like the game but it needs some serious order.
The unbalanced team thing is just whacky as hell. During some CFT games last week, more than a few times the game would start before finding a full party, and on top of that purposely make a full team and start them against two or three people. Even Team Regicide does this on a consistent basis; starts the game with 6 players and make a team of 4 play 2 instead of playing 3v3. I don't get it, and I REALLY don't like it.


Are gamers not picking up the weapons on the ground? Because I never had a problem with ammo during my playthroughs. I mean, sure, my weapon(s) of choice would run out of ammo, but there was always other weapons on the ground, or nearby.

Where was my invite?!

You're a funny guy, guy.

So player who love halo 4 post in this thread and those who "bitch like crazy on the other?"

Unfortunately, that seems to be the case.


Passing metallic gas
The unbalanced team thing is just whacky as hell. During some CFT games last week, more than a few times the game would start before finding a full party, and on top of that purposely make a full team and start them against two or three people. Even Team Regicide does this on a consistent basis; starts the game with 6 players and make a team of 4 play 2 instead of playing 3v3. I don't get it, and I REALLY don't like it.

I feel extra bad for you guys who still opt to play objective games. Thats like double bad.
So player who love halo 4 post in this thread and those who "bitch like crazy on the other?"

I'd say this thread is more for people willing to put up with the game's issues and still play it while the other thread is for people who outright hate the MP experience as it is right now.

I can't say I blame anyone for posting in either thread.
Man, I've been playing a lot recently, and have been enjoying the hell out of CTF, Oddball, and Team Regicide. I would enjoy CTF a hell of a lot more if I could drop the flag, if auto pickup were disabled, if there were no waypoints on flag carriers, and if the flag would have a sane reset time on smaller maps, though. But playing with a couple friends who communicate together really ups the fun-factor for me ten-fold, despite my gripes with certain systems in the game. Loving it a lot right now, but regretting picking Pioneer as my 2nd Specialization. My friend has it, and it just doesn't give nearly enough extra. He only averaged around 500 each game, and I would call him a very good player.

I highly recommend trying to play around with the loadouts and try to find a playstyle that is totally not how you would normally play the game. I've been playing the past few days with the Light Rifle main, Pistol or Boltshot secondary, with Hologram, AA Efficiency to spam the Hologram, and Ammo for the Light Rifle and power weapon benefits. Ton of fun. Even more fun to go nuts with Stability, though I don't think the Light Rifle has enough ammo at all at a base level, so I usually pair that with Firepower and a DMR. Last session, I tried a CQC loadout for the slightly smaller maps, which is very opposite of how I usually play. Invis (even though I think it should be removed), Suppressor, Pistol, AA Efficiency, and Dexterity (though I'm going to try with Ammo, since the pistol has nothing). It's disturbingly effective, and equally as fun.

While it's nothing special, going around in a group of three, us all communicating, and doing this:

It's just a lot of fun, even though we lost 2-1 because we didn't get the team mates (damn JiP not even working right...) and that I think the flag is next to impossible to steal from the base on Adrift, but once you do, it's next to impossible to return. We even had the flag, too, but Overtime doesn't come on any more unless it's Tied. :(

I've learned how to not taste the ketchup. Still, at the same time, I'm really hoping for 343 to consider trying out some proper seasoning as an option in the coming weeks/months. The MLG settings are pretty superb, I'd like to see that in MM, along with some others like it.

Also, compare the characters Kat and Palmer, who's the more badass?


Fallen Xbot (cannot continue gaining levels in this class)
palmer doesnt really bug me - though she is the pretty typical videogame badass female. that said, Kat is awesome. AWESOME.


Passing metallic gas
I far prefer it to the Infinity gametypes. There's less random bullshit, no stupid Ordnance drops, no power weapon/vehicle gangbang, etc.

So many people play objective just to pad their kdr. I couldnt deal with running the flag and having teammates who just watch me get mowed down. Thats a whole other layer of hell


I far prefer it to the Infinity gametypes. There's less random bullshit, no stupid Ordnance drops, no power weapon/vehicle gangbang, etc.
Ordnance in general is plain bad.

We had at least four Sniper Rifles (one was Binary) up in a CTF game at Ragnarok. In a game at Haven playing Oddball, we had a Binary appear; it gets ridiculous seeing that weapon and the Incineration Cannon appear as much as they do. It's things like this that makes liking the playlists, or the game in general, difficult to do. At the very worst, if they had static drops, it does two things easier: less randomness and callout spots. But really, it's just one issue is a giant pond of problems.
Ordnance in general is plain bad.

We had at least four Sniper Rifles (one was Binary) up in a CTF game at Ragnarok. In a game at Haven playing Oddball, we had a Binary appear; it gets ridiculous seeing that weapon and the Incineration Cannon appear as much as they do. It's things like this that makes liking the playlists, or the game in general, difficult to do. At the very worst, if they had static drops, it does two things easier: less randomness and callout spots. But really, it's just one issue is a giant pond of problems.
To me, Ordnance is the stone that caused the ripple of badness in the game. Ordnance turns everything into a Fiesta gametype, which is and was fine in moderation in previous Halos. There's none of that in Halo 4. Waypoints everywhere, giant one-hit-kill weapons at your beck and call, and hand-holding to the extreme with voiceovers and text on the screen (while somehow diminishing the medals and their role). If Ordnance was scaled back to not include the top-tier power weapons (keep that stuff static where it belongs) and kept upgrades more modest (Needler, SAW, Powerups, loadout resupply), I would have been far more on board with the Infinity gametypes.

So many people play objective just to pad their kdr. I couldnt deal with running the flag and having teammates who just watch me get mowed down. Thats a whole other layer of hell
I guess that's why I like Team Regicide so much. There's an objective like quality to it, but there's no crazy stat padding like there can be in a lot of objective games. Plus it's 4v4, which has always been my version of Halo.
So many people play objective just to pad their kdr. I couldnt deal with running the flag and having teammates who just watch me get mowed down. Thats a whole other layer of hell

Yup. Every other game of CTF has my teammates intentionally avoiding the flag just so they can shoot people coming near it. I'll be the one guy defending our flag, and the rest of my teammates will be scattered around the map but never making a move to actually capture the other team's flag.


tagged by Blackace
Needler transitioning to a proper power weapon is the best thing to happen to Halo over the course of the franchise. It was always middling, but now it's straight up awesome.


Fallen Xbot (cannot continue gaining levels in this class)
Needler transitioning to a proper power weapon is the best thing to happen to Halo over the course of the franchise. It was always middling, but now it's straight up awesome.

i want to dual wield the halo 4 needler.
Needler transitioning to a proper power weapon is the best thing to happen to Halo over the course of the franchise. It was always middling, but now it's straight up awesome.

Halo 3 Needler was no slouch, but of course it doesn't compare to the Halo 4 Needler.

Also, pro-pipe > any variation of the Needler, so you are wrong there, good sir!
Kat is an egghead.

God, the writing in Spartan Ops is atrocious.

Some of the worst writing in videogames and that's coming from a guy who thinks mostly all videogame writing is subpar/shit compared to movies, tv and books. The SOps writing takes the cake for shittiest I've heard in recent memory.
Whoever wrote SpOps needs to find another profession. I'm sorry, but the writing is that bad. My dog could write better than that.

What's troubling to think about is that someone actually approved it. Someone actually sat down, read it, and said "yeah, this will work".

343 are amazing.

They're clearly not eggheads.


when the game lags it goes further than just bad hit registration. I can't make it across adrift mancannon and suicide, random stickies seem to attach itself to me after I've killed someone, my weapon randomly switches (wtf?) in the heat of a battle, i get boltshotted or killed with a scattershot from 10 meters away, I teleport across to the other side of a map. fuck it's frustrating.

reach and 3 had lag but not like this wierd shit.


Passing metallic gas
As if being thrown into games in progress constantly isnt bad enough now Im running into menus that seem to be lagging into infinity and wont let me vote in case i ever happen to see a map i actually want to play. God damn 343 get your shit together. Seriously. This might be the most tragic case of a really great fucking game that is being utterly shitted on by dumb decisions left and right.
Posted in this the Halo OT, which is pretty useless to do, so I'll try here.

If anyone plays regularly Sunday - Thursday, I try to be on from 7 or 8 PM til whenever Pacific Time.

I'm better than average (I think) and will play both MM (Slayer, CTF, Oddball, Regicide, Crimson DLC, no BTB or Dominion garbage) and MLG Customs, have a mic, and make call outs. MM win % is right around 68% out of 500+ games.

GT: Panda Owning Em

Only prereq for me is don't be terrible.


People are still talking about Spops being bad? Dang. I hope no one is defending it still. I still think I should sell this game and play halo 3, or worse, reach.


popped this in last night and started the campaign. the game is GOOORGEOUS but am I crazy or does all the audio, especially in cutscenes, sound horrible and ultra compressed? really disappointing


popped this in last night and started the campaign. the game is GOOORGEOUS but am I crazy or does all the audio, especially in cutscenes, sound horrible and ultra compressed? really disappointing

In the cutscenes, yeah. Most people were just as disappointed.


The sound mixing during gameplay is also pretty bad in both campaign and multiplayer. Music can be barely heard at times in campaign and in multiplayer half the things happening around you are muffled. I remember getting splattered several times by Ghosts that I couldn't even hear coming.


They're about on par with the annoying Drones. Even at times I feel like I also rather fight Brutes than Knights. Crawlers are probably more entertaining to face than Grunts, only because in these latter Halo games Grunts have become more about suicide and blasting off fuel rod guns.
The sound mixing during gameplay is also pretty bad in both campaign and multiplayer. Music can be barely heard at times in campaign and in multiplayer half the things happening around you are muffled. I remember getting splattered several times by Ghosts that I couldn't even hear coming.
I have to agree. Even with headphones on, there are a lot of times where some sounds just don't happen. There are a lot of times where passing through the regen field sticks with me for the rest of the game no matter what, and very recently have started hearing the secondary sound (the sound that you hear when you're getting shot at) of the DMR while I'm firing it.

There's a lot about this game that seems completely unpolished, and sound design glitches are right up there at the top.
There's a lot about this game that seems completely unpolished, and sound design glitches are right up there at the top.
Truth here. I still have problems replaying campaign where I just seem to lose voices, or my center channel, or something. I get to watch cinematics with the Chief just standing there silently with a random tilt his helmet at nothing in particular. But then once I'm in the game things are fine.

In multiplayer I sometimes don't hear the blast that kills me. Chances are that it was a long distance rail or spartan laser shot.


I have to agree. Even with headphones on, there are a lot of times where some sounds just don't happen. There are a lot of times where passing through the regen field sticks with me for the rest of the game no matter what, and very recently have started hearing the secondary sound (the sound that you hear when you're getting shot at) of the DMR while I'm firing it.

There's a lot about this game that seems completely unpolished, and sound design glitches are right up there at the top.

Regen field seems to amplify the sounds of my shots, which usually lasts for half a clip outside the regen field for me.
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