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Halo 4 |OT| Spartans Never Die


Fallen Xbot (cannot continue gaining levels in this class)
Don't die in or near that regen field, or you'll be listening to crappy audio for the rest of the game. :(

never happened to me and i use that aa exclusively.

i spawn with the out of focus loadout screen instead.
Don't die in or near that regen field, or you'll be listening to crappy audio for the rest of the game. :(
It's really bad in Spartan Ops; every time someone fires it off next to me, I'm stuck with that echo for the rest of the game, a lot of times even after I get killed.


I finished the story mode tonight. The entire thing just felt like a big drag. Nowhere near as fun as Halo 3 story to me.

The game is kind of ugly to look at in my opinion. The story doesn't do anything meaningful until after the didact is released. Even after that it just doesn't feel important or urgent to me at all. I love halo 3. Had good pace and made the gravity of the situation know. The break before the chief goes through the portal, all the huge set pieces, and an overall better soundtrack really helped convey this feeling of fire importance. 4 just feels like objective to objective without any cohesiveness.


tagged by Blackace
The game is kind of ugly to look at in my opinion. The story doesn't do anything meaningful until after the didact is released. Even after that it just doesn't feel important or urgent to me at all. I love halo 3. Had good pace and made the gravity of the situation know. The break before the chief goes through the portal, all the huge set pieces, and an overall better soundtrack really helped convey this feeling of fire importance. 4 just feels like objective to objective without any cohesiveness.
I feel completely the opposite. Your kinda aimless until
The Didact is released
and then the story gets urgent, and things just get worse and worse for the chief because of Cortana deteriorating and Chief actually getting the shit end of the stick over and over.


I forgot to post in here after finishing it the other week, so here it goes, I am probably a little late on a lot of this and maybe some has been answered, and I have honestly forgotten most of the names of characters.

The campaign took literally 5 hours and 2 minutes which is shorter than the last few CoDs I've played through, I personally expected a lot more from it than what we got, as pretty as it could be at times I was left feeling like I wanted more. Maybe it was because I was playing on Normal and I know a lot like to play on the harder difficulties, but to me normal is the default setting a game should be based on and made harder from there, 5 hours of gaming just wasn't enough to me.

I found the story to be a little all over the place,
I was expecting the whole game to take place on Requiem, or more than it did, here's this giant planet thing but a few hours in your off to somewhere else, then off somewhere else again, here's some character and some other character, but you will barely seem them from there.
I've played all the previous games but didn't know who a bunch of characters were, I felt like maybe it was from the novels? but while I appreciate game developers taking in canon from other mediums it kind of left me thinking who? what? why? at times.
Also started to feel a bit TV show'ish,
here's Master Chief who has saved the day multiple times and continues to do so, yet no one seems to listen to him for some reason.

It was a very pretty game, though at times it felt like they spent more time on making it look nice than actually putting in some meaty content to play around with. There were a number of larger areas but the game felt much more compact next to previous titles, there is this
whole forerunner planet to look at and explore and you end up down big corridors with just different scenery, whether it was the small desert level or the forest sections the size never really changed that much.

The ending felt a bit
meh and rushed, I know they had been moving to the whole rampancy thing with Cortana but I dunno, felt kind of meh on it when we got to the end. The multiple Cortana's coming out of the light bridge and saving the day seemed a bit silly, then there's her saving you too, I mean you literally punch an explosive device, just seemed more out there than previous games.

Also, if she does return, which I imagine she will at some point in some form, give her some clothes. It wasn't so bad in previous games but as she improved graphically to me it became more awkward to watch this woman, who while missing the finer details, was butt naked in a room of military guys. Sure it looks nice to have this womanly figure you feel you need to protect, but I would have preferred something more in like with Serina from Halo Wars who fitted in far more with the setting.

The bad guy wasn't in it enough, it doesn't count in ball form, while I expect him to return as he kind of went out in a rather lame way, the whole arc of finding the planet and releasing him, to finding the weapon he wanted, to traveling to earth and saving the day felt like something that could be spread out as an arc for a few games rather than one game over a few hours.

That's all that I can think of for now, it was a fun very pretty ride, but disappointing at the end of the day.


The bad guy wasn't in it enough, it doesn't count in ball form, while I expect him to return as he kind of went out in a rather lame way, the whole arc of finding the planet and releasing him, to finding the weapon he wanted, to traveling to earth and saving the day felt like something that could be spread out as an arc for a few games rather than one game over a few hours.

That's all that I can think of for now, it was a fun very pretty ride, but disappointing at the end of the day.

Regarding your last point: (There's a Spartan Ops spoiler in there if you haven't played that yet)
The Didact will definitely be back, though. When you approack the Composer at the end of the final level, Cortana points out that the slipspace portal below, which he could survive falling into because of his armor. Taking that with some of the stuff going on in Spartan Ops (memories from humans killed in the attack on Earth showing up on Requiem) it's very likely that the Didact ended up back on Requiem after the fight at the end of the game.


Regarding your last point: (There's a Spartan Ops spoiler in there if you haven't played that yet)
The Didact will definitely be back, though. When you approack the Composer at the end of the final level, Cortana points out that the slipspace portal below, which he could survive falling into because of his armor. Taking that with some of the stuff going on in Spartan Ops (memories from humans killed in the attack on Earth showing up on Requiem) it's very likely that the Didact ended up back on Requiem after the fight at the end of the game.
Can't the guy float mid-air anyway?


Regarding your last point: (There's a Spartan Ops spoiler in there if you haven't played that yet)
The Didact will definitely be back, though. When you approack the Composer at the end of the final level, Cortana points out that the slipspace portal below, which he could survive falling into because of his armor. Taking that with some of the stuff going on in Spartan Ops (memories from humans killed in the attack on Earth showing up on Requiem) it's very likely that the Didact ended up back on Requiem after the fight at the end of the game.

Cheers, here's hoping, I haven't touched Spartan Ops yet besides jumping through the menus and I don't mind spoilers for side stuff generally.


NeoGAF's smiling token!
I just don't think that anyone would be in this thread now if they haven't already played the campaign. *shrug*


NeoGAF's smiling token!
What do you mean? I still havent finished the campaign.


The more I play of Halo 4 (and going back to replay the Halo 2 campaign after probably... I dunno, four or five years since last playing it), the more I'm associating the two as birds of a feather. They're both huge leaps forward in many ways from a narrative standpoint, but they have their share of stumbling blocks from allowing that narrative to truly shine,* and the graphics are outweighed by a more funneled set of encounters. There were even sets of encounters that felt like spiritual successors (the Library gondola ride, although mercifully far shorter in Halo 4, and the claustrophobic vehicle segments reminded me of "Quarantine Zone" as well.) Like Halo 2, we got fantastic skyboxes that we couldn't actually visit. We also got somewhat bullet-spongy enemies in the Knights and Brutes (though personally I liked the Knights over the Brutes, they have similar issues in playstyles).

Going back and playing "Halo", I was struck by the sheer elevation changes of that level. There's absolutely nothing like it in any other game (maybe "the Ark" comes closest, but it's mostly limited to one or two bluffs.) You basically climb out of that initial tunnel with the Warthog, almost always getting one of the gunners to shout when you land after some big air.

*For Halo 2, I think the biggest issue is that there's not enough time for character development. The Arby goes from "What? Halo is a weapon? Bullshit!" to agreeing to stop its firing in two missions where he's basically silent. We simply don't get into his head to make that change really effective. Likewise, the crafty Prophets are mostly surface, albeit more subtle than their treatment in 3. In Halo 4, there's a lot of backstory that's just erratically handled, and the Librarian's arrival and plot dump don't help. Maybe if there were one or two more missions to spread out some of the tidbits, it would have better adjusted the pace of new info. As is, there's just not enough context to fully grasp the Didact's motivations, and the end scene with Cortana is poignant but confusing as hell.


Crossposting here because this thread has more people that actually play the game lol

Problem is a lot of the games design problems emerged because of other bad design decisions.

The loadout system means combat is more unpredictable, yes, but it also means you have the ability to pack in things that really should be restricted on some playlists. Spawning with plasma grenades in general just leads to suicide sticking. Being able to spawn with a plasma pistol also ruins the vehicle play.

And because the loadout system was made so universal and absolute you can't do things like restrict weapons from being in certain loadouts.

Another problem is the perk system. What happened here is obvious. They literally took traits and things Halo players have ALWAYS been able to do before, such as pick up grenades, have grenades be not firecrackers, have plenty ammo from your main weapon, to know where power weapons are spawning and more... and they had the player only be able to choose what abilities they wanted in the name of increased player customization and as they put it, choosing your playstyle. Playstyles are just that, playstyles. They emerge from the way you play the game. Halo 4's system doesn't help you tailor something to your playstyle, it restricts you to a certain playstyle per loadout. I've heard a pro of the custom classes is more player freedom but it did the exact opposite, it created PLAYER RESTRICTIONS per loadout. Why do this? Because CoD did it? Because it is a TERRIBLE idea for Halo.

The games mechanics are literally sabotaging other mechanics. They literally introduced PROBLEMS for the player like not knowing where ordnance drops, not being able to function in a vehicle for more than 5 seconds, running out of ammo, and more and then gave you bandaids for them. But heres the thing, you can only pick 2 cuts to heal at any given time.

Makes no fucking sense and the worst part is, I believe 343 won't do a damn thing to change this. They dug themselves into a bad design hole and now if they change it people and the media are going to complain about Halo going backwards. Because unfortunately for us people ate that shit up. The vast majority of Halo players will probably be mad they can't pick perks to give them advantages when in reality the majority of the things those perks enabled you to do would be given back to the player. I hope they'll prove me wrong, but right now I see no signs of them doing so. It's terrible because 343's takeover of Reach gave me hope. They removed or modified bloom, they removed certain armor abilities from certain playlists.... They acknowledged how bad armor lock was, and it honestly seemed like they UNDERSTOOD Halo.

And then they went and made Halo 4.


So, when I played Regicide back at RTX last year, I absolutely hated it.
Now I can't stop playing it, mainly because it's a credit farm and everyone in that playlist is dreadfully terrible. I want to stop. I NEED to stop...

Someone please help me.


Crossposting here because this thread has more people that actually play the game lol

Problem is a lot of the games design problems emerged because of other bad design decisions.

The loadout system means combat is more unpredictable, yes, but it also means you have the ability to pack in things that really should be restricted on some playlists. Spawning with plasma grenades in general just leads to suicide sticking. Being able to spawn with a plasma pistol also ruins the vehicle play.

And because the loadout system was made so universal and absolute you can't do things like restrict weapons from being in certain loadouts.

Another problem is the perk system. What happened here is obvious. They literally took traits and things Halo players have ALWAYS been able to do before, such as pick up grenades, have grenades be not firecrackers, have plenty ammo from your main weapon, to know where power weapons are spawning and more... and they had the player only be able to choose what abilities they wanted in the name of increased player customization and as they put it, choosing your playstyle. Playstyles are just that, playstyles. They emerge from the way you play the game. Halo 4's system doesn't help you tailor something to your playstyle, it restricts you to a certain playstyle per loadout. I've heard a pro of the custom classes is more player freedom but it did the exact opposite, it created PLAYER RESTRICTIONS per loadout. Why do this? Because CoD did it? Because it is a TERRIBLE idea for Halo.

The games mechanics are literally sabotaging other mechanics. They literally introduced PROBLEMS for the player like not knowing where ordnance drops, not being able to function in a vehicle for more than 5 seconds, running out of ammo, and more and then gave you bandaids for them. But heres the thing, you can only pick 2 cuts to heal at any given time.

Makes no fucking sense and the worst part is, I believe 343 won't do a damn thing to change this. They dug themselves into a bad design hole and now if they change it people and the media are going to complain about Halo going backwards. Because unfortunately for us people ate that shit up. The vast majority of Halo players will probably be mad they can't pick perks to give them advantages when in reality the majority of the things those perks enabled you to do would be given back to the player. I hope they'll prove me wrong, but right now I see no signs of them doing so. It's terrible because 343's takeover of Reach gave me hope. They removed or modified bloom, they removed certain armor abilities from certain playlists.... They acknowledged how bad armor lock was, and it honestly seemed like they UNDERSTOOD Halo.

And then they went and made Halo 4.
Pretty much. The way I think of it is, they took things that were well balanced in the sandbox and broke them, then offered perks to fix them. For example, plasma pistols on spawn totally screws up BTB play, but they wanted to offer lots of guns for the custom load outs. So they included it, but then added a perk to nerf it. Or, adding flinch, which really screws with long range combat, then offered a perk to nerf it. Removing weapons from maps (spare ammo), then add a perk to provide you some ammo. And so on. Or, they looked at something that the combat design already did, then offered to un-do that as a perk. Sprint on a meter? You can pick a perk to remove it. No radar when scoped? There's a perk for that.

I think the idea was, all these give/take decisions with the perks would sort of balance each other out. But breaking shit and then offering a perk to restore or mitigate that newly broken thing is not balance, yet it's what runs all through Halo 4. How about you just craft a well balanced sandbox instead?


So, when I played Regicide back at RTX last year, I absolutely hated it.
Now I can't stop playing it, mainly because it's a credit farm and everyone in that playlist is dreadfully terrible. I want to stop. I NEED to stop...

Someone please help me.
I also played Regicide at an event and the moment I got in second place while doing much better than the person who won I knew the multiplayer was going to be shit.
Some story talk, but I still really feel they should've postponed the
Didact reveal
until the end of the game, or very near to it. Have the player discover the legend first, the story,
of this ancient, powerful Forerunner with a hatred for humanity, locked away for an eternity, but now close to awakening
. Have the player fight to prevent it, and fail. The reveal would've had a lot more impact.

Now you press some magical buttons and some dude appears, who, for some reason, doesn't like humanity, even though all Forerunner structures have solely existed to help humanity up til that point.
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