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Halo 4 |OT2| TURBO

Haha, I remember thinking the same exact thing back in the beta. Everyone was hating the slow movement and low jumps (that ledge on Powerhouse says hi), and then Invasion comes out and people start playing as elites and it's like, "holy shit, this is how the Spartans should control!"

Elite slayer sucked though, for reasons completely unrelated to base movement.

Yeah this, not Elite Slayer. Controlling the Elite felt fast and fluid, whereas the Spartans felt sluggish.


That's not offline. That's reading them online. That's what I don't like. Luckily the apps let you read them offline. So I totally took advantage of the sale.

Ah, okay. Sorry I misunderstood.

So slightly faster movement, higher jumping.
Shields and health system as well?

OT, but we already are anyway.
Hornet or Falcon for you guys?

I know people love the Falcon but I vastly prefer the Hornet because it doesn't feel like you just took a helicopter and added a second rotor. If they had styled the Falcon in Reach more after the Hornet I probably would have liked it more.

Anyone going to be on in a couple hours? Been trying to grind out my last achievement for Bioshock 2 but I'm feeling like I wanna play some Halo 4.


Haha, I remember thinking the same exact thing back in the beta. Everyone was hating the slow movement and low jumps (that ledge on Powerhouse says hi), and then Invasion comes out and people start playing as elites and it's like, "holy shit, this is how the Spartans should control!"

Elite slayer sucked though, for reasons completely unrelated to base movement.

You didn't like endless Plasma Punches and needle supercombines?

I miss Dino blasters and Invasion though. Pity my XBL is expired or I'd be trying to play Reach.
Elites can have their shields pop, then go into Armor Lock, and come out mostly healed. It's hilariously broken.
Haha I admit to taking advantage of this.
I know people love the Falcon but I vastly prefer the Hornet because it doesn't feel like you just took a helicopter and added a second rotor. If they had styled the Falcon in Reach more after the Hornet I probably would have liked it more.
Instead of rotors add hornet jets. Would fit storyline wise as well. The heavier , less agile older cousin of the hornet.

I'm more of a hornet fan, but also really enjoyed the falcon in invasion. Covenant need a usable troop transport aircraft.
Invasion was an awesome gametype which believe it or not had some strategic side behind it but more importantly was a blast to had.

Only problem was the map pool suffered from it since maps had to be designed with it on mind.

I was hoping they'd have let us play as prometheans and so having a decent/improved map editor would let us make proper Invasion maps. Too bad we got a downgraded and outsorced mess of Forge instead.

I'm still mad they also broke Invasion related actions like the ones which handle bro spawning, please fix them for H5!

Yes, I am mad they killed it.

Edit: The Falcon and the Chopper need to return.


Take less chances with multiplayer and more with campaign.

All I need for Halo 5 multiplayer is a sandbox without the clutter, precise responsivness and movement like in Titanfall, LOCKED 60fps, and the idea that multiplayer maps need to tell a story has gotta go.

Hmmm...I think Halo 1-4 beats Titanfall in this area in spades.
Hmmm...I think Halo 1-4 beats Titanfall in this area in spades.

Um...no. Keep Halo gameplay, add fast, responsive movement. Then again, I've only played Titanfall on PC, so who knows how the performance is on consoles. But in my experience, going to Halo right after feels like moving through sludge.
Invasion was an awesome gametype which believe it or not had some strategic side behind it but more importantly was a blast to had.

Only problem was the map pool suffered from it since maps had to be designed with it on mind.

I was hoping they'd have let us play as prometheans and so having a decent/improved map editor would let us make proper Invasion maps. Too bad we got a downgraded and outsorced mess of Forge instead.

I'm still mad they also broke Invasion related actions like the ones which handle bro spawning, please fix them for H5!

Yes, I am mad they killed it.

Edit: The Falcon and the Choper need to return.
I loved invasion. I don't understand why others don't. There may have been some balancing issues but all round it was a blast to play.
The potential invasion, well halo in general, has with a advanced forge editor and (dreaming here) AIs on map is just insane.

I feel compelled to play Reach now.

Chopper pls
Well, for one thing it didn't let us play as elites anymore.
It's a holodeck simulation. In the comics they had training against Covy Elites. Why they didn't include Elites we may never get a reason for it. But does it really matter? Maybe. Maybe not. I think they wanted to mainly focus on Spartan IVs (obviously). Like how Bungie expanded on different aesthetics with S - IIIs armor. But we sorta got some odd looking armor for 4...


I have a Halo Reach favor to ask of someone with a capture card. Can someone capture the film in my Reach File Share titled "Holdout". It should be a 16 second clip. Thanks.

ps 343i Pro Video for Halo 5


So yeah. Megapost (well, not really. The pictures are what make it big).

This took me a while, as you can see. I did it more for fun though, since I enjoy making this kind of stuff and I was bored. I’ll basically just be doing a quick explanation of why I did some things.

A lot of this is purely concept, so a few things aren’t as polished as they possibly could be. You get the general idea of what I’m going for. A lot of things are very malleable still.

Image 1

So, credit where credit is due. This is from the video that inspired me to start doing it in the first place. After this and the second slide, though, I completely dropped what the other guy had been doing and went off with my own ideas.

I think I also took the basic set up for a couple slides from wwm0nkey. What can I say? It was a really, really good idea, I thought.

Here’s the second slide as well.

Image 2

Image 3

Pretty self-explanatory. This screen is a replacement for “are you sure?” while also having a purpose:

Image 4

This is something I’ve ALWAYS wanted to do. I hate it when some friends and I are midway through a mission on Legendary, need to turn off the Xbox and come back later and we have to start all over. Frustrating.

Note that this is NOT a replacement for lobbies. It’s simply a quick, everybody left, and now everybody’s back, so press A twice to keep playing kinda thing. We’ll get to lobbies in a second.

(I had just been talking to Subzero at Starbucks, so I just decide to throw his name down, but I suddenly blanked on what it was, and yet still remembered his “other name.” Didn’t really bother to change it. Hope you’re not offended, Wahr…yeah, I can’t spell it, sorry).

Image 5

This is a simple message saying “Hey, you need to get everybody available again.” I was thinking of having a drop in, drop out type thing. Like, you can quit the game, have one of the players leave, and then get back on, and by pass the warning. Whatever. You get the picture.

Image 6

Maybe didn’t need to include this. Whatevs.

As you can see I borrowed the background from a video the guy had. He linked to a download thing for it (without the info on the bottom), but I couldn’t get it to work. So we’ll just have to ignore it.

Image 7

So the player has clicked menu, and here’s we are in the Matchmaking lobby. The reason is because, just like in Halo 3 (which I took a lot of inspiration from), the last menu you were in when you left is the menu that is selected when you get back on. It’s a nice touch for players wanting to just get right back where they were before immediately.

The main difference, however, is there is no place where you select “Matchmaking.” Nope. Instead, it’s all one menu, almost like an internet browser, with “Tabs.”

Just like with Gears of War 2 and 3 and the Xbox dashboard itself, pressing the bumpers gets you from menu to menu. After trying it out, it’s a lot quicker, since instead of highlighting and selecting something, you just hit the bumper once or twice. It also helps with things being more see-able. (You see thing. Click button to go to thing.)

As you can see I kinda cheaped out with the icons on the left. Didn’t have time to find new ones. Besides, other things (like the Players section) already took a significant amount of time. Yes, I’m a lazy ass bum.

Image 8

This is probably the most ignorable slide in the collection. Just a stand-in for what the matchmaking playlist would look like. Nothing more.

Image 9

The second thing in this “Players with my DLC” is something I’ve wanted for a while (provided we don’t get free DLC, which would be MUCH better, so in which case, scratch all this). Would have been useful in Halo 3 when I had DLC and wanted to use it in Lone Wolves, a playlist which does not require any DLC.

Image 10

Pretty self-explanatory. Familiar to anyone who’s played Halo. Cute little tip I thought of at 1:00 one morning.

Image 11

And here we go. This one probably has the most stuff, so I’ll divide it into three sections

What is the most important thing players are going to want to know right now? Two things: what map and game type, and about vetoing (especially since both are related to each other). Well, that’s simple. There’s the map you’ll be playing on. I even put “On” so people know it’s a place. We’ll be doing “this thing” on “that map.” I also had the name of the map inset so people would associate the name with the map. Dis is all very strategic, see.

Now about vetoing. That’s kind of pressing since you’ve only got 10 seconds to do it. So I highlighted the number 10 (and 9, and 8, etc.). What else to players want to know? Likely how many people have vetoed vs. how many have to veto to change the map and gametype. However, most people are going to memorize the “9 required” (or, in the case of, say, 4v4 battles, “5 required”) part real fast, so the only one they’re really going to want to know is how many have now. Thus 1 is highlighted.

I also put the little “i” at the bottom for people who don’t know what vetoing is. It’s out of the way, so people who know what vetoing is won’t be bothered by it, but people who don’t can find out.

Note that 10 seconds is also listed up in the tab in place of “Matchmaking” (beside Campaign and Firefight at the top). There’s a reason for that I’ll get to in a second.


One thing I absolutely couldn’t stand about Reach was the back and forth motion between the left half of the screen and the right. Gave me a headache, and entirely unnecessary.

So in the middle. This is how you look at players’ stats and player model. Unlike Reach, everything is all in one screen, but each is still big enough to see even on a smaller screen.

Honestly, now, what do I really want to know about a player? Off the bat, likely his rank, what his K/D ratio is, and how many games he’s played. So that’s what I put. Yes, I put “Finished the Fight.” Easily replaced with something like “Campaign Complete” (which is probably what I should have put).

Now, if you want to know more about a player, just hit A. That way you can see all his stats like how many overkills he’s got, or how many vehicles he’s lazered, or the most medals he’s gotten in a match. But for the most part, these are the things players are going to want to know about other players at a glance.


Pretty familiar. For the parties, while I know this is pretty much what Halo 3 does, the idea I had in my mind when I did it was Red Dead Redemption. One guy is the leader, and all the other guys have arrows pointing up to him (except in keeping with Halo I used a crown instead of a sheriff badge, for obvious reasons).

Just threw in a bunch of your guys’s names. Sorry you didn’t get an emblem wwm0nkey. (And yes, I know Stormtrooper is listed twice.)

Image 12

And this is just the thing after you’ve hit X. Yes, I now, I’m such a horrible person. I vetoed Guardian of all maps
(one of my favorite maps, which I reeeeaaally hope makes a return at some point).
All for the sake of demonstration, you know.

Image 13

K, so here we are in the lobby, vetoing done. The game is loading (Note the loading in the tab has now replaced the “10 Seconds” that had previously replaced “Matchmaking.” Get to that in a second, I promise).

So what do you want to know about the game up front? Likely how many kills and how long it is. Values change, such as when you’re playing oddball. Sometimes you’ve got to hold it for 100 seconds. Sometimes for 180. It’s good to know that, but honestly, for most players, that’s all I’m really going to care about.

Plus, everybody knows what team slayer is. And if you don’t, just click Y (I chose Y so it wouldn’t confuse the player with X for Veto, and A and B are taken, and plus Y is often used for “Information”). Y will bring up a little thing telling you what team slayer is, as well as a few other more minute details such as player speed.

Honestly, I don’t care about player speed and some of those others, and I’m going to wager most other people don’t either, so no need cluttering up the space. Plus, I also know what team slayer is. No need to tell me every single time I play and clutter up the screen.

If you want to know more, either as a noob, or somebody obsessed with all the match’s tiny details, be my guest and hit Y, but don’t demand I clutter up the screen with stuff that is useless to EVERYBODY else.

Image 14

Well, now, what’s this?

First of all look at the tabs again. Notice that the multiplayer game is still loading and you can see it too despite not being in that menu. Heh, told you I had a reason for that. All I did was hit left bumper. Right bumper will take me right back. Chapter 7: Reclaimer, the name I made up for a random level in the game, is the last level I was last on/ready for when I was playing campaign last.

Below the mission picture we have:

1. Change Level — Pretty simple. Select this to bring up a menu to change the level. The picture, of course, tells you what level you have selected. I’ve got a couple kinda cool ideas how to do the chapter select menu, but didn’t go to the time of hammering it out.
2. Skulls and Scoring — “Game Options” didn’t suit me, so I went for a more descriptive title. Hit this to turn on skulls (Which you must earn in-game. Stupid Halo Reach and 4.) and turn campaign scoring on. Why Halo 4 didn’t have this, I’ll never know. Scoring is such a fun thing to have in co-op.
3. Difficulty: Heroic — I didn’t really see the point in spreading this information out and cluttering the screen and making it look bad (like *ahem* in Halo 3 *ahem*
Ok, Halo 3 wasn’t bad, but it was butt ugly and could have been a lot better, so I decided to make it look cleaner and less. The important part of this, however, was that I didn’t remove Halo 3’s very decent functionality. I think this does the trick
). Basically, you see “Heroic” and want to change it to “Legendary” so you click on it.
4. Network: Local — Same deal here. It tells you on the very thing you select, that you are currently local for the campaign. To change “Local” just…well, click “Local.”

Image 15

The player has just hit “Settings” (button prompt being in the bottom right corner of the screen), and then navigated to the player customization.

Note the loading in the matchmaking tab (“Loading… 80%”) is still visible. This is important. This is so players can see the loading (probably the most important part during a matching session since it lets you know how much time you have left to do what you’re doing) at all times – even when deep in menus. This was a very frustrating problem in Halo 3 and one of the driving points behind the tabs' existance.

Not much to explain except at the bottom of the list of options. Notice the player can change his weapons that he holds while posing. Maybe you could have it so that players must get, say, 50 kills in slayer matches with a weapon before getting to use it with his player model (so, all of them are locked except the AR and Magnum at the start), Idk. Whatever, just as long as people can change that. Always thought that’d be cool. Currently, Sword and Plasma Rifle are selected (since, well, I kind of had to go with what the image I used had).

Also, we have “Pose” and “Pose with Kinect.” “Pose” means you get to select a bunch of premade poses for your model that 343 or whoever will have already made. “Pose with Kinect” has you stand in front of Kinect, and get in whatever position you want while the model on screen does exactly what you do. The premade poses would probably include a few — like the player model diving or something — that you can’t really do with Kinect as well as a few standard ones.

1. Select “Pose with Kinect”
2. Stand in whatever pose you want
3. Say “Xbox, capture” or “Xbox, take (my picture)”
4. Then say Yes or No to save or delete a pose. If you save the pose, the game will automatically assign your player model that pose. If you want to change it, go back and hit “Pose" and select a different one, or his "Pose with Kinect" to make yet another one.

(5. If you don’t want to have to use Kinect every time you want that one custom pose you like, just go into “Pose.” It will save up to, I don’t know, a dozen different custom poses that you previously made using Kinect that you can select without using Kinect again).

Image 16

Pretty self-explanatory. Halo kind of needs, ya know, standard audio options that every game nowadays has.

Main thing about this is the “master volume” thing. This is so you can just quick change the volume without having to fix your mix of SFX, Voice, and Music volumes every time you change the volume. Absolutely hate having to do that.

(Master Volume is selected. That’s why it’s glowing).

Image 17

K, so this is the player trying to get a campaign level loading. Doesn’t work, in case you were wondering.

Image 18

I probably could have done better on this one. Basically it just shows you all the main things that I’m probably going to want to know about. This is from the party leader’s perspective. Party members can also click “More game options”, but for them it will be called “More game details.” This includes all the rest of the details of the game, if players are curious of everything the party leader is doing. Maybe you could have an option for the party leader to block other players from knowing the games details if he really wants to, idk.


So yup. That’s it. Pretty much.

Tell me what you think. (Hope this wasn’t too off-topic. I mean, it is in direct retaliation to Halo 4’s baseball card UI).

Oh, and I made this whole thing entirely with Powerpoint, in case you were wondering.


Looks alright. I'm actually pretty damn impressed.

Side note: I feel like my retinas would burn out trying to navigate that of a night time. White backgrounds are almost always awful.


You made that with power point?

Lol, yup. I actually could have done quite a bit of that with Powerpoint 2003, but 365 (which I had to get for school) makes it all a lot easier.

Powerpoint is extremely intuitive to use. It has a really, really consistent, easy to see UI. I absolutely love it. You can do so much with it.

In contrast, I hate photoshop, and I'm reluctant to learn it, but I'll probably have to, since I'm likely going to major in something that uses it. :(

Powerpoint is basically like "Hey, you want to make this thing blue and put it right there? Then just say format object, make it blue, and drag it where you want it."

Looks alright. I'm actually pretty damn impressed.

Side note: I feel like my retinas would burn out trying to navigate that of a night time. White backgrounds are almost always awful.

Yeah, just remember like I said at the beginning that this is all very prototype-ish. The main thing is the set up.


Lol, yup. I actually could have done quite a bit of that with Powerpoint 2003, but 365 (which I had to get for school) makes it all a lot easier.
Well good for you but you made the mistake of white font one a whitish back ground it's not easily visible due to lack of contrast.


Well good for you but you made the mistake of white font one a whitish back ground it's not easily visible due to lack of contrast.

Yeah, it was hard to find a good balance between darker ones and lighter ones, especially since darker ones got harder to see in the darker sections of the background. I thought the white ones were ok. There's just a few places where they're too long and make it out into the lighter part of the background.

I like how it looks.



Now I just need Juan to look at it.
Chettlar good shit man, seems like you put some decent effort into that. For Image 8, maybe by pressing Y you see the current list of maps/gametypes in that playlist in the section to the right. Also, by highlighting the map, an overlay will come up after 2 seconds, displaying an overhead view of the map with weapon/Power-up locations.

Also, UNKNOWN iXi* ;]


Chettlar good shit man, seems like you put some decent effort into that. For Image 8, maybe by pressing Y you see the current list of maps/gametypes in that playlist in the section to the right. Also, by highlighting the map, an overlay will come up after 2 seconds, displaying an overhead view of the map with weapon/Power-up locations.

Yes! Great idea! Like I said, that one was very poorly developed. I had the idea to just divide normal and infinity-style playlists but then decided that wasn't such a good idea and was just like screw it, place-holder.

I could try doing what you're suggesting at some point.

And yes, I put some decent effort into it, lol. As I talk about under image 11, there was a lot of thought going into a lot of placement, coloring, highlighting, button choices, etc.

Also, UNKNOWN iXi* ;]

Hmm? You mean you're gamertag has an * in it?

Really nice UI! Might want to change the background so its just a tad darker though, other than that its amazing!

Thank you for the original basic concept that got me started. This whole thing is me saying, hey good idea wwm0nkey, but I might want to change this thing and that thing and...hell I'll just make my own to show you what I mean.

Yeah, a tad darker possibly. But you get the idea.


I can't imagine how that would go wrong.

Yeeeaahhhhhh, well....

You could probably have some sort of collision detection thing, so that the entire model blinks read and you can't take the picture if things are clipping into each other. Then just have a similar thign for people trying to reach down to their crotch and what not to cut down on more inappropriate things.

Idk, just an idea I had. Was trying to think of ways to use Kinect without actually using it in the game.


Yeeeaahhhhhh, well....

You could probably have some sort of collision detection thing, so that the entire model blinks read and you can't take the picture if things are clipping into each other. Then just have a similar thign for people trying to reach down to their crotch and what not to cut down on more inappropriate things.

Idk, just an idea I had. Was trying to think of ways to use Kinect without actually using it in the game.
The world isn't ready for wanking Spartans.

Anyway, your Powerpoint UI has already surpassed Halo 4, so gj. I'll take wanking Spartans over baseball cards any day.


- White on white is hard to read.
- Transparency on popups means you have text coming through from the background so it's also hard to read.
- If the background animates in any way it'll be even harder to read!
- Try to maintain consistency when laying out info. It's reversed for emblems and gamertags between the middle and right columns.
- Replacing the name of the tab with loading and percentage can be confusing. Defeats primary purpose of tabs (to know where you can nav to)
- Minor detail but think about how this would be translated to other languages when laying things out.
Nice stuff Chettlar. It looks pretty simple yet informative enough. Just change the back ground to some non white concept art and it'll be awesome.

Also Halo Wars population is at 2.5k, came on expecting a few hundred.


- White on white is hard to read.
- Transparency on popups means you have text coming through from the background so it's also hard to read.

Tried to make those dark enough so that was not a problem. It looks lighter now for some reason. Those could easily be significantly darker, or just plain Opaque

- If the background animates in any way it'll be even harder to read!

Not necessarily. If you were to only have a slight windy effect over the background it could work. As in, don't have the background itself move, like in Reach, for example.

Again, the background could easily be changed.

- Try to maintain consistency when laying out info. It's reversed for emblems and gamertags between the middle and right columns.

Not understanding what you're saying. Sorry.

- Replacing the name of the tab with loading and percentage can be confusing. Defeats primary purpose of tabs (to know where you can nav to)

Not necessarily. I think you're overestimating the reliance people have on the names. The person will have already seen the name, and it's a pretty minor change anyway.

Plus, we could do something like, have it called "Matchmaking" and then simply have the background of matchmaking change and keep "Matchmaking" there. Just have the background of the tab change to a standard loading bar. Reach did this with it's levels (just had a bar, and no "Loading... 40%") and it was perfectly obvious that it was a loading bar.

So there's ways to adjust this, yes. You could also have Matchmaking abbreviated to "Matchm... 80%" or something similar or a bunch of other things.

- Minor detail but think about how this would be translated to other languages when laying things out.

I think it could work out fairly well. I don't see the issue in doing things like asian languages. At least no more than other, earlier halo maps. I mean, look at Halo 3's or Reach's or even Halo 4's. I don't see how mine would have any problems those would not.


Tried to make those dark enough so that was not a problem. It looks lighter now for some reason. Those could easily be significantly darker, or just plain Opaque

Not necessarily. If you were to only have a slight windy effect over the background it could work. As in, don't have the background itself move, like in Reach, for example.

Again, the background could easily be changed.

Not understanding what you're saying. Sorry.

Not necessarily. I think you're overestimating the reliance people have on the names. The person will have already seen the name, and it's a pretty minor change anyway.

Plus, we could do something like, have it called "Matchmaking" and then simply have the background of matchmaking change and keep "Matchmaking" there. Just have the background of the tab change to a standard loading bar. Reach did this with it's levels (just had a bar, and no "Loading... 40%") and it was perfectly obvious that it was a loading bar.

So there's ways to adjust this, yes. You could also have Matchmaking abbreviated to "Matchm... 80%" or something similar or a bunch of other things.

I think it could work out fairly well. I don't see the issue in doing things like asian languages. At least no more than other, earlier halo maps. I mean, look at Halo 3's or Reach's or even Halo 4's. I don't see how mine would have any problems those would not.

I was saying that in the player roster on the right the emblem is left of the gamertags. It's to the right of the gamertag in the middle of the screen under the character.

German is the language that usually has the most issues since words are longer. Asian languages are also troublesome because the characters need a min height to be readable that could be different from the English font size. Makes laying out text box widths and height a pain.

The tab thing is subjective but a common method is to move to something like "label name - 00%" with progress filling in visually as a bar behind or under it. Not everyone has a great memory and you might run into situations where multiple tabs are loading.

All on all this is pretty cool! Just offering some suggestions with things that usually creap is when making these types of screens.


Um...no. Keep Halo gameplay, add fast, responsive movement. Then again, I've only played Titanfall on PC, so who knows how the performance is on consoles. But in my experience, going to Halo right after feels like moving through sludge.

I was referring more "the precise response and movement" of Titanfall and not the pace of the game. Personally, I feel that the gunplay in Titanfall isn't as precise and doesn't take as much skill as Halo and the movement in Titanfall while fast is very jerky. I like the pace and speed of Halo, it is a nice happy medium between uber-fast games like Quake/Unreal and slower paced games like ARMA/Red Orchestra.

Some examples of what I'm talking about:


Megapost incoming (mega because of the pictures). :) Uploading the mockup pictures right now.

I like your "Settings: Player" screen. Being able to select a weapon for your player pic would be cool.


I was saying that in the player roster on the right the emblem is left of the gamertags. It's to the right of the gamertag in the middle of the screen under the character.

German is the language that usually has the most issues since words are longer. Asian languages are also troublesome because the characters need a min height to be readable that could be different from the English font size. Makes laying out text box widths and height a pain.

The tab thing is subjective but a common method is to move to something like "label name - 00%" with progress filling in visually as a bar behind or under it. Not everyone has a great memory and you might run into situations where multiple tabs are loading.

All on all this is pretty cool! Just offering some suggestions with things that usually creap is when making these types of screens.

I totally appreciate it!

Hadn't thought about German, but yeah, I think there's ways to make that work.

I see what you mean now about the name and emblem thing. Hmm. Toying with idea of how to fix that in my mind. I don't think it's a huge deal, but yeah, hm.
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