Well I thought the new Destiny vid was pretty cool, but damn if gaf isn't salty about everything.
Game looks good graphic wise, still not seeing the hook. Maybe I'm just burnt out on playing Borderlands over the years.
I want to see Hamish Beamish on set.
Yea I just honestly don't know what everyone is expecting. It's as bad as ever too. It's like everyone expects the game to be some life changing game and it's not going to be. Same thing happened with Titanfall too. I just really don't know anymore.
Which reminds me. I'm extremely excited to see where Halo 5 takes Forge mode. I'd imagine 343i would learn from their mistakes, right?
God damn perfect.
Playing Halo Wars for the first time (yeah, I know...). It's awesome in coop. Great fun. Laughs and all that.
Me too maybe the problems were too many?I still can't believe Forge got zero attention in title updates
Halo Wars was one of the most well controlling RTS on consoles, but I hate rts games and didn't really get into it.
I still can't believe Forge got zero attention in title updates
Probably not worth the time and cost investment, considering that the Forge is somewhat niche thing (and for casuals it is good enough, probably).
I still can't believe Forge got zero attention in title updates
As long as the magnets are replaced by precision editing then that's what I'd like to have too as a minimum.I just hope the next forge is innovative in something feature wise. Hell, Halo 4 forge as is with some sort of terrain editing or object coloring, it would be enough for me. Of course I'd want a lot more, but that would be a nice bare minimum for me.
As long as the magnets are replaced by precision editing then that's what I'd like to have too as a minimum.
If they were to be kept fixing the wonky ones would go a long way to appease my distaste for them.Magnets can stay, bringing precision editing is a MUST too.
For magnets I'd recommend to make them so that you can toogle them on and off with a simple d-pad button press you know, instead of having the option hidden inside a submenu.
Game looks good graphic wise, still not seeing the hook. Maybe I'm just burnt out on playing Borderlands over the years.
They definitely weren't paying much attention when developing Forge it seems.
I think they were paying attention. The issue is they tried to insert too much of themselves into the canvases instead of stepping aside and letting people make maps. Forge Island was an acknowledgement of doing this.
Bungie had to learn it the hard way too with Foundry, they arted too much and then stepped back with Sandbox.
You also have to consider 343's first mistake..... Outsourcing forge to Certain Affinity. I'm not saying CA is bad, as they've created some pretty amazing maps. I'm just saying that 343 should have focused on forge and not let an outside dev work on it.
I think developers for these blockbuster titles will always have this similar problem of balancing out their investments in creating these games with so much content per modes in every installment.I just want the next forge to be a full blown map editor. Something on the scale of the Far Cry editor, with Covy, Human, and Forerunner textured geometry. I get real tired of seeing the same textures over and over. Either way, I hope the next forge is at least better than Halo 4's forge.
I see Rod looking for feedback and other stuff on twitter for Gears. I have a good feeling about the future of Gears. Only if Halo was the same way. You can tell Black Tusk wants to do the right thing for Gears.
Forge was an awesome tool back in Reach and Halo 3 which provided players with new contents to play, it had a great impact in the community hubs (see big sites like ForgeHub, Forge Cafe, HWM, THFE which are now basically dead) and the average life of the title (see H4's population).
I agree. I'm really, really excited for more Gears.
Heck, I want to try out Gears of War: Judgement because I am just in love with the series right now. Is it worth getting? At least on the cheap?
- Halo fan - be prepared to demonstrate that you've played and thought a lot about the game
Artists who specialize in creating terrains and building expansive exterior encounter spaces are especially desired.
I agree. I'm really, really excited for more Gears.
Heck, I want to try out Gears of War: Judgement because I am just in love with the series right now. Is it worth getting? At least on the cheap?
Hell yeah.
How much cheap are we talking? I didnt even bother finishing the campaign.....its just a bunch of mini misions instead of chapters
-Candidates must bring a burning passion for and deep knowledge of the Halo universe, especially competitive multiplayer
-Halo fan - be prepared to demonstrate that you've played and thought a lot about the game
Really that good/bad?The new destiny thread reminds me of halogaf most of the time.