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Halo 4 |OT2| TURBO


Whaaat. It's the best. Opens the maps up and allows you to use every pathway as intended.

Allows fast paced sneak attacks too, makes assassinating people easier.
Motion sensor promotes defensive playing, slows the game down, and makes some routes weak because people know when someone is using them even at a glance to the radar.
Halo is much, much better without it in my experience.

Team Snipers in Reach with my friend was hilarious, he would assassinate the enemy team while i and the others kept their attention... all because the mode has no radar.

gAg CruSh3r

I'll think about it.



Allows fast paced sneak attacks too, makes assassinating people easier.
Motion sensor promotes defensive playing, slows the game down, and makes some routes weak because people know when someone is using them even at a glance to the radar.
Halo is much, much better without it in my experience.

Team Snipers in Reach with my friend was hilarious, he would assassinate the enemy team while i and the others kept their attention... all because the mode has no radar.

Yup. Cause in point, Guardian. Such a better map without Radar.


Radar is pretty much there to make up for silent, moronic teammates I think. It's completely unnecessary if you have a good party, but unfortunately that can be hard to scrape together.

Yeah, it's better in customs and competitive games. Should be more prevalent to give the option to better players. But to good players against bad players it's a huge advantage. The good player can use it to their advantage much more effectively.

gAg CruSh3r

Radar is pretty much there to make up for silent, moronic teammates I think. It's completely unnecessary if you have a good party, but unfortunately that can be hard to scrape together.

Sometimes I wish the Marking players system (Gears of War) could be implemented into Halo or have it there for a option at least.


Sometimes I wish the Marking players system (Gears of War) could be implemented into Halo or have it there for a option at least.

Too much like COD to me. Pro Vision is the exteme version of it. COD uses it via flashbangs and other perks. I think the red X and color chaning teammate icon is fine the way it was in halo 3.
Ok so:

"H1, and H2 remastered, H3, H4 direct port. All 1080p 60fps. And H5 multiplayer beta on the same disk Can't talk about H5 other than to say it's going to be awesome" - 343 employee

No AAs, some sort of arena playlist.

I thought the 'arena' was a reference to them describing Halo 5's multiplayer in the beta trailer. If all the talk of no AAs is just for an Arena playlist, then that's really disappointing.

Same. My idea of competitive and arena are probably vastly different than 343's.

Also, de we have any real confirmation that the Halo PC maps will be included with Halo CE?

Frankie confirmed in one of the threads that they'd all be in the game. Although, we seemed to have had conflicting reports on that.


I thought the 'arena' was a reference to them describing Halo 5's multiplayer in the beta trailer. If all the talk of no AAs is just for an Arena playlist, then that's really disappointing.

The post you quoted was meant to be a list, they are mutually exclusive things. I think I saw a Bravo tweet about the competitive playlist being some sort of arena. The "no AA" thing is the game as a whole. Frankie said the "player attributes" are akin to dual weilding in halo 2.


Not to go off subject but I know some here are interested and avoid gaming side like a plague. Dunno if Dax mentioned but there is a thread going up at 12PST gaming side where Destiny Alpha players can give impressions and answer questions.


Same here. I'd rather everyone have one or two things available at all times instead of trying to figure out who has what temporary ability on top of their special weapons that rain from the sky.

I like that tweet. More along the lines of what I wanted immediately after H4. Can't wait to try it out.

Maybe the Halo Gods will smile upon us and bless us with after-party passes like I was fortunate enough to get last time.

Begin the rituals!

Either way, I'm hyped to get more gameplay videos the closer we get to launch.


I'm still at a loss for words. Halo CE on dedicated servers, 1080p, and 60 fps?!

343i has really outdone themselves with this package. Well done!


Allows fast paced sneak attacks too, makes assassinating people easier.
Motion sensor promotes defensive playing, slows the game down, and makes some routes weak because people know when someone is using them even at a glance to the radar.
Halo is much, much better without it in my experience.

Team Snipers in Reach with my friend was hilarious, he would assassinate the enemy team while i and the others kept their attention... all because the mode has no radar.

I feel like if the crouch movement speed was upper a bit this could still be the case. You'd have the best of both worlds.


When this comes out and I get twitch going, I'm gonna take a vacation from work and marathon the campaigns for my personal charity: The Booties Kids Foundation. The BK Foundation for short.


343's interview on IGN showed CTF being 5v5 for Halo 1 and Halo 2.

Hopefully it's all a placeholder.

Definitely a placeholder.

edit: I think they just did that to show how they would distinguish what games would be available in what playlist. If you saw, they used the playlist pictures from Halo 4 on every playlist.


Is this video up on youtube?
Only saw it here: link

Definitely a placeholder.

edit: I think they just did that to show how they would distinguish what games would be available in what playlist. If you saw, they used the playlist pictures from Halo 4 on every playlist.
I noticed the Halo 4 gametype images. But I think the gametypes they showed will probably stick, although Grifball and Actionsack... eh. Snipers, Team Slayer and Swat were 4v4, but CTF was still 5v5. They did that in Reach too after Bungie used 4v4. Just hoping they don't do that again.


Neo Member
Just had a chuckle at a funny thought.

I wonder what would happen if I went into Halo 3 running at 60 frames, went on Snowbound, forged a ton of fusion coils into one of the shielded bases, then threw a grenade...

Would the frame rate change at all? I wonder how all of those custom maps using all those explosions would look without the frame rate issues. In fact, now that I think about it, what's going to happen with the file sharing system and all those old custom maps and gametypes? Hmm.


Watching Ogre2 play CE right now, and man, it's going to be fun to play this online at 60fps. Count me in for any CE customs you guys get going :>
I wonder if Halo 5 will utilize the unified MP menu/UI/experience.

Also, I wonder what engine the remastered Halo 2 maps are on, and what armor, etc, is in there.


I wonder if our unlocks from Halo 3 and 4 will carry over into the MC collection.
Im really glad 343i chose this new guy, Agent Locke or Lock, to be the next big character beside the Chief and not try to fit Palmer into this new role.
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