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Halo 4 |OT2| TURBO


Neo Member
Frank just said on Twitch that you will be customizing your Spartan the way it was for each Halo, should be interesting how they implement that. I'm guessing a sub-menu for each game or something? Halo 3 armor?

Not liking the way the gunplay looks, seems clunky like Reach, except with ADS on top of it. That sluggish turn speed when trying to look around quickly to shoot on a swivel is really unsettling. Reminds me of Section 8 and Planetside, but it doesn't look very fun to shoot.

The ADS looks awful indeed, especially with the strong DoF and the fact that you have to paint the target for quite a while to get damage. Kind of bummed but Destiny isn't really on my radar for multiplayer.

Should just save everyone the time and just default your Halo 1 armor to Black.

Dat white doe.


Not liking the way the gunplay looks, seems clunky like Reach, except with ADS on top of it. That sluggish turn speed when trying to look around quickly to shoot on a swivel is really unsettling. Reminds me of Section 8 and Planetside, but it doesn't look very fun to shoot.

Plus, in alignment with their progression from Halo CE to Reach, it looks like it takes forever to kill someone. Gun battles were a snooze fest.

I wonder, will TheOddOne love me (back) now?


Plus, in alignment with their progression from Halo CE to Reach, it looks like it takes forever to kill someone. Gun battles were a snooze fest.

Yea it doesn't look fun as a shooter, so it doesn't matter if their world building, lore, UI, and online experience is amazing, it's still seems boring to run around and shoot in.


Nice writeup. I keep liking what I see written out or talked about, but every single bit of footage I've seen, while beautiful to look at, gives me a big 'ol MEH. I'll be there for the beta, though.

Also, if it wasn't obvious: Destiny is entirely on dedis. There's also Join-In-Progress.


Pretty fucking mad about this Halo Master Chief Collection Mega Thread. I claimed the OT back in like beginning of May, what an asshole. Who the hell is this guy?

EDIT: New Johnson Image
It has regular cut scenes if you press the back button.

Very interesting. So then that means the new CG would have to line up properly with the dialogue/music/effects from the original cutscenes? Or is the dialogue re-recorded? I understand music and effects are new and possibly can be switched (I noticed an option in the master menu from the ign stream), not sure about dialogue. Doubtful I think. This leads me to believe that the CG cutscene we saw Agent Clarke observing in the trailer from Chief's classic "bomb run" after Cairo Station is taking some artistic liberties and is slightly different than the one in Halo 2 Anniversary, and we will see him deposit it properly inside the Super Carrier like in the original Halo 2. Speculating like crazy, here!

I am absolutely down for this. I don't like AAs because it is too difficult to predict what any one person might have at a given moment. Inherent abilities is a perfect solution in my opinion. From the trailer I'm guessing: Thruster/Jump pack, you get slides/evades, vaults, ground pounds, and maybe even double-jump type capability. The more powerful AA-like abilities can just be time/usage-based pickups like OS and AC - so maybe something like ProVis, Jetpack, etc. That's my guess anyway. It's just good news after good news!

Bit of a Mega post but just making it to outline to people still confused everything that is in this Halo collection.

Halo CE:Anniversary Campaign. (2 player co-op)
CE:A Old to New Graphics Switching
Halo CE (XBOX 1) Multiplayer in 1080p 60fps (No graphic changes)
Halo CE + PC Maps

Halo 2 Anniversary Campaign (2 player co-op) completely redone graphics for the campaign, new intro and outro cutscnes, cutscenes replaced with high quality CGI by Blur Studios, Graphic switch feature, New skull(s)?
Halo 2 Multiplayer 1080p 60fps (No graphic changes, possibly superjumping broke)
Halo 2 +DLC* + Halo 2 Vista Maps

Halo 3 Campaign 1080p 60fps 4 Player co-op (no graphic changes)
Halo 3 Multiplayer with Forge and Theater intact 1080p 60fps (no graphic changes)
Halo 3 Maps + DLC

Halo 4 Campaign 1080p 60fps 4 Player Co-op (no graphic changes)
Halo 4 Multiplayer 1080p 60fps + Theater, Forge, Spartan Ops (no graphic changes)
Halo 4 Maps + DLC

NEW HALO Xbox One MULTIPLAYER 1080p 60fps
New engine based on amalgamation of the past engines features, Looks like Halo 4 with Halo 2 features, weapons visible on player bodies. Spartans and Elites playable. Halo 2 weapons.
6 Halo 2 maps completely redone in this Xbox One Engine

Halo 5 Beta.
More info needed

Multiplayer playlists will have gametypes and maps from all 5 Multiplayer titles as voting options. Playlists for specific games will be possible. Campaign playlists will allow players to play things like "every warthog mission from Halo 1-4 one after another" or start at Halo 1 Mission 1 and Play all the way to Halo 4 Final Mission.

Everything unlocked by default, Skulls selectable for every title.

Very good megapost, Stalker, thanks for clearing it up. Frankie said on the IGN stream that the PC Halo CE maps would not be included, but then later came in here and said they are included. Bit of conflicting info here, but I choose to believe that it does based on that post. So the only three maps not included would then be: Tombstone, and Desolation from Halo 2, and Example from Halo 2 Vista lol. Every single map released from 2001-2014 (including the 8 PC exclusive maps) is included besides that. By my count, including Forge Island, that's 87 in total. NUTS. I think the Spartan Ops "maps" are included in that count when it was advertised as "over 100". Kinda misleading, but still bananas.

I'd say it is a pretty safe bet that there would be new skulls (and some missing old ones in some cases), considering they are available across each game as seen in the campaign playlists. I would like to add that the new Halo 2-ish "mode" has Forge. I'm 99.99% sure the old-style one doesn't due to technical limitations of the old Halo 2 engine. I think Frank said as much, too. Somewhat disappointing at least as far as moving weapons around is concerned, but this is still a big deal, and you can still do that in Customs I bet.

Also, some new Terminals seem to be included (, based on the Terminals trailer in the Extras section on the Master Menu.

My predictions for the 6 maps are:

More or less confirmed:
Ascension (medium asym)
Lockout? (small asym)
Zanzibar (large asym)

Then I would guess:
Terminal (large asym, extremely popular in Halo 2 from what I remember, and has never had a remake)

So there must be at least one symmetrical arena map, to fill things out. That would leave: Midship, Beaver Creek, Warlock, Sanctuary, and maybe Foundation. Out of those, I'm going to guess:

Midship (small sym arena) I hesitate a bit because of Heretic, but I think Midship was just such a classic and standout map from Halo 2.

That leaves one. To me, the best possible thing to do here would be to have a Forge map, since Forge was mentioned for this mode. Ideally, this would be Sandbox-style with almost everything able to be deleted and moved around. This would allow for people to be able to create their own maps for this new "Halo 2" mode going forward, something Halo 2 was never afforded, sadly. Based on this, I'm going to guess:

Foundation. This was a hugely popular map in casual customs from what I remember, especially for Zombies. The layout makes sense for Forge, and could be changed to support Sanc, Warlock, hell even Desolation and Tombstone, and bigger more blocky-style maps like Colossus, as well as a chance to recreate a ton of maps from other Halo games (AND Cragmire ;) ) in Halo 2! Though I would not be surprised in the slightest if the map is Coagulation, just because of the classic-nature of the map, and there is no real Forge spaces.

This is so exciting!


Competitive multi in Destiny looks like a dime-a-dozen snooze-fest, but I am still really interested in checking out the main game.


Pretty fucking mad about this Halo Master Chief Collection Mega Thread. I claimed the OT back in like beginning of May, what an asshole. Who the hell is this guy?

EDIT: New Johnson Image
His is more of an informative and needed kind of thing. Can't you still post yours (the official OT) a week out from launch to serve throughout the game's release?

It was needed, badly. And sooner rather than later.


It's crazy that Destiny will launch, and in literally a month and half, Bungie's game will be going up "against" 3 of their own and biggest games in a sense with the collection.


Has anyone else's hype for Destiny just completely faded? Before, I was super excited for it. Now, its like "oh cool, more destiny stuff".


Has anyone else's hype for Destiny just completely faded? Before, I was super excited for it. Now, its like "oh cool, more destiny stuff".
Yeah the MCC collection took all my destiny wind out of the sails. I know where my ass will be stuck for a while. Also Frankie just said in the other thread all maps now included, adding the two that were left out.


His is more of an informative and needed kind of thing. Can't you still post yours (the official OT) a week out from launch to serve throughout the game's release?

It was needed, badly. And sooner rather than later.

yeah, his is good, I guess. more so just ranting, rather do it here than there and piss someone off. Oh well


Welp, looks like Desolation and Tombstone are going to be in the game. I am so damn confused.

Previously, we’d told you Tombstone and Desolation were not included, but the good news is that those are going to be in the game along with their counterparts, Hang ‘Em High and Derelict. Basically, every single multiplayer map from Halo 1-4 is included in Halo: The Master Chief Collection.


edit: Sounds like every map will be included.
For Halo 2 will there be a settings in the options or something to start with the original graphics or will you only be able to change it when you are in the game?
For Halo 2 will there be a settings in the options or something to start with the original graphics or will you only be able to change it when you are in the game?

At least for Halo CEA in the master menu from the IGN stream you can see that you can choose Audio and Visual modes beforehand. I'm gonna guess the same is true for Halo 2A.

edit: you can see it at around 6:36 in this video: http://www.ign.com/videos/2014/06/09/new-halo-master-chief-collection-info-and-gameplay-e3-2014


Can you tell us if more forge details relating to H2A maps will be revealed or should we assume map editing only (move blocks, spawns, etc around)? i.e. Do we know everything about the collection other than the other 3 H2A maps and the ranks you're working on or are there more features/etc that haven't been discussed?


How long have you been a member of NeoGAF? How long have you lurked?

Been lurking a year or so, signed up a few weeks ago.

How old are you? What country or state are you posting from?

22 years old. Ottawa, Canada.

How long have you been a Halo fan? Have you played all the games?

Been playing since Halo CE. Was much more casual back then, more of a campaign and screw around on split-screen with my buddies kind of thing. Halo 2 when I had XBL I loved, only got to a 26 I think since I had online for only a month, but the game was a blast. Halo 3 was definitely my most played, probably had 7,000 games played or so in total, played MLG fair competitively but never attended any events, and was a 50 in every playlist.

What mode do you spend most of your time in?

Multiplayer all the way but campaign is fun as well.

What is your favorite playlist?

Tie between MLG and Capture the Flag. Combine the two and I'm a happy man.

Help us get to know you better.

Been around the Halo community for awhile but mostly as a lurker. Was a big fan of MLG during the 2008/09 seasons mostly, although I did watch some Halo 2 back in '07. Play university football over here and Canada, and aside from any competitive game I love to play sports in general. Excited about the general direction 343 is taking Halo and to partake in what I consider the golden age of Halo.
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