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Halo 4 |OT2| TURBO


Tashi will it be possible to diwnload halo 3 saved maps onto mc collection?

Or does the community need to make every custom thing from scratch again?
oh hey, amazon has a preorder exclusive! The Pinata skull makes a return!

cuz putting a "Ñ" its to hard for outsiders

I'll withhold judgement about the Spartan Abilities until they get properly revealed, but the rest is exactly what I wanted to hear.

True map control in Halo 5, get ready to get destroyed if you dont know the map
Also, I'm still trying to figure out what Spartan abilities would be--is it just context-sensitive abilities? Or like powerups in previous games that you have to control?
There were only 2 Spartans from both teams using the ability. They didn't use it until somewhere in the middle of the match. If it's a feature than will it be a big part of a core focus next to Arena &/or Infinity? So it could be like a power up ability you pick up in replacing a power weapon perhaps???


That tweet got me excited. Unfortunately, I think mechanics like sprint are here to stay though.

As far as the 6 remade maps, my wish list is:
1. Ascension
2. Zanzibar
3. Lockout
4. Midship
5. Sanctuary
6. Warlock

The Lockout remake in Halo 3 was hot garbage. Not an acceptable substitution.

Although I'm sure I will prefer to just play in the original engine, so I don't really care that much.

And totally add me to Halo CE shenanigans. Can't wait to re-learn all the weird nade spots and advanced tricks. Get out the stop watch for weapon spawns.


True map control in Halo 5, get ready to get destroyed if you dont know the map

Good. Map control is what made competitive Halo fun. Playing KOTH on Construct, CTF on the Pit, Team Slayer on Lockout, all of these maps were made by the fact that you needed to work as a team to lock down certain areas. You had to call out enemy positions, hold down areas, know your weapon timers, it was real competitive gameplay.

I really hope there aren't challenges to be honest. As much as it's satisfying unlocking things, it puts everyone on a different page from the get-go. One guy is going for plasma grenade sticks, one guy needs Carbine kills, one guy needs to get splatters in a ghost, all to unlock arbitrary armour enhancements. The truth is, for good, competitive gameplay, everyone needs to be focused on winning the game.

If they do have unlocks, make them only available in unranked games. Just give everyone the default armour in ranked or something, so people aren't fucking around trying to get cross-map sticks on Highground or some shit.


I wonder if we'll get Boundless and Epilogue instead of Snowbound and Epitaph, since the shield doors sucked so much. I'm assuming it will be the latest patch for Halo 3.
ohhhh, shit!

You still talk with Tunavi? He excited for this, or has he moved on?

He's in, posted in the other thread.

How will they configure Halo 4? Will you have a global loadout list that is present anytime a H4 gametype gets chosen or what? I never want to play H4 again really (sorry 343) but It'll be inevitable in those main mixed game playlists.

^^ That tweet is very encouraging. Hopefully AA's are completely dead, across the game, not just in arena. Never want to see a kid spawn with camo again.


ohhhh, shit!

You still talk with Tunavi? He excited for this, or has he moved on?

He posted on FB he was buying a One, with a link to this game, heh.

I'm interested in the abilities, I know they're not gonna get rid of stuff like that in future games. I'd at least like to see everyone have the same abilities at all times. I'm hoping it's stuff like Thruster, which is less devastating to the gameplay, and I hope jetpacks have been removed, forever.


Okay, competitive focus. Good, i guess, should guaranteed balanced game even for others.
I really hope this means we can get balanced BTB for Halo 5 though, level playing field and all that (with the new abilities too), even if it isn't really "competitive", more casual.


It sounds better than armor abilities, but giving everyone a jetpack (or something equally dumb) doesn't fix the problem.


Agreed. I'd really like to go back to static powerup pickups. In addition to overshield and camo, they could add some cool stuff like damage multipliers they had in 4.

Hell, maybe they will do that anyway. I hope so. But the combined Bungie/343 track record is just not there and it's hard to really speculate with this little info.

Edit: finally added an avatar. Seems appropriate given the recent news :)


They mentioned a new epilogue for the game; is this Halo 5 related, and/or does it include the final mission
Forerunner Ship
He posted on FB he was buying a One, with a link to this game, heh.

I'm interested in the abilities, I know they're not gonna get rid of stuff like that in future games. I'd at least like to see everyone have the same abilities at all times. I'm hoping it's stuff like Thruster, which is less devastating to the gameplay, and I hope jetpacks have been removed, forever.
Same here. I'd rather everyone have one or two things available at all times instead of trying to figure out who has what temporary ability on top of their special weapons that rain from the sky.

I like that tweet. More along the lines of what I wanted immediately after H4. Can't wait to try it out.

Tunavi and I went to the one before Halo 4 was released.

Didn't get tickets this year. Now I wish I would have :/

Yeah! Been texting with him since the announcement and he's aboard the hype train.
Maybe the Halo Gods will smile upon us and bless us with after-party passes like I was fortunate enough to get last time.


They mentioned a new epilogue for the game; is this Halo 5 related, and/or does it include the final mission
Forerunner Ship

There will be a prologue and an epilogue tying into the canon of Halo 5, rolling into the franchise and then out leading into Halo 5

Maybe the Halo Gods will smile upon us and bless us with after-party passes like I was fortunate enough to get last time.
I want to go to an after party this year :/
Stinkles, no motion tracker for Halo CE. The maps are small enough that it won't ever be an issue, please. Por favor. Pliss. Plz.
Custom Games Browser?


What would people think if Halo had the motion tracker to be more Aliens like? That is, tracks only people and objects in 180 degree sector, not 360 like it used to be.


I always imagined his armor would look more like this in an HD remaster:

On that note, I wonder if we will see reflective visors finally make it in?

You know, that render is really polygon-starved.
Damn good pic though.

As for the visors... i reckon we still won't see them. For no reason.


Neo Member
What would people think if Halo had the motion tracker to be more Aliens like? That is, tracks only people and objects in 180 degree sector, not 360 like it used to be.
Too many "back-stab" kills would occur.

I'd stick with the 360 radar that everyone is familiar with. Maybe the proximity can be altered slightly, but that's about as far as I'd go.
What would people think if Halo had the motion tracker to be more Aliens like? That is, tracks only people and objects in 180 degree sector, not 360 like it used to be.

Sorry I can't accept ideas in anything less than six paragraphs.

But for srs, seems like people would just zig-zag everywhere or back into corners more often. Ha, might work if that's what happens if you're in scope ADS.


Too many "back-stab" kills would occur.

I'd stick with the 360 radar that everyone is familiar with. Maybe the proximity can be altered slightly, but that's about as far as I'd go.

My point exactly.

I'd prefer to get rid of the entire motion tracker really (for every frigging mode but campaign), but even halving it might be interesting.


I'll withhold judgement about the Spartan Abilities until they get properly revealed, but the rest is exactly what I wanted to hear.

Same. My idea of competitive and arena are probably vastly different than 343's.

Also, de we have any real confirmation that the Halo PC maps will be included with Halo CE?
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