It says to me that they don't understand BTB Objective.
That's not limited to BTB. They have consistently mishandled Objective, no matter the player count. Unnecessarily upping the player count in Reach, forcing per-gametype voting slot placement which resulted in 2 Flag Slayer dominating the playlist, desperately trying to keep a one-gametype-per-playlist policy for Halo 4 when it was painfully obvious that neither King or Oddball could maintain a population on their own, then lumping them in a consolidated Objective playlist with...Team Regicide but not Extraction? Finally, they add Extraction...but move the playlist to 6v6 which breaks both Oddball and King of the Hill. Now they're once again putting 2 Flag on asymmetric maps, a problem that has made the CTF playlist a complete chore to play, they're once again miscategorizing Team Regicide as an objective gametype, and they're cramming 16 players into a King of the Hill match which will likely be nothing but a constant grenade shower.
That's not even going into the legion of problems the standalone CTF playlist has.
Having said that, Vortex has no viable base structures (and putting the flag in the middle of nowhere isn't a good idea with 16 players and a "kill me" waypoint), and Meltdown has the opposite problem where the base is extremely easy to turtle up in, so I don't know that either of them are necessarily a good fit. I'm shocked that they didn't put DLC in the mix. Shatter is actually a pretty decent CTF map judging from the few occasions I played CTF on it in the Crimson playlist, and Outcast would certainly be a better fit than Complex, of all things.
Isn't that the point of BTB heavies.. I mean Dominion?
Tons of power weapons, I mean.
No? It's still a 3 Plots knockoff with a silly scoring system, but at least now a single player can't lock down a base by himself with zero effort after getting a rocket launcher (or two. or three.) dropped at his feet every 45 seconds. Vanilla Dominion is a disaster. This is a step in the right direction.