Battlefront was called for it but COD basically got a free pass even though it has fewer weapons than ever and it basically ripped off titanfall/destiny with traversal and specials.
blops puts halo 5 to shame in content...zombies, nightmare campaign, 13 maps (all which can be played in all game modes i think), way more game types (i'm sure there's more but this is just stuff i've read and seen online, i haven't played it yet). i enjoy halo 5 as much as the next guy, but if there's one thing you can't really defend 343i is the content. i think maybe they saw the spikes in population after DLC releases and came up with this content release crap, but i wish they would have released more game types and maps right off the bat.
i also haven't played orion since the first week i got halo 5, what the hell. i mean it's a crap map but damn i'm thirsty.