Not launching with Oddball isn't the problem. But if you turned on Halo 5 at launch, you would see no Firefight type mode, no BTB, no Forge, no fileshare, no campaign matchmaking, and several modes lacking in maps. Like, if you played any of the 360 Halos and then picked up this game, you'd be wondering where a lot of that stuff is. And then if you tried the new modes and started to realize how few maps they had, or played the old modes and realized that two of the maps are based off one another, or looked through the maps and realized how many of them are Forge, you'd really just feel like this game was lacking in content.
I understand that there a promises of more content on the way, including Forge and more maps, and that they've already given us BTB, but if you didn't really follow this game, you wouldn't have known that stuff.
It's also worth noting the lack of splitscreen seems like a bit of a mistake, considering of this season's biggest online multiplayer shooters (BLOPS3, Battlefront, and Halo 5), the one that supported it the most is the only one that didn't arguably underperform.
Casuals don't want Forge, but they do want community Forge maps to fuck around in, and a way to easily browse fun ones or share fun ones they find with friends. Half of the fun of Halo 3 was the weird shit people would come up with, like racing around a track while being sniped at, mazes with zombies in it, etc. But you can't currently do that in Halo 5. I know these maps take time, but there'd be a lot of cool ones by now if Forge was there at launch.
I can see where you are coming from, and indeed agree with the basic position: don't get me wrong, I want more. More is good.
Where I differ, I think, is in my reading of what Halo 'needs'. People keep bemoaning the suspected 'low' population, using that chart on the previous page (and ignoring 81k BTB players from another source, fwiw), and saying things like 'Halo needs a PvE mode' etc.
I'd love a 'PvE' mode. More modes are good for me. Bring it (also fwiw, some might say they won't play another FPS without 'co-op pve'. I won't play another FPS that lacks any real focus on 'PvP' balance. Horses for courses). I just don't think apeing a small part of other success is going to magically make Halo top-dog again. 'Raids'? Really? Destiny is a game built around these systems. Tacking them onto Halo will only result in a pale imitation (with better mechanics, YES I SAID IT, fuck the Destiny 'gunplay' love

), and why play that when you can play Destiny?
In terms of 'throwing players a bone' after Halo 4 and MCC, let's look at this. Halo 5 works better, technically and mechanically, than both these games. Halo 4 had more features, but it also missed the soul of Halo MP. MCC had all the features, given its hybrid nature, but was broken. Halo 5 recaptures the soul, in my opinion, and works pretty much as an online game should, barring the usual issues that crop up in most. It just lacks modes. Yes, it shouldn't, but as a problem, this is relatively minor and rectifiable compared to a total design philosophy and major systemic flaws.
For me, the difference for Halo now is timing. It's not 2007. Halo is no longer top-dog, both through mismanagement and through other trends. That does not mean Halo 5 is a bad game, far from it. The anal retentive obsession over things in this thread points out flaws and quirks that need tweaking (certain BTB spawns, for one!), and the lack of features is glaring compared to Halo 4 (but what happened to that population? Did the game modes save it?) but do you really think that these things matter, all that much, to the vast majority of 'casuals' who have arguably more demands on their time than they did when Halo 3 came out? They play Halo 5, they like its essence or they don't, they stay or they go play the next big shiney. On the weaker of the two main consoles.
Yes, it'd help to have more of everything, and we know more is coming (but how much more, we don't). But I don't think any of that is a silver bullet to help Halo be what some of you apparently want: top-dog. I'd love it if it was, because I think it's the best FPS around, and Halo 5 MP is sublime, in my opinion. But I can deal with it not being as long as it succeeds in its own terms:
yes, those terms should have been met at launch, I completely agree. I don't know about dev times et al, but why not more game modes at launch, etc? But, assuming those things come, good: they are not the essence of the game, they add to and iterate on it. Is the game 'stale' for some? Probably. Will oddball rectify that? Not a chance, in any numbers worth considering, imo. The core of the game either grabs you or not, I think. Indeed, those terms might be reduced compared to past glories, but does that mean the game is a failure? I've not read anyone saying as much, but that's the fear I read between the lines.
Sorry, a ramble, but just some thoughts.