I don't think I can play Warzone any more after playing Arena.
343 needs to implement more features like NPC enemies to attack territories more often than the mini boss drops.
Litter the field with Grunts, Elites, Crawlers, and Soldiers. Isn't that what made the original Halo campaign amazing with them different factions and deciding when to choose your battles? A change like this would make be awesome.
As for Arena, Team Arena needs some serious tweaking. Why does Breakout have radar in that mode? Also, there are too many quitters when I play either on my team or the enemy team. Seriously ruins the pacing, fun, and ranking aspect of it.
I'm absolutely done with playing Team Arena, getting Slayer as the mode and having teammates quit.
At least with CTF or Stronghold the game can end without you eating a ton of deaths. But when you're down to just two people on a team..eating 20+ deaths just to end the game without a penalty is idiotic.
So I've invented a new game for myself, although others have probably been doing it, which is to just hide and let the clock run out. At least it's somewhat fun to force the enemy to run all over the map for 5 minutes trying to find you.
343 plz, figure out this is one of the least fun parts of your game and implement something like a forfeit rule.
That game you invented is something I've played since Halo 2. Try to build a small lead and hide.
Unfortunately, not many hiding spots in these maps.
I'm stuck in Gold league because of how many placement games I lost. Started in Silver.
On Team Slayer, ranked Plat because there weren't quitters in my games.