Agree to disagree here... I'd take Reach and 4 gameplay over 5 but that's just me.
Great post, needed bumped.This, you can throw 3 into the category of shit gameplay as well. 3 was made slower in a variety of ways, movement speed, equipment drawing out firefights, shield doors on a couple of maps as well as lift camping on Construct. Most of the weapons were pea shooters as well. I'd take Legendary BR's in Halo 4 over 3.
Then there's Reach, he complains about bad maps in Halo 5, but Halo Reach easily takes the cake for the worst maps in the series. The original maps were designed for both multiplayer and campaign and they played horribly as a result. Boardwalk had no flow, half the map was useless. Reflection was ruined by jetpacks. Zealot had to be updated because it was poorly designed (same with Epitaph and Snowbound in 3). 5's worst maps don't even begin to reach the lows of Reach and 3's map design. Though it may not reach the highs of 3 either (Reach certainly didn't have any maps that exceed 5's in quality or balance). But he only seems to care about different aesthetics over gameplay, I won't discount the importance of visual variety, but gameplay should be considered first.
Both Reach and 3 both needed updates to their core gameplay as well, melee damage, bloom, etc..5 had the benefit of an early beta, but that's just good decision making. It's the first game that hasn't needed it's core gameplay balanced post launch since CE. 3 and Reach started the decline of the series' multiplayer, 5 is the upswing.
This isn't a defense of missing gametypes, but it annoys me greatly when people talk like Bungie was infallible, they made a lot of mistakes that carried over to Destiny's horrendous PvP.
What do people see in Certain Affinity? Just look at those dumb H2A maps they have done. Heck, look at any maps they have done for Halo, except the H:CEA ones.
I'm glad that they are gone and are actually working on stuf like Doom.
This is pretty sad for Halo 5. From Ubisoft
Proof that wrong opinions exist
Been playing since November 2001... Halo 2 and 3 are by far my favorite. The conversation was about Halo Reach, 4&5 if you had actually read it instead of taking one quote out of context you would have noticed.![]()
You could have said Halo CE, 2 or 3 and I wouldn't have said anything, but Halo 4 and Halo Reach? When did you start playing Halo?
5 is too fast paced. Thrusters, Spartan Charge, Ground Pound, ADS... It's all bull shit and imo hurts Halo.
Been playing since November 2001... Halo 2 and 3 are by far my favorite. The conversation was about Halo Reach, 4&5 if you had actually read it instead of taking one quote out of context you would have noticed.
5 is too fast paced. Thrusters, Spartan Charge, Ground Pound, ADS... It's all bull shit and imo hurts Halo.
5 is too fast paced. Thrusters, Spartan Charge, Ground Pound, ADS... It's all bull shit and imo hurts Halo.
I wonder how well Halo Wars 2 will do on twitch. Those kind of games seem to do very well.
Reach content with Halo 5 gameplay that's what I want. Well maybe not the maps from Reach, but you get what I'm saying!
I wonder how well Halo Wars 2 will do on twitch. Those kind of games seem to do very well.
You're right. Halo should have remained slow and continued to include Armor Lock and reticle bloom.
I mean, just look at how much fun this is:
Halo 5 is more in line with the core values of 2/3 than 4/reachEveryone making it out like I think Reach is the fucking gold standard or something Jesus Christ...
Halo needs to go back to the core values of Halo 2/3 gameplay but clearly that's not gonna happen.
Probably not that well. RTS aren't really that big anymore, it's a pretty niche game audience now. The only one you see on twitch consistently is SC2.
But I love strategy games (TBS, 4X, RTS, and etc.) So I can't wait for Halo Wars 2.
Hmmm, I guess I was confusing rts and mobas....I don't play either so they kinda look similar to me. What's league of legends? Rts or a moba?That sounds more like it. Reach's variety of gametypes was pretty solid. That's where Halo 5 needs to step up primarily.
RTS games are pretty much dead on Twitch. It's all about MOBA's.
Hmmm, I guess I was confusing rts and mobas....I don't play either so they kinda look similar to me. What's league of legends? Rts or a moba?
Hmmm, I guess I was confusing rts and mobas....I don't play either so they kinda look similar to me. What's league of legends? Rts or a moba?
Ahhh ok never mind then.Yes LoL is a moba, those are the ones you see a lot on Twitch. Lol, Dota 2, Heroes of the Storm, and etc.
Hmmm, I guess I was confusing rts and mobas....I don't play either so they kinda look similar to me. What's league of legends? Rts or a moba?
We don't have any kind of release window for Halo Wars 2 yet do we? Or do we at least know it is gonna be this year? I need it in my life.
Trailer had it as Fall 2016.
We don't have any kind of release window for Halo Wars 2 yet do we? Or do we at least know it is gonna be this year? I need it in my life.
Fall 2016 it's the only thing that we know so far, also guys you should check out my Halo Wars 2 video reaction *SPOILER* you are going to laugh a lot
no hablas espanol
The point is how I reacted to the announcement
Yes, but you reacted to it in Spanish, which leaves me utterly incapable of understanding it.
Fair enough but I was not talking about what I said but more about how my body reacted haha
Fall 2016 it's the only thing that we know so far, also guys you should check out my Halo Wars 2 video reaction *SPOILER* you are going to laugh a lot
We haven't seen the game yet, but that's totally doable. Just think, Fallout 4 was announced and released all within the same year.
Awesome Team Beyond video to hype you up for Regionals this weekend.
Is 343 going to produce anything like this? There hasn't been any HCS video content outside of entire games uploaded to YouTube which arn't good at bringing in new potential fans, and there's this wealth of stuff to hype people up over- rivalries, rostermania etc etc
I hope it gets shown at the Windows 10/Xbox One event next week. Creative Assembly + looking at the open jobs. I need something to make me less worried.
Fall 2016 it's the only thing that we know so far, also guys you should check out my Halo Wars 2 video reaction *SPOILER* you are going to laugh a lot
I didn't laugh but I will say, that was pretty much my reaction. I was on Steam chat with a couple friends while it was showing and omg we went crazy when that came on. So hyped.
Rolling out.. I'm going... Going there now... As you command...
the safe bet IMO is
1st CLG
2nd EG
3rd ALG
4th RNG..
5 is too fast paced. Thrusters, Spartan Charge, Ground Pound, ADS... It's all bull shit and imo hurts Halo.
Wow, I quit ONE single match today out of probably around 15 matches, a really laggy one. Got banned for 9 hours 19 minutes
Why the fuck is there even a Leave Game option? They should just rename it "get banned''
The thing about bans is they continue to add up and nobody really knows what kind of formula they use. Personally, I think it has to do with that amount of games played. If you quit X games out of X many games. So you if you quit one game, but dont play for a few days or week and quit another when you come back youll probably get ban. So it has to do with the amount you quit, not the time period. However, this is all speculation, only 343 knows.
Weird thing is, it was a 9 hour ban, and now it's lifted.
Weird thing is, it was a 9 hour ban, and now it's lifted.