HereSpiker gun will be like the nneedle gun in FEAR!!!!!!!!!
Any footage of award show? I wannna see what she said lol.
343 throwin bows asking kojima to lend his single player expertise.
Can you eloborate please? It's not like my opinions are stated as a fact.
and, at the time, remade Hang'em High for Halo 2. I can't hate them
good guy.
I laughed at SC boss to look at theatre to check who destroyed the core to blacklist him...
Was kill farming a thing before the archilles armour or just after?
Why wont you just LEAVE?
Your assumption is that the majority of problematic quitters actually care about reqs/xp, which may or may not be true. A strict ban definitely addresses the problem of quitting for all though. But hey, just in case, why not both better penalties for leaving games and perks to sticking around?
These servers right now...
First game is a JiP and people are lagging all over the place, now I know why people were quitting that game. Next game everything is fine up until the second phase, then everyone starts to run into walks and I get there is a problem with this server blah blah.
Guess I'm done for tonight.
Looks like you stepped on a fire ant hill. LolSo I thought I'd be clever and kill the couple folks on the enemy team that went for their elite......
Damn. So the NA regionals don't start until prime time EST?
I was hoping to be able to pretend I'm working in the office while catching all the action...
There's no way the wife and kid let me enjoy the show...
Damn. So the NA regionals don't start until prime time EST?
I was hoping to be able to pretend I'm working in the office while catching all the action...
There's no way the wife and kid let me enjoy the show...
These schedules are so dumb for European people. But same goes for anything 343i does. It's all about those US people...
These schedules are so dumb for European people. But same goes for anything 343i does. It's all about those US people...
Not sure if sarcasm...
LOL Its the NA Regional Finals. What do you expect? The EU regional finals were on EU schedule...
Do you want people in the US (the far majority of people watching) to watch at noon? You want the players to wake up early to satisfy WW schedules?
But actually day 2&3 work really well for me...
Europe doesn't exist, just UK for Microsoft Kappa
Nah, according to Aaron Greenberg, Europe is a country for MS. He said that even on NeoGAF.
As much as it sucks for us EU'ers, the schedule for regionals can't be helped. A 5pm local time start for the stream is pretty much on the sweet spot for people getting home from work etc
Bravo's community updates on the other hand, I wish that would drop earlier in the day.
I was only half serious, because 343i tends to release stuff like Bulletins or Playlist updates at 4am our time, too. You can't even make a half serious joke without putting /s or jk at the end of your post. lol
The European Qualifiers were also perfect for you guys, unless you all sleep until 2pm. I also wasn't asking for them to start at 8am. Heck, the doors are opening at 12:00pm and then they have a 5 hour down time until the 1st match starts. It really wouldn't kill them to start at 2pm (or even 3pm), just like on the other 2 days.
3 days of Halo craziness. My boddy is ready.
Nah, according to Aaron Greenberg, Europe is a country for MS. He said that even on NeoGAF.
Did they stop doing the community voting thing for weekend playlists? I kind of liked that.What's the weekend shenanigans this weekend?
Did they stop doing the community voting thing for weekend playlists? I kind of liked that.
If it is they could'nt have picked a worse time to launch a CTF playlist. NA regionals + division beta = no time to actually play halo
If it is they could'nt have picked a worse time to launch a CTF playlist. NA regionals + division beta = no time to actually play halo
I don't care about either of those, so...roll on CTF!
Goodluck with those long queue times once your hidden mmr is high lol
The Division retail release will do permanent damage to Halo's numbers I'm sure, so I guess we better all get used to it.
If it is they could'nt have picked a worse time to launch a CTF playlist. NA regionals + division beta = no time to actually play halo