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Halo 5: Guardians |OT3| Ball Dropped

I just went 5/17 in a social CTF game. I think it's time for me to hang up the controller, I stood no chance. My shots either wouldn't connect or my aim was just way off.


Unconfirmed Member
I just went 5/17 in a social CTF game. I think it's time for me to hang up the controller, I stood no chance. My shots either wouldn't connect or my aim was just way off.

I wouldn't stress too much about it. Lol

And honestly I wouldn't try to place too much emphasis on kill death. If people are looking for combat effectiveness, the only stat you should ever analyze is the damage stat. That stat is far more important than K/D if you are looking for combat effectiveness.
Oh, I'm not stressing too much about it. It's just frustrating when you get swallowed by a never-ending tide of opposite-colored soldiers and no matter what you do, it all just fails.

Plus, you know that's not gonna last just one game.


Unconfirmed Member
Oh, I'm not stressing too much about it. It's just frustrating when you get swallowed by a never-ending tide of opposite-colored soldiers and no matter what you do, you just can't do anything to help yourself.

If you feel like you are fighting a lot of people by yourself, make it a good habit to push out of the base with teammates. Some people think in the back of their heads they do this already, and fact is a lot don't. Typically you want teammates pushing with you in the first place or you pushing with them to take over areas.

This may seem like common sense, but fact is a lot of people don't really execute it even though they are aware of it. Not saying you don't do this, just mentioning it.

Obviously if your team is getting the D, then there isn't much you can do unless everyone is on the same page.
I just went 5/17 in a social CTF game. I think it's time for me to hang up the controller, I stood no chance. My shots either wouldn't connect or my aim was just way off.

I'm finding out social isn't very social. A lot of my games are against Onyxes and Champions. I mean if I wanted to play games like this I'd go back to ranked. If I don't play my best, I get destroyed.


Unconfirmed Member
I'm finding out social isn't very social. A lot of my games are against Onyxes and Champions. I mean if I wanted to play games like this I'd go back to ranked. If I don't play my best, I get destroyed.

That's because a lot of kids play it to pad their stats.


This game is so damn fun but there's a real quitter problem. Is there any way to report people who quit? It's annoying as fuck. My last Slayer match had 3 people drop because they were losing 20-5 and it took forever to get to 50 when you can only kill 1 guy. I felt bad for him for sticking around...
Yeah that's something I noticed. People just abandon so quick. Had four straight slayer games where the other team had just 2 players left after we started getting a lead.

Also got placed in Plat, and games are much better now.


I'm finding out social isn't very social. A lot of my games are against Onyxes and Champions. I mean if I wanted to play games like this I'd go back to ranked. If I don't play my best, I get destroyed.

Yeah haha I remembered that with my first game. The other team absolutely swarmed us; way too coordinated to be randoms.

Gave it a shot but I'm not interested in getting farmed for stats just so I can avoid ranking.
i really dont feel the issue of onyx players being matched with onyx players in social playlists. same reason i dont feel the issue of region selection.

in both cases, i dont want to be matched with you. i dont want to be matched with someone who is gonna stomp me, and i dont want to be matched with someone with a worse connection.

am i missing anything? should i want to be matched with them?
I think in social they should match you with people that are closer to you. I know this is dedicated servers, but in social i think it should follow the p2p principle, like Cod was. Now cod has SBM too


I think in social they should match you with people that are closer to you. I know this is dedicated servers, but in social i think it should follow the p2p principle, like Cod was. Now cod has SBM too

Had... They took it out though.

But yea social should mainly be about the connections and playing on servers close to you. There should be some level of skill based MM but much looser than in ranked. Don't match up some Onyx guys with some bronze ya know but it's not a big deal if some gold and plats get mixed in with some diamond and onyx at times... Prioritize connections for sure and balance the teams accordingly from there.

One of my friends straight up quit the game because he wasn't a fan of playing solo but whenever he'd play arena with me he'd struggle vs Plat/diamond players. I'd really like there to be a social playlist where he doesn't feel like he's getting donged on all the time because of skill-based MM. Maybe then I can convince him to come back and give it another go.
Weird that playing on my alt I didn't feel anything abnormal but on my main all my shots doesn't connect and I constantly gets shot behind corners/walls or my shields flash before a gremade/shot visual confirmation. Same network, same controller, same settings, I don't understand this.


Ranked fucking sucks when you get teamed with a bloody Diamond 2 who goes -9.

Please stop giving me shitty team mates and matching me against players who are communicating on mics 343, it fucking sucks.
Ranked fucking sucks when you get teamed with a bloody Diamond 2 who goes -9.

Please stop giving me shitty team mates and matching me against players who are communicating on mics 343, it fucking sucks.

Come on it can't be worse than getting into matches with full diamonds and Onyxs as a Plat.
This game is so damn fun but there's a real quitter problem. Is there any way to report people who quit? It's annoying as fuck. My last Slayer match had 3 people drop because they were losing 20-5 and it took forever to get to 50 when you can only kill 1 guy. I felt bad for him for sticking around...

They should just remove the quit option after the match starts. If something really comes up and you can't play, you can easily just quit the game from the dash or turn the box off.

Replace the option to leave with a surrender option, where only a unanimous selection from everyone on your team forfeits the match. That way if you get stuck in a 2v4, it doesn't have to drag on forever.
They should just remove the quit option after the match starts. If something really comes up and you can't play, you can easily just quit the game from the dash or turn the box off.

Replace the option to leave with a surrender option, where only a unanimous selection from everyone on your team forfeits the match. That way if you get stuck in a 2v4, it doesn't have to drag on forever.

i think this is more accurate. its not that the game has a quitter problem (it does) but the whole ranked system has changed how people matchmake into games, so i think it needs to be rethought.

smite does a cool thing, you cant play another match until your previous match finishes.

extra ban penalties help too. But the problem really isnt punishing the quitters, its the punishment quitting has on the other team.

if you lose half your team playing is just simply not fun. if you edge out a victory, thats AWESOME and you feel dope as hell. but normally, you get crushed. a team of 4 communicating against 2 people who are matched randomly is a blood bath.

forfeit option seems great. like sometimes life happens, and you need to quit. fine. i can concede that. but just give the remaining players something that doesnt force them to stick it out
I'd rather be matched with and against players who were better than me than have shitty teammates against competent opponents.

So you'd rather be the person on the team who goes negative and place either 4 or 8th? Seems like you want a perfect composotion each and every game my friend.

Not gonna happen when you Marco Solo it up brah.

Very nice. 1 mill to the 1st place winners.

this is gun be gooooood!!!

The Road to the Finals Ends in Hollywood, CA

For anyone who has been eagerly awaiting to watch the Halo World Championship in person, look no further! The Halo World Championship will be hosted at in Hollywood, California, with the exact venue to be announced on March 4. Be sure to follow Halo and HCS on Twitter (and tweet #HaloWC!) or head over to Halo.gg for more information about the Halo World Championship.


Got an interview on Thursday which I've been preparing for so I've not have much time to hop on, then I spent the weekend watching Halo rather then playing it.

In short, pls no kickerino from the company.

Fuuuhhhhhh, this makes me want to compete.

even though I'm no better than average :(

Well, some of those PROs seem average to me. It's the team comp that makes them look amazing. Like Doge said, what seems to be more important is your contribution to the team as a whole versus just 'slaying' trying to make solo plays.

A lot of plays are being made because someone put damage, made good callouts, had good positioning and worked with another team mate.

If you have a team, don't sell yourself short :) . Go for it!


I'm crap at following competitive stuff, I want everyone to win and hate seeing teams lose. The great part about 2.5 mill is there's plenty to go around. You could finish in 4th place and still net $250,000. Nutty.
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