The win-loss ranking system only makes sense for ranking full teams. That's the best way to rank games if you have a full team matched against another full team. Though it makes life for everyone else suck. Really the current system is a lose-lose system for randoms. No reward when you play well and lose. Get ranked up for playing bad with a win only to get put against even tougher competition as a result.
I don't know what is so hard about inserting a mercenary playlist into halo. One thing is clear though: if it hasn't happened yet it's never going to happen sadly. Please understand lol.
That's where the overtime aspect kicks in. If you are a good player, you'll help your teams win more often than you are drug down by your teamates.
It's extremely unlikely that someone would continuously get matched with people below their skill level AND continuously get matched against people above it. Overtime, the trend will be that you spend an even amount of time on both sides of the spectrum, and ideally, most of your time right in the middle of it. If these conditions are met, then each player IS the X factor in his/her own win %.
That's where the overtime aspect kicks in. If you are a good player, you'll help your teams win more often than you are drug down by your teamates.
It's extremely unlikely that someone would continuously get matched with people below their skill level AND continuously get matched against people above it. Overtime, the trend will be that you spend an even amount of time on both sides of the spectrum, and ideally, most of your time right in the middle of it. If these conditions are met, then each player IS the X factor in his/her own win %.
Edit: people who are in sports recognize the importants of a team to allow an individual player to succeed. This is why running back site there o-line for big games, for example.
Not really, even playing with randoms, you can blame a couple of games to your teammates, but those loses are not going to be a decisive factor in the your true rank.
I started on Plat 4 in team arena and have worked myself to diamond 2, I don't consider myself good enough to be Onyx, so If by the end of this season I don't win enough to reach Onyx, its because I wasn't good enough, ther are games you loose because of players you are match with, but there are also games you win because the players on your team carry you to the win, it evens out.
Reach happened with Arena Slayer with individual stats ranking, and was the worst idea ever to Rank.
But I will still be in a rank that I dont belong because Im not good enough to be it, i already have friends that have been on and off champion this season, and the couple of time I played Im going negative 8, the same last season when they were onyx and I wasnt, I was always the difference if they won or loose a game because I was playing out of my skill rank.All you need to be onyx is a solid team of 4. If you search arena with a solid team of 4, you'll destroy a lot of team of randoms because you guys will be operating on the same page.
I thought physical copies still work, you on digital?Fuck fuck fuck... So I didn't play halo all weekend. My wife and kid are sick, so I finally get them squared away and I'm ready to play, and Xbox live is down... Again...
What the hell man, it's several times a week it seems like...
Like I can't even play games I own digitally without crashing to the dashboard
But I will still be in a rank that I dont belong because Im not good enough to be it, i already have friends that have been on and off champion this season, and the couple of time I played Im going negative 8, the same last season when they were onyx and I wasnt, I was always the difference if they won or loose a game because I was playing out of my skill rank.
I'm sort of hoping and expecting the game to get a fall relaunch/expansion. Campaign DLC/Firefight, multiplayer maps, REQs, and other stuff. Partially outsourced to CA too since they should be wrapping up on DOOM mp anyways.
Thy desperately need another studio to take the load off of 343. It's how ATVI has kept up so well with CoD and Destiny (well mostly CoD), is off loading a good portion to other in house studios. That's something MS needs for Halo.
Man, people place way too much emphasis on kill/death in this game. Yes it can be useful to look at, but I would place more emphasis on the damage stat. That is a stat worth analyzing. I have had guys on my team go negative as well, but their damage stat is on average with the team.
Having it too low and below average would tell me x player is way too passive and not contributing to the team and/or their positioning is terrible. Having it be average with the team would tell me the player is contributing to the team and are listening to callouts somewhat and winning some of their battles along with decent positioning. If a person has a high damage stat and are consistent with a high damage stat, that tells me there positioning is good, they are winning their battles and they listen to callouts.
There is more to this, but there is no point being verbose.
I think at this point, they need a dedicated team to maintain the sustain well into the end of 2016 and beyond. My fear is that they will hand it off to a vendor while the whole team moves onto the real deal. Halo 6.
Keeping Halo 5 MP alive is cruciual. Having the HCS league isn't enough. That is just my 2 cents though. Anyone have a quarter?
I use that as an example, but Im talking about doing very litle or hurting the team to a degree, if you are placed on a especific rank and you are going negative constantly, then you are not in your true rank.
I dunno, i spend a lot of time either going into MM alone (with randoms that youve never played with) or with my friends who are not at my skill level. So in one situation i either dont know what to expect and have to improvise cause i dunno if their even going to "play as a team" or not and in the other situation, i know that if i dont play really well, were gonna lose cause these guys arent great. Halos rank doesnt work well for people like me. It assumes you'll play with people at your level and thats not the case for me and im sure thats the case for most people out there.
I thought physical copies still work, you on digital?
this is, ideally, how it should work.
and this is, in fact, how it's seemed to have panned out for me every since since launch.
except this season.
for whatever reason, i'm either wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy ahead of the pack on my team, or struggle to contribute even the slightest.
strangest thing is, in previous seasons i've always been able to call it before the carnage report "oh, this'll be three plats with an onyx friend teamed up... YUP!".
this time around?
completely random - getting stomped by golds, then turning around and stomping diamonds.
somehow i feel as though the rankings have gotten to mean much less, at least in diamond & below.
I'm the best.![]()
This is for California and San Diego lol.
That's totally bizzare. Where are you located? I have seen some pretty obvious cases of smurfing and account boosting,
But if you are between platinum and onyx, and in a decent sized population area, it neither should really be an issue...
What is this site?
I'm sort of hoping and expecting the game to get a fall relaunch/expansion. Campaign DLC/Firefight, multiplayer maps, REQs, and other stuff. Partially outsourced to CA too since they should be wrapping up on DOOM mp anyways.
Thy desperately need another studio to take the load off of 343. It's how ATVI has kept up so well with CoD and Destiny (well mostly CoD), is off loading a good portion to other in house studios. That's something MS needs for Halo.
Looks like Halo Tracker. I have no idea how the HTR score works though.
Fffff this game. I can't get on a decent and or balanced team to save my life. And seeing how 343 is never going to make a mercenary playlist I'm done. You can remove me from the halogaf spartan company as well. Best of luck all.
See you tomorrow!
Fffff this game. I can't get on a decent and or balanced team to save my life. And seeing how 343 is never going to make a mercenary playlist I'm done. You can remove me from the halogaf spartan company as well. Best of luck all.
Fffff this game. I can't get on a decent and or balanced team to save my life. And seeing how 343 is never going to make a mercenary playlist I'm done. You can remove me from the halogaf spartan company as well. Best of luck all.
See you tomorrow!
Oh I see. I don't ever visit that site.
How come I always see you appearing offline?
I think I just got banned for 29 hours for leaving a Social CTF game.
Why don't you just play with friends/GAF/LFG? I'll play with you.Fffff this game. I can't get on a decent and or balanced team to save my life. And seeing how 343 is never going to make a mercenary playlist I'm done. You can remove me from the halogaf spartan company as well. Best of luck all.
So just checked my time played in Halo 4 multiplayer and I already have more time in Halo 5.
6 days 5 hours in H4 Multiplayer
8 days 11 hours in H5 Multiplayer
80% sure it'll be a glitch and it's more like 2 minutes. Don't worry Jem!
So just checked my time played in Halo 4 multiplayer and I already have more time in Halo 5.
6 days 5 hours in H4 Multiplayer
8 days 11 hours in H5 Multiplayer
Oh it's definitely not a glitch, I've quit quite a few CTF games in the last day or so, I keep getting interrupted half way through matches.
I'm just wondering whether it's 29 hours or 29 minutes...
Im not sure what we are debating over. I understand your point, but what Im trying to say is that the system is not a lose lose system to randoms, once you hit a wall where you are loosing games more often, and not beem the factor of the wins like you did before you got to that rank it means you are placed in the rank that is suitable for your skills, it is not about what can you acomplish, is about that the ranking system been the best accurrate system to place you on the rank you belong, it isnt without flaws, but a individual performance ranking on a team based game is the worst solution.The only way to get better is to play against people who are on average or better than you. It forces you to adapt and figure out what the heck you are doing wrong. Your shot will improve as you play and how you play. If all you do (not saying you specifically) is looking at the stat cards after every match and not anything else, it will not help you improve.
Again, not saying you specifically.
Onyx players are above average, but that is about it. They aren't in a whole other league than other players. They just tend to work with their team more than the lesser divisions. That is literally it. As you play and start making better decisions, you will start to improve. Your shot will follow with your play style.
If you really feel like you are under performing, then there is a chance you aren't operating on the same page with the people you play with. As you begin to operate on that page, your gun skill will follow. Obviously there wont't be a 200% increase in combat effectiveness, but it will follow.
Also there are A LOT of things that do not reflect on the stat sheet, keep that in mind.
Oh boy. Fingers crossed for your sake it's minutes. Ideally when you try to search it should pop up with an updated timer but it doesn't do that does it? Kinda daft since the initial message is easy enough to miss.
So just checked my time played in Halo 4 multiplayer and I already have more time in Halo 5.
6 days 5 hours in H4 Multiplayer
8 days 11 hours in H5 Multiplayer
I only have two days of playtime in H4 lol. I never even got the DLC.
Man, 6 days of Halo 4 ...
... I didn't even cross 12 hours on that. Pushing 2.5 days on Halo 5 now
6 Days of Halo 4 must be like vomiting profusely for a week
I mostly go in solo and don't feel like I've had any resistance getting into a division that matches my skill level. I have as many easy wins and I do bitter defeats, and the majority of my matches are competitive
When you party with people below you, the system will understandably have a harder time getting you into competitive matches... You are throwing way more variables into the system. But I don't see how tracking your individual stats in these situations would paint a picture of what division you belong in. Is a guy who gets 30 kills in a CTF game as good as the guy who got 4 returns 3 captures and a carrier kill to save the winning cap...
Yeah digital for me
The error message tells me I should put a disc in... Smh