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Halo 5: Guardians |OT3| Ball Dropped


should they get a 'participation' award? :p

no, but that's life bruh!

Nah I just think going forward the rumored league system will make for a much healthier scene. What incentive to people have to play if they are making $0 from this and all the money goes to a handfull of teams at the top.

Some teams are bound to miss out of course but the cash isn't well spread out at the moment by any means. More opportunites for money > one opportunity for a lot of money
Nah I just think going forward the rumored league system will make for a much healthier scene. What incentive to people have to play if they are making $0 from this and all the money goes to a handfull of teams at the top.

Some teams are bound to miss out of course but the cash isn't well spread out at the moment by any means.

you're right. Once the league starts, there should def be more reward for them.


Over 95,000 RP saved up so far.

I was thinking about getting the Arena REQ Bundle, but besides the three permanent unlocks, if just gives you Arena Boosts, right?
Brutal day for me in warzone assault and arena slayer. Not sure what was going on but I was getting wrecked all over the place. Either my shot was off or just a combination of bad luck and lag. But I did finally unlock my first pistol skin. I had been thinking about how it had been a while since I had unlocked any skins and then all of a sudden I get the fade skin for the AR. Barf... was like great now it will be another 2 weeks before I get another one. Instead, my very next silver pack had the spiral pistol skin. Im looking good with that midnight visor too.


Regret is such a cluster fuck in 5vs5. And man... Our team mate went 6-25... 900 damage while we all had over 3k. We all had 2 Flag Grabs but just couldn't do it.

GG's anyways. <3

It really is, GG again. I had luck my team was pretty balanced.

I could atleast get some spartan charges on you guys and finish my fuel rod commendation.


5v5 might be the more historically social setting, but man, these maps can't handle it. The spawn system is already pretty iffy on 4v4 and 5v5 just makes it worse. My favorite was yesterday I killed a player, got into a firefight with their teammate and watched them spawn right beside them.


Does anyone have the gif of the "combat evolved" medal of someone grenade throwing, catching the sniper rifle, and shooting?


A percentage based on some kind of math nerd algorithm. Much of the REQ pack money goes to building more REQ packs.

What percent is being used to develop the all black undersuits? If it's 100% and as a result there won't be any other REQs coming out in March, that is perfectly acceptable.
What percent is being used to develop the all black undersuits?

I support this man's cause.
Heck, you know how some armor already has a dark opacity filter over some of the colored areas, making them appear darker? Like FOTUS, for example.

Though I'd prefer the all grey/black, I'd even be okay with it if they gave the undersuit color parts the same opacity like that. So that the color is still there, but darker and more differentiated from the actual armor. That would be an insanely easy fix but it wouldn't shake things up too badly either.

And you know what I miss badly? The days when secondary color persisted even when team play changed your primary color. Those were the days. You still felt like you.

Darker undersuit and persistent secondary color would really make me excited about how I look.
A percentage based on some kind of math nerd algorithm. Much of the REQ pack money goes to building more REQ packs.

Cool thx

edit: i hope you guys keep this model, if find its the best one out there right now as compared to the free to play one or just normal $ DLC packs.


God, I suck at this game and have not deserved Onyx in Team Slayer at all. Starting to believe that I don't deserve Diamond in Team Arena either.

Don't even want to look at my last 10 Arena games, because I'm pretty sure that I went -40 total. Decided to stop playing with my buddies too, since all I do is pulling them down.


God, I suck at this game and have not deserved Onyx in Team Slayer at all. Starting to believe that I don't deserve Diamond in Team Arena either.

Don't even want to look at my last 10 Arena games, because I'm pretty sure that I went -40 total. Decided to stop playing with my buddies too, since all I do is pulling them down.

if you need worse mates, pick me :)
God, I suck at this game and have not deserved Onyx in Team Slayer at all. Starting to believe that I don't deserve Diamond in Team Arena either.

Don't even want to look at my last 10 Arena games, because I'm pretty sure that I went -40 total. Decided to stop playing with my buddies too, since all I do is pulling them down.

don't get bummed. take a little break. Then jump back in with a fresh breathe of energy. :)

i doubt i get placed diamond in slayer next month. i want to imagine a new bunch of folks will jump into h5 once HCS ends and the league starts up. Maybe then we can dong on some noobs and get our diamond/onyx placements proper :p
Frank when do we get Reach and ODST updates for the game with themed/ported maps and Reqs etc?

Also where is my legendary hammer skin Fist of Rukt Time to get Fukt


I can't even play because there is a problem launching games that have been downloaded .. Anyone else have the same problem??
God, I suck at this game and have not deserved Onyx in Team Slayer at all. Starting to believe that I don't deserve Diamond in Team Arena either.

Don't even want to look at my last 10 Arena games, because I'm pretty sure that I went -40 total. Decided to stop playing with my buddies too, since all I do is pulling them down.

Ill never understand why they put so much emphasis on winning. I understand that they want people to work together but it gets people to ranks that they dont deserve because of their teammates. To me, this is a bad way to "rank" people.
I imagine they will update how ranking goes after a few more months of data gathering.

might go from play 10 games to win 10 games. They already tweak some requirements for champions.


Unconfirmed Member
God, I suck at this game and have not deserved Onyx in Team Slayer at all. Starting to believe that I don't deserve Diamond in Team Arena either.

Don't even want to look at my last 10 Arena games, because I'm pretty sure that I went -40 total. Decided to stop playing with my buddies too, since all I do is pulling them down.

I can help you improve. If you do want to, just give me your GT. If you don't really care, no worries.


God, I suck at this game and have not deserved Onyx in Team Slayer at all. Starting to believe that I don't deserve Diamond in Team Arena either.

Don't even want to look at my last 10 Arena games, because I'm pretty sure that I went -40 total. Decided to stop playing with my buddies too, since all I do is pulling them down.
You're pretty good man, but platinum/diamond is definitely the better place to be for you id say.
Hopefully when the update rolls around there'll be changes to the playlists. Maybe having an objective-only playlist for example.

Im not entirely sure where fiesta would fit or if it would get it's very own playlist .
Ill never understand why they put so much emphasis on winning. I understand that they want people to work together but it gets people to ranks that they dont deserve because of their teammates. To me, this is a bad way to "rank" people.
The win-loss ranking system only makes sense for ranking full teams. That's the best way to rank games if you have a full team matched against another full team. Though it makes life for everyone else suck. Really the current system is a lose-lose system for randoms. No reward when you play well and lose. Get ranked up for playing bad with a win only to get put against even tougher competition as a result.

I don't know what is so hard about inserting a mercenary playlist into halo. One thing is clear though: if it hasn't happened yet it's never going to happen sadly. Please understand lol.


Fuck fuck fuck... So I didn't play halo all weekend. My wife and kid are sick, so I finally get them squared away and I'm ready to play, and Xbox live is down... Again...

What the hell man, it's several times a week it seems like...

Like I can't even play games I own digitally without crashing to the dashboard


Ill never understand why they put so much emphasis on winning. I understand that they want people to work together but it gets people to ranks that they dont deserve because of their teammates. To me, this is a bad way to "rank" people.

Over time, it balances out. 3 good people can only carry a bad person so far before he becomes a burden.

It's the best way to rank people in a team oriented game. If you go by individual performance, and rank people just on stats, you don't capture a players ability to play to the objective.
The win-loss ranking system only makes sense for ranking full teams. That's the best way to rank games if you have a full team matched against another full team. Though it makes life for everyone else suck. Really the current system is a lose-lose system for randoms. No reward when you play well and lose. Get ranked up for playing bad with a win only to get put against even tougher competition as a result.

I don't know what is so hard about inserting a mercenary playlist into halo. One thing is clear though: if it hasn't happened yet it's never going to happen sadly. Please understand lol.

Ya but i see no positive to this unless you always play with a regular team, which im sure most of xbox live do not do. I always compare this to sports athletes: when they get ranked for their all time status or for a contract negotiation, what are they compared to? They are compared to other players of similar abilities. They never get ranked according to how the team plays, or the teams success. It doesnt make any sense whatsoever how they can think that they can get a good individual matchmaking algorithm when its based on the teams success. The teams success should have little to no baring on how YOU rank.

Im usually a good player on a bad team and my rank is never going to be reflected properly from my performances because i usually go into live alone. Its fucking stupid and illogical.

Over time, it balances out. 3 good people can only carry a bad person so far before he becomes a burden.

It's the best way to rank people in a team oriented game. If you go by individual performance, and rank people just on stats, you don't capture a players ability to play to the objective.

What about all those players who play with different people every night? That would be fine if i was a professional athlete and i was playing with the same players every night, but im not. When i go into MM, the matchmaking is using my individual stats to find a game, my halo profile. Not my teams.

It doesnt make any sense to use my team winning % stats to rank me but my individual profile to match me. Ill never get that.


I have to say, considering how much money they're making from the REQ packs, I really hope they keep sustaining the game after june, their initial date. Going up to Halo Wars' launch would add maybe three-four updates (assuming the game isn't delayed), surely this is not excessive.
I think at this point, they need a dedicated team to maintain the sustain well into the end of 2016 and beyond. My fear is that they will hand it off to a vendor while the whole team moves onto the real deal. Halo 6.

Keeping Halo 5 MP alive is cruciual. Having the HCS league isn't enough. That is just my 2 cents though. Anyone have a quarter?


I'm sort of hoping and expecting the game to get a fall relaunch/expansion. Campaign DLC/Firefight, multiplayer maps, REQs, and other stuff. Partially outsourced to CA too since they should be wrapping up on DOOM mp anyways.
Thy desperately need another studio to take the load off of 343. It's how ATVI has kept up so well with CoD and Destiny (well mostly CoD), is off loading a good portion to other in house studios. That's something MS needs for Halo.


Ya but i see no positive to this unless you always play with a regular team, which im sure most of xbox live do not do. I always compare this to sports athletes: when they get ranked for their all time status or for a contract negotiation, what are they compared to? They are compared to other players of similar abilities. They never get ranked according to how the team plays, or the teams success. It doesnt make any sense whatsoever how they can think that they can get a good individual matchmaking algorithm when its based on the teams success. The teams success should have little to no baring on how YOU rank.

Im usually a good player on a bad team and my rank is never going to be reflected properly from my performances because i usually go into live alone. Its fucking stupid and illogical.

What about all those players who play with different people every night? That would be fine if i was a professional athlete and i was playing with the same players every night, but im not. When i go into MM, the matchmaking is using my individual stats to find a game, my halo profile. Not my teams.

That's where the overtime aspect kicks in. If you are a good player, you'll help your teams win more often than you are drug down by your teamates.

Statistically, It's extremely unlikely that someone would continuously get matched with people below their skill level AND continuously get matched against people above it. Overtime, the trend will be that you spend an even amount of time on both sides of the spectrum, and ideally, most of your time right in the middle of it. If these conditions are met, then each player IS the X factor in his/her own win %.

Edit: people who are in sports recognize the importants of a team to allow an individual player to succeed. This is why running back site there o-line for big games, for example.
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